[Flashcoders] ColorPicker not closing

2009-08-10 Thread Mark Mulhollam
Hi all,

  I am using a ColorPicker in a dialog box that works fine except I can't 
get it to close without clicking off the stepper (focussing elsewhere).   It 
starts out as the little chip but once clicked on, I can't get it to close 
back to the small chip unless I click off of it.  I would much prefer to 
simply close it once it has been clicked on once but the following code 
won't do that.  Any ideas?  Thanks.

objColorPicker.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, changeLinkColor);

private function changeLinkColor(event:ColorPickerEvent):void {

var cp:ColorPicker = event.target as ColorPicker;

// do stuff - this works with the hexValue

  //  neither of the following do anything



Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Reach a single attribute value on a XML node withxpath AS3

2009-06-30 Thread Mark Mulhollam
Hi all,

   I want to run a function like onSaveFile()  where I create onSaveFile
from some variables ala:

on + event.target.name + anotherVariable  = onSaveFile

I tried Function (on + event.target.name + anotherVariable )( )  but error
says Function not supported to do that.

The string creation works but how to execute that string as a function since
eval has been removed from Flash?


Flashcoders mailing list

[Flashcoders] HTMLLoader issues

2009-06-15 Thread Mark Mulhollam
Hi all,

   I am having some event issues with an htmlLoader object which I populate
with loadString().  When I click on a link inside that HTMLLoader object,
sometimes the page opens up in the default browser as it should and
sometimes not.

Worse is that I have the HTMLLoader object to be draggable (which doesn't
work on it for some reason but only on a larger background it is centered 
Why can't I make an HTMLLoader draggable - it has startDrag and stopDrag
methods?  I am just looking for confirmation that people have gotten 
HTMLLoaders to be draggable.

Also, if I click on a link inside the loader, now it does drag and I can't 
rid of it - it is stuck to the mouse.  Perhaps I have to kill off an event?

(No time right now to give some code - if there are no immediate thoughts on
HTMLLoader issues, I will add some code).


Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Close all brances in tree component

2006-09-14 Thread Mark Mulhollam
As suggested, resetting your dataProvider to whatever you started with is fast.
I use this  :

myTree.dataProvider = myTreeDP.firstChild;

Mark Mulhollam

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Lieven
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:55 AM
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject: [Flashcoders] Close all brances in tree component

Does anybody have a function to close all branches in tree
component???(V2 component Flash)

Thx, Lieven Cardoen

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RE: [Flashcoders] Different font sizes in Tree Component

2005-11-03 Thread Mark Mulhollam
Hi Claudia,

   You can do a lot with formatting in a tree component with cellRenderers.
Please see

http://www.tc.umn.edu/~mulho005/trees3.html   for examples.  The relevant files
are at


Minneapolis, Minnesota

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Claudia
Sent: Wednesday, November 02, 2005 1:26 PM
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Different font sizes in Tree Component

check cellRenderers... you'll have to roll one up, and then assign some
formatted text to the labels for the nodes as you want.

Thanks Ed, I was afraid something like this was needed…

Each time I have to do something with the V2 components, it seems as if I
spend more time trying to make them work, than if I would have done the
thing from scratch.

It seems so stupid to have to do all that hullabaloo just to change the font
size of different branch types.

Is there anyone out there that has already implemented this with the
CellRenderer? I would love to hear your comments.

Thank you,


Flashcoders mailing list

RE: [Flashcoders] Modifying Tree components highlight

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Mulhollam

  I think you can get there by doing something like the following.  The tricky
part is figuring out the relationship of the other node to highlight to the node
you are presently selecting.  Here I just highlighted two nodes down the tree.
Note that the tree only considers open nodes in its displayIndex count.  What
happens if you first open a branch in between the two nodes I haven't checked.
And it highlights two nodes down even if you immediately thereafter close that
branch - so order is important.  I.e., what is displayed at the time changes the
index of all nodes.

myTreeListener.change = function(evtObj) {

var tree = evtObj.target;
var node = tree.selectedItem;


//  var openNode = tree.getIsOpen(node);
//  var isBranch = tree.getIsBranch(node);

// possible logic ala : if (tree.attributes.label == nodeLabel3) { then
highlight tree.attributes.nodeToHighlight; }

// xml : node label=nodeLabel3  nodeToHighlight=allBlahNodes/

//   node label=nodelabel8  nodeToHighlight=allDarnNodes/

//   node label=nodeLabelX  linkedNode=allBlahNodes/

//   node label=nodeLabelX  linkedNode=allDarnNodes/

// I suppose you could loop through DISPLAYED nodes looking for any attribute
you want and changing that node
//of course you could always loop through your all or some part of your tree
//You will have to modify to skip current selected node

//  for (i=0; itree.rowCount;i++) {

//var checkNode = tree.getNodeDisplayedAt(i);
//  if (checkNode.attributes.linkedNode == node.attributes.nodeToHighlight) 
//  tree.setPropertiesAt(tree.getDisplayIndex(checkNode),
//  break;
//  }
//  }  completely untested!!!


Nodes will remain highlighted until you change their color again, so you may
need to keep track of the last highlighted node to reset it back to default.

Mark Mulhollam
Minneapolis, Minnesota

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Claudia
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 7:01 PM
To: flashcoders@chattyfig.figleaf.com
Subject: [Flashcoders] Modifying Tree components highlight


I’ve been given the task to change the highlight programmatically of the
different nodes in a tree component.

The functionality would be something like this:

The user selects a node (highlighting it), then based on some event, another
node in the tree is highlighted with a DIFFERENT color, leaving both nodes
highlighted with their respective default and special colors.

That’s the basic functionality I’m looking after. I digged through the
source and found that the highlight can be found like this.

for(var i:Number = 0; i  treeInstance.rows.length; i++)

I tried changing the color of the treeInstance.rows[x].highlight MovieClip,
but found that it is only possible if it is the selected node in the tree
component, even though the for loop indicates that the MC exists.

I also had a look at using treeInstance.cellRenderer = “blah”; But I
couldn’t find any help on that either.

I would really appreciate if you guys could help me find a solution to this
problem (at this stage I’m not fussy about OOP or clean code).


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