Re: the invisible man talks about RUNAWAYS

2000-02-07 Thread Mary Thurman
This message is from: Mary Thurman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  So what is the take home message here? If they want
 to run let them  -
 but make sure YOU decide when they are going to stop
H.  Exactly what Wil Howe says about training your
horse in the roundpen(from the ground).  If he wants
to run and act crazy when you first put him in there,
let him - BUT be sure YOU are the one who decides when
he gets to stop.  When he thinks he is done running
and acts like he wants to stop, send him on.  Don't
let him stop until you want him to (don't run him to
death, but do be sure he knows you LET him stop). 
Have used it for several years now with good results. 
When my gelding 'gets smart' when I'm working him in
the roundpen(from the ground, understand) I send him
away from me.  He goes around at whatever gait I
choose until I decide it's time for him to stop.  Boy,
will he ever HINT that he sure would like to stop and
'face up', and he gets to, but ONLY when I indicate
it's OK.  IF you are firm about this they will
'hookup' fast! Makes them understand you are the alpha
mare, even if you are only 5'2 or so.   This method
sounds easy, but believe me it takes practice to get
the timing down right.  It's worth the effort though,
as once you get the timing down it works very well. 

Guess that same principle must work whether you are
driving or riding.


Mary Thurman
Raintree Farms

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Re: the invisible man talks about RUNAWAYS

2000-02-06 Thread Jean Ernest
This message is from: Jean Ernest [EMAIL PROTECTED]

So what is the take home message here? If they want to run let them  -
but make sure YOU decide when they are going to stop running.
But Joel, what if you don't have a safe place to let them run?  My
runa-a-way was heaaded for a busy highway and I was an inexperienced
driver.  Sure, if it would have been safe I would have let him run, but
that busy road was only about 1/10 miles away! After I did get him stopped
by heading him into a clump of alders, I was too shaken to think of driving
him any further.

But what do I know - I'm the invisible man -  right? 

Why do you think you're the invisible man?  Maybe we're all afraid to
comment, because you might ridicule us, being the oldtime experienced
teamster that you are.  You seem to have contempt for us novices. 

Jean in Fairbanks, Alaska, another glorious day, +28 and sunny!

Jean Ernest
Fairbanks, Alaska

the invisible man talks about RUNAWAYS

2000-02-06 Thread brassringranch
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yes, I can post anything  no one will comment on it . Kind of neat
actually. But I digress.

Runaways. Only had 2 horses do it twice. Anyone at Libby 2 yr ago I think
it was? Maybe 3 . Anyway some mares of mine ran on Howard Berge. He put
them into a U formed by a car  trailer. Then both of us politely asked
someone to move the car so we could get out. But all the concerned souls
there unhooked us instead. Guess what Howard  I wantred to do? WE wanted
to get them on the road  let them run - for as long  far as it took.
Then we would have probably gone about a mile further. Then MAYBE we
would have turned around  come back. 

Any guesses what those 2 mares did when my son  I hooked them at home
the next week/?  I still couldn't drive so he did. He was 12 at the
time.They ran as soon as we got on the road. I guess we ran about 3 miles
or so. They got tired. Then we ran another 2 miles or so. Then we turned
around  went home - at a walk,, trot, or whatever we asked them to do.
Couldn't make them run though -  we tried. Next day they went out the
gate at a very contained trot. They didn't seem to be too interested in
running anymore. They never ran again . The next week he drove them in
the Pendleton Round Up Parade  they were perfect for him.

So what is the take home message here? If they want to run let them  -
but make sure YOU decide when they are going to stop running. 

But what do I know - I'm the invisible man -  right? 



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