This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/22/2006 11:26:32 PM Mountain Standard Time, 

> This message is from: CHERYL GARNICA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Silly question maybe, but here goes.  When training to drive, is the newbie 
> horse always paired as team with experienced partner?   Or can they be hooked 
> up single from the start? (after training)
       Hi Cheryl !   

   There are no silly questions. There are silly people who do not ask 
questions and mess themselves up big time by guessing.

   We often pair a newby driving horse with an older experienced partner, 
AFTER they are going well single. Others do it quicker.....asking the 
horse to
 " show " the newby horse how to pull a load....stop and wait 
well, ect. 

   The reason we drive singles first, is so that we have a singles driving 
horse. Horses really DO like to have a partner, and it is much EASIER to hitch 
pair with one youngster and one steady oldster, BUT, we find that once going 
single well, and after those first few hitchs with the experienced one, we 
take them right back to single for up to a year. They will usually go right 
to pairs....but many will resist going well single without the partner and 
comfort of a buddy, unless you do not shortcut and put the miles on single 
and often. 

     Hope this answers your question. I would agree with the idea stated here 
that " green and green, makes for black and blue. " Get some good help in 
getting your horse rehitched and a few lessons together. A 4 yr old, even one 
whos pulling a stone boat around is not a finished driving horse, IMHO of 

     Much luck to those heading out to show this week !  Safe, fun show ahead 
we hope for everyone !!!  Good-Luck everyone,  Lisa Pedersen / Pedersens 
Fjords * Cedar City, UTAH ** HOT and  Thunderstormy, HUMID !!! 
( whats that ? )    Uggg.  

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