Re: [Flashcoders] PureMVC vs Cairngorm // who's better?

2011-06-23 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited
Huge vote for RobotLegs as well.

Jordan L. Chilcott

Sent from my iPhone... because I can

On 2011-06-23, at 9:23 AM, Merrill, Jason 

 Robotlegs +1

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Getting Data into my SWF

2011-03-15 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited
In this case, you just manipulate the time on the client side for the user's 
amusement (if they try to tamper with it, the next call will just reset the 
values, if it's not time yet).

Jordan L. Chilcott

Sent from my iPhone... because I can

On 2011-03-15, at 1:06 PM, Kevin Holleran wrote:

 I like that!  Good call, much more efficient.  The countdown is displayed so
 that date is important.  I like the single call that way.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Getting Data into my SWF

2011-03-14 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited
Why would you be relying solely on a user's clock? That is most easily 
manipulated simply by changing the date and time in their system preferences.

No hacking experience required.

Jordan L. Chilcott

Sent from my iPhone... because I can

On 2011-03-14, at 3:06 PM, Kevin Holleran wrote:

 What is going to happen, is the application is going to hold a coupon.  That
 coupon will be retrieved from a database and passed into the Flash
 application.  I guess as I am writing this, the script will just check the
 date and if it is not correct, it can simply not return the coupon.  My
 question revolved around a user manipulating the date passed into the flash
 application and causing the coupon to show up before the countdown is really

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Getting Data into my SWF

2011-03-14 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited
If I'm getting this straight:

You're asking for a date from the server which you're going to pass back for 
approval to show a coupon on the client side app.

Why not just have the server store and send the coupon for the application to 
use? The client simply makes one call (two at most... but it can be handled in 
one call, letting the server do all the work - the client is a simple willing 
participant). No other data is passed back for the client to manipulate. 

Jordan L. Chilcott

Sent from my iPhone... because I can

On 2011-03-14, at 3:40 PM, Kevin Holleran wrote:

 @Jord - The date will be passed in or retrieved from a script and would be
 the server date.  My concern was that the date would be intercepted/modified
 in some fashion, but since the end result is retrieved from the server, the
 server script will just have a check to make sure the date is right to
 release it.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Getting Data into my SWF

2011-03-14 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited
Unless the client is actually displaying a countdown, it has no need for the 
data. All the client needs in this case is a polling mechanism to occur on a 
set interval, whether or not it intends to display any countdown down. No data 
needs to be pass back to the server. All the client is essentially asking is 
coupon?. Server either gives a coupon or something else that is of no use for 
anyone to manipulate. 

Jordan L. Chilcott

Sent from my iPhone... because I can

On 2011-03-14, at 4:08 PM, Kevin Holleran wrote:

 The engine is a countdown from the current date/time to the date/time when
 the coupon becomes visible.  So the date is used for the counter and then
 once the counter reaches zero, the coupon is retrieved from the server and

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Dynamic fonts and Tweens

2009-06-05 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Did you set your embed properties (either in the property control panel 
or with AS)?


John R. Sweeney Jr wrote:

Howdy all,

Does anyone know of a solution to doing an alpha Tween on a movieclip that
contains dynamic text field.

This is AS2  CS3. I attach a linked mc from the library, populate that text
field, myMc.mySecond_mc.myTextMc.text. The font family Tahoma is stored in a
linked font symbol in my library. It attaches, populates and functions fine,
but the _alpha Tween has no effect on the mc.

Any suggestions?


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Loading images at the same time, bugs in Flash AS3

2009-06-03 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
My guess is that if it's iterating through a loop to load, I would 
imagine that the loader objects are being lost in the loop by getting 
de-referenced and are getting garbage collected. If this is what's 
happening, you would probably have to put your loader objects in a stack 
or array so they don't get de-referenced, and then do some housekeeping 
to remove them once they have been loaded.


