I would like to answer two questions. 1. Dave McWethy askrd about red
dun geldings or stallions.  The family I got my fjord from has 16
fjords, and  used to have two red geldings.  2.  Suzan Johnson asked
about teaching Fjords to canter.  The way I taught Fj to canter was in
deep snow, so they can't run away, but at this time of year, that's
probably not possible.  If you're really comfortable with everything
elce, I suggest you choose a spot with nice footing ( edge of driveway?)
and canter away from home.  Don't do it in a feild with horses even if
that is the best area (I've fallen off doing that), and let him do
almost whatever he wants.  Don't canter back, no matter how well behaved
he is (I've fallen off doing that, too) I have tried both ways, and that
seems to work best.

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