Re: swimming Fjords

1999-07-16 Thread ASigford
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Had to chime in with my recent aquatic fjord story - we have had tremendous 
rains in Northern Minnesota (you may have heard that the Boundary Waters 
Canoe Area Wilderness was flattened by rain and 100 mph winds - that's true)! 
 Anyway, the 6-9 inches of rain swelled the Cloquet River so it flooded onto 
Ron and Kit Davis's (Rokida Fjords) lower pasture.  That usually stands about 
5 feet above the river.  Since all the horses know the pasture, and the 
footing is perfectly secure, we have been riding a lot of the horses into the 
water - chest deep for sure.  The stallion Lee pawed and splashed and 
insisted in trotting through it even though it was above his belly.  What fun 
for gal and beast alike!   

swimming Fjords

1999-07-13 Thread Heyvaert
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

My daughter had a blast yesterday swimming with Major in a deep creek behind 
show grounds.  He wasn't too excited about it at first but when all the other 
horses went in, he couldn't resist!  He pawed and splashed and kept sticking 
his whole face in the water up to his eyeballs, then blowing out his nostrils 
with gusto!!  There was a spot where she was able to get him to actually 
swim.  It was hard to leave.  What a perfect end to an exhausting hot day at 
the show!  Anyone else out there swimming with their Fjords?  Would love to 
hear your stories!

Susan in hot and sunny Minnesota