Anthony Pace wrote:

Without looking through your code:

   * For alignment of the thumbnail container, you could be waiting
 until after everything has loaded inside before asking it to
 change it's y position.
   * For the thumbs not loading properly, that could be caused by your
 load order...  Your downloads are racing each other.  Things need
 to be loaded in sequence for stability; yet, you are, if I am not
 mistaken, downloading everything at once in a loop, not waiting
 until one thing downloads until you go to the next; yet, in your
 display, you are making it wait.  Flash lets you send multiple
 requests at once and does not automatically que your requests, in
 the sense that only one can happen at a time; therefore, if
 something needs to load in sequence, you need to put safeguards in
 your code to ensure that things get loaded in order of priority.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and Video

2009-06-01 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Depends on how you want to slow it down. If you want to Flash to play  
an already slowed down movie, you can generate that in either Adobe  
Premiere, Final Cut Pro or iMovie and then either convert it FLV or  

If you are wanting to slow it down in Flash, you'll have to set up an  
interval to use a BitmapData to take a snapshot of the video and  
display that, as videos in Flash play at full speed, regardless of the  
frame rate. You may want to encode the video at the full 30fps in  
order not to lose too much when playing it back this way.

On Jun 1, 2009, at 9:44 AM, Lehr, Theodore M (N-SGIS) wrote:

I have a .mov file that I want to import into a movie and then slow it
down (slow motion). Any way to do this?


Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
Fax: (519) 837-8610
iChat/AIM: j1chilcott
Skype: bear-faced-cow

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] unexpected result with linked classes in embedded swfs

2009-05-19 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
If your source and linked file are importing the same AS2 class, the 
first one imported gets put into the global class tables. Flash sees 
that the class from the imported link is within the same namespace and 
considers it already in existence. This is not so unexpected behaviour.

If you are going to have your class used throughout various linked swfs, 
then keep it in your main movie and exclude the class from the links 
swfs when compiling (using an exclude xml file).


Andrew Sinning wrote:

I'm working in AS2.

The skin-swf that I am embedding into my main movie contains symbols 
that are linked to classes.

Objects in my main movie make calls to some of the classes that are 
defined in the skin.  In order to get nice code-hinting in Flash 
Develop and compile-checking, I import these same classes into some of 
the objects in my main-movie.

If I make change to the AS file for a symbol defined in the skin-swf, 
but ONLY recompile the main-movie and not the skin-swf, I wouldn't 
expect the changes made to take effect, but they do.  Does this make 
sense to anyone?

For example: if I add a new function to a class that is linked to a 
symbol in the skin-swf, and I call that function from the main-movie.  
I would expect to have to recompile both the skin-swf and the 
main-movie.  However, what I've found is that I only have to recompile 
the main-movie.

It seems that if the class is imported into the main-movie, then those 
instructions override the instructions compiled into the skin-swf.

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] unexpected result with linked classes in embedded swfs

2009-05-19 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Know the feeling! We have about 20 files using the same class files. It 
makes more sense for us to keep them in a central core file and simply 
compile one file.

The skin swf will reference the classes from your main file as if they 
were compiled into the swf. The only noticeable change should be a 
slightly smaller size for your skins as the AS2 code is not compiled.


Andrew Sinning wrote:

Jordan, Mark et all advised:
If you are going to have your class used throughout various linked 
swfs, then keep it in your main movie and exclude the class from the 
links swfs when compiling (using an exclude xml file).
Thanks!  This is really helpful.  It seems so stupid of me to program 
the skins this way, and having to keep recompiling them (as I thought 
I had to) was really becoming a pain.  My skins take a lot longer to 
compile than main movie, even though they contain much less AS.  Must 
be the graphics

So, in my library in the skin, I will link the symbols to the external 
AS in the same way, but then I'll use an exclude file to prevent them 
from actually getting compiled into the swf?  Then when the skin-swf 
gets loaded into the main the symbols will find their classes?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] AS2 known? bug with _yscale property when class extends MovieClip

2009-05-04 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Are you dealing with anything that may represent a scoping issue? Where 
are you setting your _yscale?


