This message is from: "Peter & Deb Coggiola" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We had a Fjord colt that had a tough time keeping weight on. We did two things
which seemed to help. We added rice bran to his diet and we changed the
company he kept. The rice bran added fat and calories (we only added 1 oz
twice a day) and we removed his energetic playmates and left him with the more
easy-minded adults. We also have a five year old Trakahner gelding who was
terribly thin when we purchased him last summer. He had had a bout with
founder and we knew upping his grain ration was not the answer. We added rice
bran (1 oz X 2 daily) to a performance feed and give him all the grass hay he
can eat. He has put on weight very nicely and his coat is beautifully shiny.
One caution on the rice bran with Fjords, they get a great coat but the mane
also gets soft and must be kept trimmed more closely to keep it erect.

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