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Here is another "mission" for me and every NFHR member.  I agree emphatically 
with Ursula..."that we must maintain the essence and integrity of the breed 
according to the guidelines laid our by the Mother Country Norway ....not 
take it upon ourselves to change things....The primary breeding concern must 
be to maintain all color, types and disciplines...not what the market wants 
or a poll desires."  ...I could not have said it any better.

This is where the "mission" comes into play for all concerned.  Letters need 
to be sent to EVERY NFHR Board member explaining the need to maintain the 
integrity of this breed.  This way, everyone is kept up to speed on the 
desires of the NFHR members.  Sending the same letter to all Board members 
ensures that the information is getting to ALL the people that make these 
decisions, would hopefully elicit empathy on this issue, and would generate 
responses from those Board members that would be so inclined to respond.  It 
is good to know who supports keeping the breed intact, and who thinks it 
needs to "change" according to surveys.  

The numbers relating to how owners use their Fjords is basically just 
triviality....sort of.  It is interesting to see the numbers, and use them to 
help with the "Herald" articles, marketing information, etc, but NOT to 
CHANGE the breed!  Every "type" is already in existence to satisfy ANY need 
from ANY member.  It would be a travesty to see this noble breed go the way 
of the Quarter Horse and Paint Horse, now that we are in the good ol' USA 
where people get to do their own thing.

I haven't said much before, but if here in the USA, the Warmblood breeds from 
Europe can have inspections on horses bred here wanting to get into their 
studbooks, have 100-day testings for stallion approvals, etc, then the least 
we can do is continue to breed the Fjord true to the Norwegian ideals (they 
ARE "Norwegian" Fjord horses) and support the evaluations across N.A. with 
our mares, stallions, geldings, youngsters, etc.

Question:  which NFHR Board members are on this list?  It would be great to 
start here, as has been done, but would be wonderful (and productive) to 
start getting responses from Board members here, as well.

I hope everyone gets on this particular band wagon, as we all dearly love our 
Fjords, and hope to continue to promote our breed with its noble heritage.

                   Carole Sweet                Modesto, CA

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