This message is from: "Dave Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'll stick my two cents in regarding judges at dressage shows.  Granted we
only do low level dressage, but I have found NO prejudice, infact they all
LOVE my Silas.  He does have wonderful gaits and they can see that.  When we
get high scores it is because I'm riding him right and when we get low scores
I've screwed up.  I have had SEVERAL competitors come up to me and say, "I
can't believe your Fjord moves so nice", or "that is the first Fjord I've seen
that can move decent" or "is that a cross breed?".  That is my favorite,
because I realize that people are just so uninformed about our breed.  I find
WAY more prejudice with the competitors than the judges.  Like I said just my
2 cents.

On another note, we've just started our jumping training and I LOVE it.  Not
sure if Silas does or not yet, but he's gonna have to!!! :-)  We are doing
lots of grid work.  We went to one show last weekend but we were not really
ready.  Only one class out of 3 was decent for us.  I am already getting, "I
didn't know Fjords can jump"  I just want to say DOY, they are a [EMAIL 
But I smile and say it nicely, "sure they can and they do it well".  We have
an open show on June 2nd, I'm hoping to do one jumping class(the low easy
class!!! ), hunter hack, driving and the flat classes(english pleasure).  Do
you think people will notice how versatile he is.  ????  I could have done
halter with him as well, but that is in another ring while the jumping is
taking place and I'd rather watch the jumping.

Patti Jo Walter
Francis Creek Fjords
Two Rivers WI

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