This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

       I agree with the "small hands," "long wormer tube" issue I have 
emailed one of our Program's supporters who is a VP for Merial and let him 
know there are a lot of us out here who would appreciate a design change. I 
will gladly forward anyone else's comments to him.
          Robyn in MD where I saw crocus blooming today
and for everyone who has been praying for Cai (my big girl) I brought her 
home from Univ. of PA Vet Hospital yesterday. The mass they took out of her 
chest Tuesday was the size of a cantaloupe and weighed 20 lbs. She's lost 
some weight but is doing good. I had to buy her a coat since half of her is 
shaved. No doggy coats available that big so went to State Line Tack and got 
a foal coat, fits perfectly and is adjustable and only $20.00. Although she 
is not real happy about it figures she's lived 12 years without one!

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