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        Just have to tell you about my new fjord mare. I have had her not
quite a month now. All I am looking for is a quiet, but not dead, steady
trail horse in good health. Not too young, not too old, some training but
unwilling to pay for what a lot of training is worth.
        I bought Half Diamond Kristi from Canada and we trucked her from
a bit west of Niagara Falls to Connecticut. At first she seemed somewhat
difficult because she had been trained but was pretty rusty and she has a
very strong personality, not really understanding why it isn't ok to
barge on ahead and very used to doing whatever struck her fancy.
        I had a trainer come out and help me just a bit on lunging,
standing for mounting, lateral work, all stuff we are still working on,
but Kristi has already caught on to the point she is not so scary to be
around. She is the first horse I have owned who is better in the saddle
than on the ground.
        From the get go she has enjoyed the trails. Today we went to the
beach, Long Island sound in Connecticut. Lots of hikers and bikers since
the weather is still good. She was great, even went into the salt pond
area but wasn't too sure about the waves. 2 days before that I rode her
in the forestry, and last weekend on a very blustery day my husband rode
her while I rode the Morgan.
        So I am quite the Fjord fan, and I bet a lot of my older friends
are going to be watching me and wondering if this is their next horse.
She is steady, she is fun and she has a funny personality.
        By the way, the horses solved the getting together quandry we
were having by breaking down 4 very solid oak boards and kicked it all
out before I got home from work Monday. No one hurt, and I figure that
was their gift to me to not have to watch it. Now they are in together
with only minor squabbles.
        Valerie Pedersen

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