Re: list subjects all-over-the-place

1998-11-28 Thread Mike May, Registrar NFHR
This message is from: Mike May, Registrar NFHR [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 12:35 AM 11/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

Here are the committees in case you didn't save it when Julie's presented
it before:

Evaluation:  Nancy Hotovy, Chair, Brian Jenson, Anne Appleby, Gayle Ware,
Pat Wolfe, Lindsay Sweeney and Roger Cabic, representing the Judges
committee and Board Liason

Budget:  Roger Cabic, Chair, Dennis Johnson, Keith Brighton, Storrs

Registration:  Mike May, Chair, Julie Will, Storrs Bishop

Education:  Sue Davies, Chair, Keith Brighton, Cynthia Madden, Brian

I am also a member of the education Committee Brian.  Mostly for the Web
page stuff.


Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry  
Mike May, Registrar
Voice 716-872-4114
FAX 716-787-0497

list subjects all-over-the-place

1998-11-27 Thread BRIAN C JACOBSEN
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BRIAN C JACOBSEN)

This message is from: Anton Voorhoeve [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I do not know much about what the BOD is doing but the suggestions on
this list are all over the map and I  find it confusing and

I think most of us would agree with you on that Anton.  Remember, though,
this list has no formal organization and really is just a sounding board
for ideas.  Individuals will have to remember that if an idea is
presented that they feel strongly about, it is up to them to so something
about it.  If you or I present an idea and get feedback on it, but do
nothing further, we really have done nothing constructive.  Oh sure, we
may have  influenced someone else's thinking, but the only way that
serves any purpose is if they do something more about it.  By something
more I mean present the idea to the proper NFHR committee.  

When the topic-of-the-day was stallion behavior at Evaluations, I wonder
how many of us made a phone call or sent a letter or e-mail to the
chairperson of the Evaluation Committee?  When we were discussing the
need for incentive programs for using Fjords at non-Fjord events, did
anyone contact the Promotions Committee directly with their ideas?Now
that we're discussing other aspects of Evaluations and member education,
how many of us have called or contacted one of the Evaluation or
Education committee members with our opinions?  Anton, you have some good
ideas in your post; Please make sure you send it to Nancy Hotovy.

I know full well that some of the committee members are on this list, and
that Julie Will graciously offered to take ideas from the list to the
Board.  But thinking that Julie and the other Board members should try to
make sense of this confusing list, with 100 different opinions on 3 or 4
different subjects at any one time, is asking a little much don't you
think?  Julie said a little while back that she gave each of the BOD
members a stack of papers 1-1/2 inches thick with ideas generated on this
list.  That's really taking your offer seriously Julie.  I mean it!  Good
job!  But how effectively could they really wade through that volume of
material?  To put it another way, if any of us have a comment to make to
one of our public officials (the government), it's much more effective if
we call or write the official directly than if we just sign a petition. 
Similary, if you don't like the service at a restaurant, do you have more
success with asking to speak with the manager, or just complaining loudly
enough that half the eating establishment hears you?  Usually the first,
and I have no doubt it's the same with the NFHR Board.

Let's not waste the valuable discussion generated on this list.  Take it
to the Board!

Here are the committees in case you didn't save it when Julie's presented
it before:

Evaluation:  Nancy Hotovy, Chair, Brian Jenson, Anne Appleby, Gayle Ware,
Pat Wolfe, Lindsay Sweeney and Roger Cabic, representing the Judges
committee and Board Liason

Budget:  Roger Cabic, Chair, Dennis Johnson, Keith Brighton, Storrs

Registration:  Mike May, Chair, Julie Will, Storrs Bishop

Education:  Sue Davies, Chair, Keith Brighton, Cynthia Madden, Brian

Promotion:  Marcy Baer, Chair, Lindsay Sweeney (other members to be
from membership)

Election:  Kit Davis, Chair, plus one rep from each area.


Brian Jacobsen

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