Andrew Sinning wrote:
I'm using AS2 and I have a symbol linked to a class that extends 

There's a place in the class where the mc gets scaled.  Because it 
extends MovieClip, I didn't bother to use this, as in this._yscale 
= 90.  I simply typed _yscale = 90.

Curiously, without the this, the command causes the _root movie to 
be scaled.  Seems like a bug.  Is this a known issue?

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Simple ActionScript Project OOP Question

2008-12-10 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott

Add the child to your Website sprite, rather than the stage.



I have a package that I know works. It displays an Audio Player on
the stage. I moved it from src/ to a folder for packages. The
project builds no sweat. However, I do not see the AudioPlayer on
the stage. The package is AudioBuilder. Here is my AS for my
Actionscript Project. Any idea why I do not see my AudioPlayer?

package {

// Flash Packages
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;

// My Packages
import com.Audio.AudioPlayer;

// Setup the SWF Properties
[SWF(backgroundColor=#FF, frameRate=30, width=1000,
height=600, quality=HIGH)]

public class Website extends Sprite {

public function Website():void {
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
var _container:Sprite = new Sprite();
var _MusicPlayer:AudioPlayer = new AudioPlayer();


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

2008-07-18 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
I don't know if I could agree with the statement below. I have no real 
use for Flex as I can get everything I need from Flash, and can take it 
down as granular as I want. Flash's failure, IMHO, is providing a proper 
coding IDE for just plain ol' AS3, sans Flex. Thank goodness for things 
like FlashDevelop stepping in (and even on a Mac it still does me well 
in a virtualized Windows environment).


Kerry Thompson wrote:

It IS two apps. Flash and Flex.
More and more of us hard-core coder types are using Flex for heavy-duty

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

2008-07-18 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
I'm in the same boat here (been working with Flash since v4 came out, 
but have been coding for 25 years). Most of the stuff that has been 
iterated in this thread somewhat echo my opinions. I particularly agree 
with the one statement down below: AS3 is easier to use. The stigma is 
that AS2 coders have to learn a new way if you want to start coding with 
AS3. IMHO, it's a more proper way and more functional and far less 
confusing to the next person who has to look at an FLA and maintain it.

The article seemed a bit whiny as a refusal to change. There's nothing 
in those changes that are more difficult to implement than their 

If anything, I half agree with the unloading issue. All objects when 
discarded should be garbage collectable, timeline or not. To the garbage 
collector, it is just dereferenced object and not discarding it is 
definitely a bug more than anything else. However, I don't agree for a 
simple unload movie... that could break OOP logic structures if one were 
to simply unload without dereference. Again, we're talking a more 
structured language and despite its simplicity, there is a 
responsibility on the part of the person writing code. I don't apologize 
for being rather unforgiving towards this.

AS2 was an excuse for allowing a lot of bad habits, and now AS3 has 
addressed those bad habits. Adobe shouldn't have to go back to appeasing 
those bad habits as much as they should be showing more how to implement 
things the AS3 way.


Romuald Quantin wrote:

Well, I've coded years with AS2 and I have to say, except for the problem
with loaded SWF, which will probably be solved soon:,
I'm not missing AS2 at all!! I'm not from another language but AS3 is a lot
cleaner, nothing to compare. So yes, I guess it is easier to use.

Probably because I'm not using a lot the flash IDE, but I can understand
that for people who are using it or to make quick dirty test, some old AS
features can be missed.



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

2008-07-16 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott

I'm on the other side of this... I hardly agree with any of these points.


