Re: [Flashcoders] Flash AICC tracking

2006-07-26 Thread Aaron Silvers

Unfortunately, I think you're stuck with that html page.  It is what keeps
the connection open to the LMS to make sure that completion_status is
written to the learner's transcript.

AICC can an ugly mistress, depending on the LMS implementation.


On 7/26/06, David Brunswick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello List I am able to post completion to my LMS using
exitBtn.onRelease = function(){

  getURL(myurl\myservlet?edt_action=RecModuleCmpl , POST);
getURL(javascript: window.opener=self; window.close(););

The problem is the servlet launches a html page verifying completion which
do not want any ideas to prevent this?

Fyi the second getURl closes the flash embedded html.

David Brunswick
Multimedia Developer/OLP Administrator
FedEx Customer Information Services
Customer Service Organizational Learning

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Aaron E. Silvers
Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Re: [Flashcoders] OT: good billing/invoicing apps?

2006-05-31 Thread Aaron Silvers

This is off-topic, but iBiz on OS X has worked great for me.


On 5/31/06, Rich Rodecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

can anyone recommend a good billing/invoicing app?  i'm looking for
something on the simple/easy side.  or, if you use project management
software that does invoicing, let me know what you think of it.
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Aaron E. Silvers
Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Re: [Flashcoders] large projects

2006-04-05 Thread Aaron Silvers
Good question.

It's going to be everyone's responsibility to stay on the same page,
but if you're leading the effort, you're also going to have to
initiate the kind of attention to details that you'll want replicated
on the team.

You'll probably spend a lot more time on technical design/architecture
than you might be used to, because it will be easier in some ways to
divy up the workload so that each developer (or each team of
developers) is working on a discrete set of functionality.  Early
documentation will be key, so when there are namespaces that are
shared by all parties, they're identified early.  The goal is that
integrating all this work should be as painless as possible. 
Obviously, if you and your team are pretty handy with OOP, this is
easier to accomplish.

Version Control is a must!  It's bad enough when my PC hangs and I
lose an hour's worth of coding (because I was stupid and didn't save
every two minutes like the paranoid freak I am), but it's super bad
when I want to go back to a state of my Flash file from a week ago and
I can't because I didn't use any version control.  Changing file names
and doing a Save As isn't good enough.  Subversion is cheap (as in
free) and easy (as in you can learn the basics of doing it in a day). 
If you got a couple hundred, I think you can pick up SourceSafe (which
works, albeit wonky from what I've heard, with Flash).  I've had
tremendous success with Rational ClearCase, though it's very
expensive.  If you're working with a team, there is absolutely no
excuse to not use some kind of version control software.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough.  Version Control pwns.

I'm big on commenting code (for use with ASDoc or a similar program)
and other forms of documentation (wiki, as an example) as a means of
communicating what we're doing on projects without getting too hung up
on formality.  I don't need everyone on my team to push information to
me -- I just need to know where they have information available so
that when I need it, I can get it without interrupting them.  That's
why I like wikis and project blogging, although I haven't worked on a
Flash project (in and of itself) that involved enough people to really
drive that need.

There's an excellent book out called The Art of Project Management
by Scott Berkun, and it's really a great primer for how to organize a
project so that a team of developers can do their tasks without being
micromanaged or (on the other side) getting left out in the cold.  For
personal task management, I also recommend David Allen's Getting
Things Done.

This all might be too general for your question, but when I read your
question, it sounded like more of a how do I manage a large project?
kind of question.


On 4/5/06, Mark Lorah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is a general question about workflow. For a long time I have
 been working on Flash projects independently. Over time everything
 has gotten bigger. Projects are now at a scale where I must
 collaborate with other Flash programmers. I am looking for
 suggestions about best practices for organizing and dividing up work
 on large Flash projects. What are problems and solutions that people
 have encountered when sharing work?
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Aaron E. Silvers
Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Re: [Flashcoders] crosspost: update your flash-players immediately

2006-03-15 Thread Aaron Silvers
In case JD is reading this (Hi JD), what about the plugin for those of
us on the intel Macs?

I apologize if this has been brought up already.


On 3/15/06, Steve Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 15 Mar 2006, at 14:49, Merrill, Jason wrote:

  I would think if it's fixed in they wouldn't go back to the
  same problem again in 8.5, which isn't officially out yet, only
  pre-release.  As for the pre-release version, it's possible the
  is there too, but I think Adobe would hope you're not pushing that on
  your customers yet since it's not a final release.  I would not be
  8.5 in a product delivery just yet.

 JD mentioned that this wasn't a problem for 8.5 on his blog today/
 yesterday. Unfortunately I can't find the direct link because seems to be down for me.

 Steve Webster
 Head of Development

 Featurecreep Ltd.
 14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH
 0117 905 5047

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Aaron E. Silvers
Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Re: [Flashcoders] crosspost: update your flash-players (is: MacTel Player)

2006-03-15 Thread Aaron Silvers
SWEET!  Thanks, JD!


On 3/15/06, John Dowdell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aaron Silvers wrote:
  In case JD is reading this (Hi JD), what about the plugin for those of
  us on the intel Macs?

 Speak of the devil... it's available now:


 John Dowdell . Adobe Developer Support . San Francisco CA USA
 Spam killed my private email -- public record is best, thanks.
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Aaron E. Silvers
Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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