Hey all

The company i work for is looking for an Actionscript person to work with me
(and a couple server peeps and designers).

We're a social-network development company with 97% of new projects being
100% Flash front ends. Our projects are mostly for network television
properties, and based around user-generated content (think MySpace meets
YouTube meets Food Network -- but all in Flash).

What we need is someone who can jump in, get up to speed in a matter of
hours and use existing FLAs, code, and components and build sites based on
new specs. Design skills are really helpful in seeing designer mock-ups come
to life and keeping things looking good, but an all out animator/illustrator
is NOT what we need.

Where: your living room -- which is hopefully somewhere in the US, because
we can't deal with timezone differences real well. (Or, we do have offices
in NYC and LA)
When: NOW!! Full-time commitment, please.
Pay: negotiable (not my part to deal with)

You: AS2 master, have built some RIA's, some games, some tools, etc.,
knowledge of building and using components, class-based coding, can work
under super-tight-need-it-yesterday deadlines where specs change two or
three times in the course of an afternoon, data stuff like XML and JSON,
building re-usable widgets, can work with ugly "i just needed it to work"
code and not bitch all day about "proper" commenting style. Photoshop skill
is most delightful. Extra bonus for Yahoo Flash maps knowledge, 3D concepts,
Red5, and any of the various styles of throat singing.

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you might get to meet reality TV stars (the boss
is one). It's a decent gig. And you get to work with me! (joy, i know)

If you are interested, please email me OFF LIST (gwygonik @ gmail [dot] com)
with some links, code samples, general experience, etc., and we'll talk
about it.

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