This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello everyone,
     It is very exciting to hear about all the new arrivals!  I just brought 
home our younger mare Budeia after what we hope was a successful insemination 
on Sat.  I was a bit embarassed going to Fed-Ex asking for a semen experiences..:)  Our older mare Agneta is at 318 days and we 
are axiously awaiting the arrival of her little one.  She is definately 
"nesting".  Each night she walks straight to her stall which is very deep in 
straw and she gives me that big doe-eyed look and a big sigh.  We are getting 
some needed rain and everything is so green.  As I headed out after midnight 
to check on  Aggie I smelled skunk.  I kept thinking what a sight I would be 
in my flannel nightie coverered with horse hair and skunk!  Spring days are 
exciting..  Have a great day:)  Kathy Rollins 

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