Brian Mays wrote:

Awesome. Thanks. This reinforces some points I've been making to so

Brian Mays

On 7/15/08 3:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


hi all,
i just published an article called Charges Against ActionScript 3.0
covering the things people don't like about ActionScript 3.0.

it's posted on O'Reilly's InsideRIA, here:

The article discusses the following issues:

 1. The removal of on()/onClipEvent() from Flash CS3 makes creating
simple interactivity hard.
 2. Getting rid of loaded .swf files is hard.
 3. Casting DisplayObject.parent makes controlling parent movie clips
 4. The removal of getURL() makes linking hard.
 5. The removal of loadMovie() makes loading .swf files and images hard.
 6. ActionScript 3.0's additional errors make coding cumbersome.
 7. Referring to library symbols dynamically is unintuitive.
 8. Adding custom functionality to manually created text fields, to
all movie clips, or to all buttons is cumbersome.
 9. The removal of duplicateMovieClip() makes cloning a MovieClip
instance (really) hard.

if you have comments, please leave them on the article so i can respond
if necessary.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

2008-07-16 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott

Let me rephrase this: I hardly agree with MOST of the issues.


Matt S. wrote:

Even the garbage collection and unload movie issues?



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] The Charges Against ActionScript 3.0

2008-07-16 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott

Let's be fair: I'm not looking to argue. I have a wife for that. :)

I intend to state my issues, but it may have to wait a couple of days 
because I'm sure most, if not all, of you are in a working situation and 
faced with some slimy brown stuff rolling downhill towards you. I was 
going to type a whole thing before this happened, but let me just start 
for now by saying that having programmed in Flash among other things, 
that a lot of things I have issues against were, in my mind, the cause 
of a lot of programming deficiencies and obstacles within Flash.

I intend to elaborate further... and keep in mind that this is, again, 
just my opinion.


Kerry Thompson wrote:

Jord wrote:


Let me rephrase this: I hardly agree with MOST of the issues.

Fair enough. It would be a valuable contribution to the discussion if you
told us which issues you have, ahem issues with, and why. 

I personally am not in a position to argue with Colin Moock, but I do enjoy
a good debate, as long as it illuminates issues.


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] filmmering FLV playback - why and how to fix that

2008-07-03 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
What is the source frame rate? I have seen Flash encounter some 
stuttering on drop frame rates. For that size video, you are probably 
best to drop the frame rate down to about 15fps. It will probably still 
look good for the net and will most likely play a lot better.


*Jordan L. Chilcott, President*
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:   (519) 837-1879
Fax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott
Skype: bear-faced-cow

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

Martin Klasson wrote:

I used 400kbit on a 694x440 movie, with 96kbps audio in stereo, on2vp6.
frame rate same as source, and automatic keyframes.

How does it stutter, as it is buffering and than resumes - or does the video
has strange lines appearing like it
the video doesnt perform well.

I think it is very strange, and I cant understand that I havent heard about
this issue before!


Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] navigateToURL or getURL and pop-up blocking

2007-10-25 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
You should be fine using navigateToURL( yourURL.html, _blank ).  
Pop-up blockers don't go after this (it's often user initiated). Even  
if you put a javascript in as the URL, it should be okay.


On Oct 20, 2007, at 1:23 PM, John Olson wrote:

I have a client Flash AS3 project where I need to open a new window  
from within Flash.   I won't have any control over the html wrapper  
for the SWF so I can't use javascript within the HTML page.   I've  
read suggestions about using but seems that  
will get blocked as well.

Any suggestions?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
Fax: (519) 837-8610
iChat/AIM: j1chilcott
Skype: bear-faced-cow

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] load 500 by 500 from db in flash

2007-10-21 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
If you want to limit the number of your results, add LIMIT(0, 500) at  
the end of your statement.


On Oct 19, 2007, at 11:29 AM, CARABUS-Plus wrote:

Im using FLASHSQL to load data in flash from php db

Theres is too much data to load, how can I do to load 500 by 500  
result ?

Thank you

myFlashSQL.Execute(SELECT * FROM NP_socs_nancy WHERE soc_09 =
\+categ_var+\ ORDER BY soc_01);

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
Fax: (519) 837-8610
iChat/AIM: j1chilcott
Skype: bear-faced-cow

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Q:Yahoo MAps Flash API and Get Driving Directions

2007-08-03 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Unfortunately, Yahoo doesn't support driving directions in their API.  
This is something I have asked them about numerous times.


