This message is from: "Philis B. Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone,

I don't usually post about all the stuff I do with my Fjords, but I'll jump in the fray,(so to speak) too, cause it's fun to hear about others and their Fjord activities. Fun to hear about Pat and friends....I've been there and can appreciate the trail ride.

Last Sunday, while my husband was putting up a commercial greenhouse with my son and his wife, I decided to hitch my team of Fjord mares and go for a wagon ride. A good way to exercise two horses at once. I asked for five minutes of my husbands time, but he couldn't give it to me, so " The Little (old)Red Hen" did it herself. I got the mares, put the heavy leather work harness on both, then the neck yolk, then walked them up from the barn to the yard where my wagon (that could easily carry 6-8 people) was waiting. I walked the left horse over the pole, pulled them back in line, put the neck yolk on the pole, secured it with the safety chain that "Doc Hammill" recommends. If the horses decided to spook just then I would have had the pole right through my rib cage! They were very cooperative and quiet. Hitched the tugs to the eveners, climbed into the wagon..."all alone" and went on my way. When I came over the hill to where the greenhouse was going up, my husband said to my son "My God, she did it!" I continued on my way into the deep woods where the moose, (who are in rut) deer, wolves, coyotes, cougar, bears (that aren't sleeping yet) lynx, name it, live. Never a jump or spook from either horse. What fun!! I had a wonderful drive "all by myself" and thank God I drive Fjords!

Here I go to hitch a horse for a late afternoon drive.

Philis Anderson

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