This message is from: Amy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been working with my five year old mare, Ivy, this summer, getting her going under saddle and out on trails. She had a few months of light walk/trot riding when she was three and then nothing until this summer, but she's doing great. Like my other Fjord mare, Belle, Ivy loves to motor down the trail, taking in the sights.

She's still pretty green about arena riding, in the sense of knowing how to flex and bend and balance herself around a circle, so I haven't done any canter work with her in the arena. But the other day I decided to give it a try out on a wide, well-groomed trail across nearly-flat terrain. The idea was to let my friend's horse go first so that Ivy could just follow him into the canter, but Ivy's trot is so much faster than my friend's gelding's trot that we ended up in front. So I just sent some "yeehaw!" energy through my seat and kissed to her and away we went! She knows what a kiss means in the round pen, but in my experience that doesn't always translate when under saddle.

She moved right into the canter from a fast but not rushed trot, which is nice. And her canter is so smooth! But all you Fjord people knew that already ;-) We had the opportunity to try cantering five or six different times on the trail, but never for very long. She seemed to get the idea of the transition pretty quickly, and she seemed to be having fun, although after about the third time I think she began to suspect that this might actually be "work"! She may even have burned a calorie or two.

Someone from this list helped me buy this mare (registered as Sulphur Springs Vera) a few years ago, sight unseen, and I've just been delighted with her! I love all three of my Fjords, but as you all know, they each have their unique set of endearing traits. Ivy is my shadow pony, and she would be my "farm helper" pony too if she could only hold a hammer! You can see photos of her on my farm web site.


Marehaven Farm  ~*~  Longmont, CO

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