On Aug 2, 2007, at 5:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Finished a prototype using Google Maps API and a 3rd party solution  
only to discover there is no built in support for geocoding AND  
driving directions.

Yahoo Maps Flash based API DOES have support for geocoding, but  
does anyone know if driving directions are easilly implemented?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
Fax: (519) 837-8610
iChat/AIM: j1chilcott
Skype: bear-faced-cow

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Returning a String fails

2007-07-24 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Aside from the fact that this is not as simple a method as doing a  
String.split() and then joining each array element, your method  
didn't keep the return value after each recursion. I added a local  
var for clarity.

function eliminateSpaces(phrase:String):String {
var testString:String = phrase;
var finalResult:String;

var foundSpace = testString.indexOf( );
if (foundSpace != -1) {
testString = String(testString.substring(0, foundSpace) +
testString.substring(foundSpace + 1));
if (testString.indexOf( ) != -1) {
testString = eliminateSpaces(testString);
} else {
trace(output:  + testString);
return testString;
var s:String = eliminateSpaces(moe and larry and curly);


On Jul 24, 2007, at 4:22 PM, Mendelsohn, Michael wrote:

I've written a simple routine to eliminate spaces from a user entered
string.  But, it won't return the string.  I'm sure it's something
silly.  Can anyone shed light?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
Fax: (519) 837-8610
iChat/AIM: j1chilcott
Skype: bear-faced-cow

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: Seeking Experienced Developer for Connecting Flash to Databases with Java

2007-07-08 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Why not just use openAMF and Hibernate to connect to your J2EE app   
database from Flash using Flash remoting. Hibernate will do all of  
the talking to Oracle (as long as you're not using BLOBs... that  
needs to be coded using JDBC alone at the moment).


On Jul 7, 2007, at 2:22 AM, Phil Dupré wrote:

So if I'm making the flash application in AS3, how difficult would  
it be to
let it talk to the Oracle db?  Do you think you'd be available for  


Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] FLV (like youtube)

2007-04-04 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited

We use the Flix Engine for one of our clients.


On 4/4/07, Tom Huynen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,

A project requires me to create an app that enables people to upload .avi
and mov's.
These movies must be visible in the frontoffice.

Does anybody know how to convert .avi and .mov into FLV?
Or is there a better alternative?

Kind regards,

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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video
To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] command-line mpeg to flv conversion tool?

2007-03-16 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited

We've used the Flix Engine for a few clients. I believe it should
handle what you are looking for.


On 3/16/07, Sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyone have suggestions or links to any command-line video converters?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video
To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and Yahoo map geocode service question

2007-03-08 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited

Is it possible that it could be a cross-domain policy situation here?
What would happen if you called it from a back-end (I'd best guess
that it would probably work)?


On 3/8/07, Helen Triolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

1 (works): From a browser, this returns valid XML with geocode information:

(doesn't seem to care what appid is used)

2 (works): Testing within the Flash 8 IDE, I can use loadVars to call
that script (with those parameters set) and an XML onload routine to
retrieve them -- works fine.

3 (doesn't work): When I publish and run it from a swf in an html page
in the browser, I get an XML read error (the parameter passed to my xml
onload routine is false).

What could be causing the XML read/parse error in 3?  (doesn't work with
a valid appid either)

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video
To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Dynamic video buttons

2007-03-08 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited

There are plenty of ways to go about 5  6. You could set it up as an
attribute within the XML node where if it sees a video attribute in
the attributes property, then pop up a button that will point to your
video (if that's what you're trying to do... or are you trying to pop
up a button that plays a video - either way, the principle is somewhat
the same).


On 3/8/07, Wendy Marino [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hey Francis, Thank you very much.

Actually part of #5, and 6 was my ­only- question!
1-4 is no problem. I must not have been clear as I was just trying to
explain the circumstance of my question,
sorry and =Thank You= for your kind response.

