Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #214

1998-10-18 Thread DBLDAYFARM
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/18/98 3:59:31 AM MDT Jackie Kennedy writes:

> I just wanted to tell you that I am temporaily unsubscribing from this list
>  as I am going away to compete at the Australian Dressage Championships for
>  Disabled Riders.  I'll resubscribe when I get back.
>  Jackie Kennedy

Good Luck Jackie... from Luwana Day

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #214

1998-10-18 Thread Paula Steinmetz
This message is from: Paula Steinmetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To Steve and the list-

Yes, the clicker list can get into the minutae of Skinnerian doctrine. 
Two very good sources on clicker training are Alexandra Kurland (as
Steve mentioned) at her site or at her
e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] -She has been very helpful in answering my
clicker questions - both horse and dog (same principles). Or to read
Karen Pryor's book, "Don't Shoot The Dog." I have used clicker training
with both my Fjords. Gettting them to understand the clicker-treat
connection with an exercise such as "touch" is the first step. From
there, your imagination is the limit. Some practical applications:
"stand" (staying still in crossties), "foot" (pick up feet) and "over"
(move sideways). Of course, you only click the behavior you want and
never try to click to initiate a behavior! The method is very well
explained in the Pryor book and Alexandra is a good source for
horse-specific questions. Good luck.