This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In my aimless musings =)) I happened to think of how wonderful it >would be if a conformation/evaluation educational video could be made >for the overall general Fjord public.
Ruthie, NW MT

Don't discount those "aimless musings", they actually might go somewhere!
Actually, I was thinking about the Evaluations the other day,(while dragging the pastures!) I was trying to figure out a way to A) make them more economic for people that had more than a couple of horses to show, and B) more accessable, by possibly tying in with an established fjord show....and this is what I came up with: What about offering a couple of the performance tests as classes at a fjord show ? For example, offer the beginning draft test. If the horse allready had a qualifying conformation score, and it recieved a good test score, then it could go into it's overall score. Of course the judge for the show would have to be qualified as a NFHR Eval. judge. So, you are all wondering, what about a second judge? Well how about having a pre-qualified Learner judge as #2 Judge? Even if this were to never gain approval w/ the NFHR, what about the various shows offering a couple of performance tests to help get people & horses acquainted with the system? I am going to try to do this at next years Turlock show.
If anyone has anymore brillant ideas, pro or con, let me know...

in semi-stormy N.Nevada
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