Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #220

1998-10-25 Thread Mike May
This message is from: Mike May [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 10:31 PM 10/24/98 -0300, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hi Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia.

A message to Mike May.  Mike, I've been repetive (to say the least.)  I
admit to nagging.  I may have annoyed some people in the process.  -
However, (squeaky wheel and all that) it did get people talking, and  good
suggestions surfaced.

Yes I will admit a lot of good discussion has come from the topics you have
brought up.  

Mike, you joked about the NFHR's taking 14 years to produce a standard.
You said Norway took 2,000 years to write theirs.  That's true!However,
they had the standard in their heads all the time.  Those men knew, when
looking at a Fjordhorse, if it was true to type or not. They'd learned at
their grandfather's knees how to judge a Fjord. A written standard was not
vital to them.  

That is why in the early days we had Jon Hegdal and his associates here
every year helping us.  Bob van Bon was also here many times teaching us.
When the Norwegian evaluations were going on it was required that a judge
from here was with them (so they could learn).  Many of the judges also
traveled to Norway for this same thing.  Wayne, Jim Havelhurst, Karen
Cabic, Mary Woolverton to name a few.  I know there were more than this
also.  The NFHR BOD decided that when our evaluation system was finally
developed that we would not use the Norwegian or Dutch systems any longer.
We need standards and that is the way they decided to have them.  One
evaluation system is enough for any one country I think.  I doubt that
Norway or the Netherlands will want to use ours either.

 We haven't had that heritage. Breeders produced, and American judges
judged all those years without benefit of a breed standard.  This wasn't
necessary.  We didn't have  to reinvent the wheel.  The NFHR could have
adopted the Dutch standards.  They existed in written form.   How simple it
would have been to hire a  translator.  ---  And if anybody says that Dutch
standards are different than  Norwegian standards, well it isn't so. Up
until recently, the Dutch went every year to Norway and bought some of
Norway's best stallions.  Stallions like Gjest and Solar.  Both of them
born and approved in Norway, and purchased by the Dutch Studbook.  

All water over the dam Carol.  The PRESENT BOD HAS adopted a Breed
Standard.  It IS approved and it is posted on the Internet for all to see.

This is all water under the bridge as we now  have a Breed Standard.  I'm
simply pointing out that if the NFHR didn't continually insist on doing
things in their own, unique way, we'd have had a standard fifteen years
ago. In the meantime, fifteen years of breed shows have come and gone.
Those shows  judged by Arab judges, Morgan judges, QH judges with no
written standard to go by.  They judged our Fjords as best they could, and
breeding decisons were made on the basis of their placings.   Think about it. 

Again more water over the dam or under the bridge.  Lets move on with it.
We can't change what has happen in the past.  Our present BOD is more than
willing to make changes and to move this organization into a real
professional Registry for the Fjord Horse in North America.

Through all my repetition and nagging, I've said the NFHR needs to get
cracking and begin to do things other registries do.---  A Rule Book, for
instance.  A Stud Bood, for another. Breed Promotion.  A  member's package.
 Proper Annual Meetings.  More communication from the board. The NFHR needs
to learn from others registries.  Not continually  reinvent the wheel.

All things that are going to be worked on.  The stud book for instance will
be produced early next year.  The new software that we are now in the
process of converting to is going to make it possible finally.

I talked to a breeder today who suggested  after each conference call, the
minutes  be mailed to members.  Great suggestion. They could also be put on
the NFHR's web page. Otherwise, we must wait to read it in the Herald, but
there's often a FOUR MONTH delay between conference calls and the
appearance of the herald.  Is this acceptable?  I'm not happy with it! 

