This message is from: "Claudia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


In reference to the helmet issue, it has been years since I got on or behind a
horse without a helmet.   I know four people who would still be alive today if
they had been wearing a helmet when they had an unexpected accident--two were
driving and two were riding.  One was a young teacher my husband had just
hired.  She was riding her old steady horse that she had owned for years, and
was sitting on him waiting for her friend to mount.  They thought later that
he must have been stung by a bee or something, because without warning he
reared and she went off and struck her head on the blacktop and was killed.
She was just setting off on her new career as a teacher, and had owned and
ridden the horse since she was thirteen years old.  So it isn't just the
"risky" horses who can do it.

Another was Hope Jenkins Jones who judged our North Star Morgan Show some
years ago, and was killed driving a young horse at her own farm a few weeks
later.  It seems that in the accidents I have had in the past I always land on
my bottom (heaviest part--gravity?) so perhaps I need to wear padded breeches
instead--but I wear the helmet anyway.  My friend's husband is an
anesthesiologist and he said he sees more horse accidents  than from
motorcycles.  That should tell us something!

I just took my Fjord gelding Vergel back to Ken Raspotnik's to drive for a
day.  I had not had him out on the road since I bought him, and since he is
only three, I thought it was a good precaution.  Vergel was very good and paid
no attention to the traffic or anything else.  Ken measured him for me--he is
14 h. now--and also tried some collars on him so I know what size to order for
him. I have been driving him at home now and he's been very good.  Now we just
need to put on miles and work on finesse.

I had a bobsled made for Vergel and it was just finished.  It was made by
Hobie Knowlton of Osseo, WI who is 83 years old.  He has made many carriages
in his life, and said this would be his last, so I am honored that he made it
for  Vergel and me.  It is beautifully made and for the first time in years I
am looking forward to winter so I can use it---therefore the collar for
Vergel.  Hobie said a collar is better than a breast collar for the weight.

As to "other life" I am a retired school counselor, and I supported my 'habit'
with my salary during the years I was working.  My husband is a retired school
superintendent who doesn't ride or drive but loves the horses, and knows how
to handle them because he grew up on a farm with working horses.  He often
cleans stalls for me, and does the heavy work in the barn that I can't do
easily any more.  He is gentle and willing and I think might have been a Fjord
in an earlier life!

from Claudia in WI where Vergel is going to have the day off because it is
already almost 90 here.

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