I will investigate soon!!

Best Regards,

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video
To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash and Yahoo map geocode service question

2007-03-08 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited

No probs... I deal with Yahoo Maps with Flash on a continual basis
these days for one of our clients, so I find myself stumbling over
many of the pitfalls with Yahoo Maps (one of them being their geocode
still needs work -- and there's more :-P ).


On 3/8/07, Helen Triolo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks jord -- that was indeed the issue.  If anyone else does
Flash+Yahoo maps, the url to use instead (the one that has a
cross-domain file in place) is

new tute:

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video
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Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Dynamic video buttons

2007-03-08 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Seeing as you mentioned ColdFusion (you didn't mention that one  
before :-) ), you can also use Flash Remoting to get the information  
to and from Flash. Where there's a back-end language, there will  
probably be a database involved and in there will probably be a field  
for video records.

As for placing the video, you can play video almost anywhere, so  
putting it in a button is a definitely possibility.


On Mar 8, 2007, at 4:48 PM, Wendy Marino wrote:

I will post as soon as I see which method works best for the  
situation (It's
for a daily news broadcasts that will be posted on line). The  
server is

running php and cold fusion and so I'll check that out.

And Jordan, I figured this would be possible in an xml ( pop
up a button that plays a video) a playeror points to it  
brining it

into player.

-both methods could work I guess so I'll see which will be best to

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] OT: Pirated Books

2007-03-02 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited

Sorry... couldn't resist:

On 3/1/07, Omar Fouad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

this is not called piracy my little brave boy... as in i am not selling it.
I was just considering you my lil brother, and than i decided to give you
this book as any one gives something to his girlfriend..

IOW, your give your girlfriend stolen jewelry that someone else just
happened to take for you?

What I find even more humourous than this is your signature
paraphrasing 1 Corinthians. Here's one from Exodus: Thou shalt not

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video
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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] How does YouTube convert all video formats to Flash format?

2007-02-08 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott - Interactivity Unlimited

This can also be done with the Flix Engine. We have been using this
with one of our clients with great success.


2007/2/8, Paul Steven [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I am working on a Flash project that requires the user to upload a video
 clip. Ideally they should not be restricted to a particular video format
 I was hoping for some advice on how to convert different video formats
 online to flash format.

 I have seen this done on the YouTube website but have no idea what they
 using - anyone know what they are using?

 Any advice much appreciated!

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (519) 837-8610

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video
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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Flash Remoting onStatus in Flash Player 8

2006-05-25 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Use the method to call your routine with a callback  
to your object. Place your onStatus and onResult methods in your  
callback object. Your status information should be passed to your  
callback object.


On May 23, 2006, at 7:19 AM, Rui Duarte Silva wrote:

I'm having a strange problem that only occurs in Flash Player 8 and  
Apparently when I publish to Player 8, my Connection.onStatus  
ceases to
function correctly. The method is still called, but the status  

(normally passed as a Object) is undefined.

Any ideas on this?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

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Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Cuepoints not accurate

2006-05-25 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Try inserting the cuepoints programmatically and see if you get the  
same results? As well, what happens if you try a Q  D encoding with  
the Flash 8 Video Encoder, adding the cuepoints there?


On May 24, 2006, at 6:17 AM, Serge Jespers wrote:

I know it's not really a coding issue but it's the only place I  
could think off to post this problem I'm having...

I'm having a serious issue with cuepoints in VP6 FLV's.

I've placed them in the FLV using Squeeze and placed them on the  
exact frame I want to trigger actions to.
But when I play it, the action starts 3 to 6 frames too early...  
which pretty much messes up the whole video.

I've tried placing the cuepoints a few frames later which works  
fine on my computer but on others it triggers too late...

Anyone have an idea on this?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source
Author: Foundation Flash 8 Video

To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: Ensuring commercial is played before the video while keeping .FLV external

2006-02-16 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
The best way you can ensure that your clients are seeing what you  
want them to see is to use a streaming server, as they can inject  
content into the stream. Thus, one stream can be comprised of two or  
more videos and the client doesn't know any better.


