This message is from: Ingrid Ivic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> A little story.  Nothing spectacular or exciting. Nothing
> happened!  And I guess that's exactly why I was so struck by the wonder of
> it all.  To be able to take two mares out of a pasture that hadn't been
> asked to do anything for years, and put two beginners on them for a riding
> lesson -  Well, it's not exciting, but it sure is SPECTACTULAR in my opinion. 
> Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire    

Hi Carol,
        Have to admit, we pretty much did the same thing here two weeks
hubbby's boss stopped by with his three little girls, 4yr old twins and their
7yr old sister. Of course they were "Ooohing and Aaahing" over the horses,
begging for pony rides. The cleanest horse of the bunch happend to be our
little Mira, one of the mares who hadn't been ridden for about a year and a
half. I hesitated at first, but the boss was getting impatient (he's used to
getting his way immediately you know), and we can't leave him waiting now, can
we? To make this story short...cleaned Mira up, plopped a western saddle on
her (complete with kiddy stirrups), outfitted the girls with helmets and off
we went. No arguments, no hassles...just a good time for everyone concerned.
The girls were smiling from ear to ear, hubby's job was saved (ah-hem), and
Mira was a star. Love those fjordies! Ingrid in Ohio   :o)

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