This message is from: Vicki and Tony Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

my computer isn't recognizing the shift key - a post-traumatic hurricane syndrome i'm sure. we were without power for 3 full days. i'm over hurricanes and ready to move to the frozen north again where firewood and a woodstove can reasonably avert a crisis. we went out friday night to discover that we had a tree down taking out a critical section of fence. after the 80 mile/hr winds that we endured - at best guess - since they were clocked that high after it passed through - we had to do fence repair from midnight to 1 am. the horses were freaked out and when we went out in daylight on saturday morning we understood why. the fence had actually been hit in 3 locations and the pasture area of about 1-1 1/2 acres had at leat 7 large pines uprooted and an oak snapped off. there were a number of trees in addition to those didn't hit the ground, but are hung up in other trees. in short, it is a mess. i know there are fjord people in geneva, florida, and i believe they may be in even worse shape.

i am happy that chocko is in illinois with pat. our arab mare surely would have warped his psyche since she was sure that the world was coming to an end.

any other hurricane charlie reports??

vicki johnston
mims, florida

p.s. i am looking forward to sending my resume to more sensible climates. contacts welcomed. :-)

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