On Feb 13, 2006, at 11:44 AM, Jamay Liu wrote:

If advertisers are paying for a commercial, it'd be nice if the  
were actually distributed. Also, it might not be a commercial but  
just a
simple branding logo/animation that identifies the video as ours.  
The swf
will also be a preloader for the video, so another purpose is to  

viewers while the video is loading.

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source

To change your subscription options or search the archive:

Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training

Re: [Flashcoders] flv repeating?

2005-12-22 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Your code is telling it to go back to the beginning once the video  
has finished:

if(info.code == NetStream.Play.Stop) {;

The seek() will have the stream play once it has found your spot you  
wish to seek to. If you didn't want it to play again, insert an  
ns.pause(true); after your seek.


On Dec 22, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Corban Baxter wrote:

Here is pretty much all I am doing and its hand coded...

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();

var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);



ns.onStatus = function(info) {
if(info.code == NetStream.Buffer.Full) {
bufferClip._visible = false;
if(info.code == NetStream.Buffer.Empty) {
bufferClip._visible = true;
if(info.code == NetStream.Play.Stop) {;

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Can an object delete itself?

2005-12-21 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Legal or not, it's very unwise to let an object kill itself. Letting  
an object commit suicide would leave the rest of a program in a lurch  
as it wouldn't really know where to go from there. You haven't  
officially returned back to the caller at that point. You are better  
off sending out an event to a container object that will put you on  
death row, so you can be properly disposed of when you are finished  


On Dec 21, 2005, at 8:44 AM, Mark Burvill wrote:

   public function die():Void {
   trace (deleting);
   removeMovieClip (baddie_mc);
   delete this;
   trace (Am i still alive?);

The movieclip is successfully removed, but I would expect the  
second trace Am I still alive NOT to appear as the object has  
been deleted, but it does.
I read somewhere that it is illegal for an object to delete itself  
- is this true?

Is there another easy way of doing this?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] BitmapData.draw and FLV's

2005-12-16 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
I just tried it on my players as well as in Safari (Mac) as well as  
Firefox (PC) and it works fine (8.0.22). I'm wondering if there's an  
issue with your player, as I encountered the same situation with a  
wonky player with another person.

I don't see anything overly peculiar with your code, although I  
usually attach the BitmapData object to a different level in the MC.


On Dec 16, 2005, at 3:17 PM, John Grden wrote:

I'm doing a progressive download of an FLV and I can't get it to  
draw.  I

was using the FLVPlayer component, and then I tried a generic video
container with basic NetStream code.  Just a white box is the result.

The weird thing is, I did this same idea way back using  
copyPixels.  It's

playing FLVs loaded from the server and there's no issue.
If anyone cares to try it out with the test I'm running, here you go:

Can anyone at Adobe alleviate my suffering and just tell me if this  
is or

isn't possible?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] FLV Length

2005-12-14 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
The duration is located within the metadata of an FLV. Unless C# is  
able to read the metadata within an FLV, you can always read it  
within a Flash Player or browser and have it pass the info to C#.


On Dec 14, 2005, at 5:55 AM, Jim Tann wrote:

Does anyone know how to retrieve the length of an .FLV file with C#?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] End of flv playback event

2005-11-16 Thread Jordan L. Chilcott
Why not add a listener object to the onStatus event of your  
NetStream. It will inform you when the playback has stopped. You can  
take action from there.


On Nov 16, 2005, at 10:39 AM, Marlon Harrison wrote:

Is there any special trick to accurately getting an end of flv
playback event?

Jordan L. Chilcott, President
Interactivity Unlimited
Guelph, Ontario
Tel:  (519) 837-1879
eFax: (253) 276-8631

iChat/AIM: j1chilcott

Author: Building Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Building Dynamic Web Sites with Macromedia Studio MX
Author: Flash Professional 8: Training From the Source

Flashcoders mailing list