Re: Question for Steve

2006-08-03 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Thursday, August 3, 2006, you wrote:

> Gee, Steve, I don't remember you going to a barber for over 25
> years! Have you been recently to come up with that imagery??? LOL!

  Well, no. But I still remember when I was about eight years old and
  was sent almost weekly to John's barber shop up on 30th Street. The
  chair sat between two walls completely covered with mirrors, and I
  can still recall when I first became aware of the reflections of
  reflections of reflections of reflections, ad infinitum. These ever
  diminishing, never ending images of myself and John were the first
  time I grasped the true concept of infinity.

  And if I hadn't caught it when I did, Sandy and Beth's mail server
  would have given us all a good taste. I believe all the messages we
  got were generated out of only two incoming messages before I cut it

Steve McIlree - Pferd, Skipper & Clust - Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 Free Speech is the right to yell "Theater!" in a crowded fire. --Abbie Hoffman

Question for Steve

2006-08-03 Thread Cynthia Madden
This message is from: "Cynthia Madden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Sort of like  sitting between two mirrors in a barber shop where the
 of reflections go on to infinity."

Gee, Steve, I don't remember you going to a barber for over 25 years! Have
you been recently to come up with that imagery??? LOL!

BTW, another off topic comment if I may be permitted. I have a new Giant
Schnauzer, Brie. She is a rescue dog. You can see her on my website. I think
she is beautiful! Zack & Artie have yet to decide.

Cynthia Madden
Las Cruces, NM
personal:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My goal in life is to be as good a person
as my dog already thinks I am...

Re: Message for Steve

2004-08-17 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Tuesday, August 17, 2004, you wrote:

> Hi Steve. Haven't we broken a record for number of messages in the
> summer? Seems to me it takes me about an hour to get through all the
> posts. Usually everyone is off training or at shows. Jean G

  It may be a bit higher than usual for August. If it keeps up at the
  current pace until month-end it will be the heaviest August, but
  nowhere near a big month.

Steve McIlree - Pferd, Skipper & Clust - Omaha, NE/Las Cruces, NM, USA
 When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk...the basest horn of his
 hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. --William Shakespeare(1564-1616)

Message for Steve

2004-08-17 Thread jgayle
This message is from: "jgayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Steve.  Haven't we broken a record for number of messages in the summer?
Seems to me it takes me about an hour to get through all the posts.  Usually
everyone is off training or at shows.  Jean G

"The Colonel's Daughter"
Occupied Germany 46-49
Send $20 to:
PO Box 104
Montesano, WA 98563

Re: for steve

2001-01-14 Thread Steve McIlree
This message is from: Steve McIlree <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sunday, January 14, 2001, you wrote:

> Steve,  I followed the directions, did I correct the problem??

  Yep! Ya done good!

Steve McIlree -- Pferd & Skipper -- Omaha, Nebraska, USA
  Men are better when riding, more just and more understanding, and
  more alert and more at ease... --Edward Plantagenet(1373-1413)

for steve

2001-01-14 Thread carol
This message is from: "carol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Steve,  I followed the directions, did I correct the problem??
Carol Tacey

Secret Santa message for Steve Mcllree

2000-12-24 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Steve McIlree:

Your gift will soon be on its way...
It won't be there by Christmas day...
But please make sure you have no fear...
It should arrive before the new year!
Some treats for you for several seasons,
And horsey need for a reason!

"Today I am blue...
My horse threw...
a shoe."

Secret Santa Equation for Steve Mcllree

2000-12-14 Thread MNoonan931
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Head Elf,
Would you please forward this message for Steve:

Let d = the distance in miles Santa must travel to deliver your gift

d = (((# of Santa's reindeer - Rudolph)^2) x (# of letters in Steve's
horses' names) + (# of fh-l subscribers rounded down to nearest 100) + (43
x # of inches in a hand)) / (the fjords rank on Santa's "What's the best
breed of horse?" list, assume 1=best)

Good Luck!
Scientist Santa

Question for Steve

2000-01-31 Thread Heithingi
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Steve,

I cannot find your address anywhere to send in this pledge.  I know I wrote 
it down SOMEWHERE and also saved it to my harddrive, I just happened to crash 
my system.nor can I find my note!  If you would please email me the info 
I can finally get this sent off to you and off my desk!


Lynda and Daniel
Bailey's Norwegian Fjord Horse Farm
White Cloud, MI