Well, posting them on the home page is probably not a bad idea.  Storrs and
I just talked the other day about posting them here on the list.  We also
talked about putting the agenda here for discussion about a week before the
meeting.  So be looking for it soon.  As to mailing the minutes to every
member, I am sure you know how much time and effort that is since you have
purchased mailing labels from me in the past.  I just sent out the Stallion
Breeding reports to the Stallion owners last week.  It is a very time
consuming job to say the least.  It is also a fairly costly one.  With
postage at $0.32 it would cost $224.00 for the postage alone.  Add to that
the envelops, paper  labels and you are near the $$400 - 500 mark.  I
don't think it 

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #220

1998-10-24 Thread Arthur Rivoire
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arthur  Rivoire)

Hi Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia.

A message to Mike May.  Mike, I've been repetive (to say the least.)  I
admit to nagging.  I may have annoyed some people in the process.  -
However, (squeaky wheel and all that) it did get people talking, and  good
suggestions surfaced.

Mike, you joked about the NFHR's taking 14 years to produce a standard.
You said Norway took 2,000 years to write theirs.  That's true!However,
they had the standard in their heads all the time.  Those men knew, when
looking at a Fjordhorse, if it was true to type or not. They'd learned at
their grandfather's knees how to judge a Fjord. A written standard was not
vital to them.  

 We haven't had that heritage. Breeders produced, and American judges
judged all those years without benefit of a breed standard.  This wasn't
necessary.  We didn't have  to reinvent the wheel.  The NFHR could have
adopted the Dutch standards.  They existed in written form.   How simple it
would have been to hire a  translator.  ---  And if anybody says that Dutch
standards are different than  Norwegian standards, well it isn't so. Up
until recently, the Dutch went every year to Norway and bought some of
Norway's best stallions.  Stallions like Gjest and Solar.  Both of them
born and approved in Norway, and purchased by the Dutch Studbook.  

This is all water under the bridge as we now  have a Breed Standard.  I'm
simply pointing out that if the NFHR didn't continually insist on doing
things in their own, unique way, we'd have had a standard fifteen years
ago. In the meantime, fifteen years of breed shows have come and gone.
Those shows  judged by Arab judges, Morgan judges, QH judges with no
written standard to go by.  They judged our Fjords as best they could, and
breeding decisons were made on the basis of their placings.   Think about it. 

Through all my repetition and nagging, I've said the NFHR needs to get
cracking and begin to do things other registries do.---  A Rule Book, for
instance.  A Stud Bood, for another. Breed Promotion.  A  member's package.
 Proper Annual Meetings.  More communication from the board. The NFHR needs
to learn from others registries.  Not continually  reinvent the wheel.

I talked to a breeder today who suggested  after each conference call, the
minutes  be mailed to members.  Great suggestion. They could also be put on
the NFHR's web page. Otherwise, we must wait to read it in the Herald, but
there's often a FOUR MONTH delay between conference calls and the
appearance of the herald.  Is this acceptable?  I'm not happy with it! 

Anyway, I'm pleased to read all the good suggestions, and also pleased that
I'm not the only one who thinks things could be done better and/or

Best Regards, Carol 

Carol and Arthur Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7 Pomquet
Antigonish County
Nova Scotia
B2G 2L4
902 386 2304

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #220

1998-10-24 Thread Evers
This message is from: Evers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 03:59 AM 10/24/98 -0600, I wrote:

fjordhorse-digest  Saturday, October 24 1998  Volume 98 : Number 220
I did  I hope others will help in pushing the BOD to put the rules on
paper so we will all know   CONTINUE TO KEEP THIS A PURE BREED
   By the way I believe someone is  breeding outside the breed (They can.t
all come from Canada  )  As we have come across many that are not Reg.
 Friend ? Tillie
This message is from: Ursula Jensen -
TillieA couple of points.the NFHR does have it's rules and
regulations on paper.They have also been published occasionally in the
We joined the NFHR in August this year. WE have nothing to show for it
Nothing but a canceled ck.And the Herald this mo.  the 2 back issues Mike
sent me.
These I read  read  treasure . I don't' loan them out for fear I will not
get them back cause everyone that see mine ask if they can have it to read.

 Also, I take offense to your comment they can't all come from Canada
 My bad choise of my words.
What are you implying? 
  so a comment like that has far-reaching effects...Are you implying that
cross-breeding in Canada is rampant? I bet if  all the info were in you'd
find that less desirable breeding practices are widespread on both sides of
the border. Shame on YOUSome of us Canadians work real hard and have a
passionate concern to maintain the integrity of this Breed. Your insensitive
comment hurts me but also makes me very angry.

 I apologise, No way did I mean what you took offense on. I am referring to
when we  were
looking  at horses ,conversations, email  letters from people , that had
Fjord ,horses we were looking   
to buy , There were some That had mares that were bred  they stated that 
we could  get papers in USA,  then we asked if they were Reg  anywhere 
 they no . Most also said they came from canada.This I didn't believe.
there for we didn't purchase. We wanted NFHR or CANADA REG. horses. I am
sorry  for the way I put the words  didn't write what I meant.
Please Forgive me, Ursula , Friend ??? Tillie
I did  I hope others will help in pushing the BOD to put the rules on
paper so we will all know   CONTINUE TO KEEP THIS A PURE BREED
   By the way I believe someone is  breeding outside the breed (They can.t
all come from Canada  )  As we have come across many that are not Reg.
 Friend ? Tillie
- --
TillieA couple of points.the NFHR does have it's rules and
regulations on paper

   I wish I had them!

.They have also been published occasionally in the
Herald...Often people don't read things like that unless the matter applies
or interests them at that moment.I'm sure Mike gets  frustrated because he
sends material out and some of it probably ends up in file 13 and then
people plead ignorance later.

I sure wish I had the back issue.

 Steve Wrote
The only thing that I remember receiving from the NFHR when we first
  joined was a business card that we could write our names on as a
  membership card. There was no packet containing rules and
  descriptions of incentive programs. The idea that occasionally
  publishing things in the Herald is not good enough. 

 We need a booklet of the rules and regulations of the organization
  that is part of every New Member package. Probably the same
  booklet could contain the charter and bylaws of the organization
  The New Member package could also contain brochures on the various
  incentive programs, and maybe one outlining the Evaluation process. --
Steve McIlree  Cynthia Madden -- Pferd, Keyah, Skipper, Tank -- Omaha,
Nebraska, USA 
This is what my whole thoughts were, only I am not smart enough to put it
on paper  what I do write comes on wrong ,
Mary Thurman Wrote ,  To Wayne

   Because of what I learned here, I was able to give an intelligent
response to this.  Not just emotional, but somewhat learned. 

Thank You . Thats what I want to say also Of  Wayne  anyone who has given
us information to know  understand the Fjord.
I hope you all  are my Friends  when I ask A question  its dumb sounding
, I except all corrective critizium .  Cant we all just get along Be
helpful   I guess we should all be thankful  we have the knowlege to ask
questions when in doubt.
 about Fjords.
I have learned more on this P/C with editing  , but am sorry  it was not
meant to be a book.
 A beautiful fall day in  Central Oregon

Re: fjordhorse-digest V98 #220

1998-10-24 Thread Joel a harman
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joel a harman)

This in in response to Ursula Jensen's comments about what Tillie Evers

Maybe you should read her first post again. She said something to the
effect that she had heard that many cross breeds come from Canada. I
don't recall where she stated ALL of the crossbreeds come from Canada. 

I know that Tillie is new to fjords. How is she going to learn without
asking questions? I've often heard it said that there are no stupid
questions - just unintelligent responses to the questions. 

May I ad a shame on you? When is the last time you went to a show where
someone kept a mare in the stud pen area at a show? The only place I've
seen it is at a fjord show. 

While I am on a roll here I seem to remember your husband Brian
commenting on how someone had their horse in shafts hooked incorrectly.
Shortly after the horse went by his trailer there was a wreck. Think that
could have been avoided by offering some constructive criticism?

Shame on both of you!

Joel Harman

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