Here's a really weird one: I created a Flash 8 swf -- using
Actionscript 2.0 -- compiled it as a Flash 8 swf, but it doesn't work
in the Flash 8 player. It does, however, work in the Flash 9 player.

The file loads data in from multiple xml files. It actually works
fine, even in Flash 8, if I only try to load from nine xml files, but
as-soon-as I ad a tenth file, it stops working. By stops working, I
mean that when the swf runs, I only see the Stage background.

This same swf (without being changed in any way or recompiled) works
fine in the Flash 9 player.

The 8 player doesn't seem to be balking at the amount of xml, because
if I cut the code from the tenth xml file and paste it into the 9th
file, everything works fine. It just seems to choke on ten files.

//works in Flash player 8 and 9
var strXmlPath:String =

//works only in Flash player 9
//var strXmlPath:String =

var xml:XML = new XML();
var arrXmlPaths:Array = new Array();
var arrXmlLoaders:Array = new Array();
var numXmlFilesLoaded:Number = 0;

function parseXML(str:String):Void
        var xml:XML = new XML();
        var strXml:String;
        xml.ignoreWhite = true;
        arrXmlPaths = str.split(","); //get list of xml files
        for (var i:Number = 0; i < arrXmlPaths.length; i++)
                strXml = arrXmlPaths[i];
                arrXmlLoaders[i] = new XML();
                arrXmlLoaders[i].ignoreWhite = true;
                arrXmlLoaders[i].onLoad = xmlFileDoneLoading;

function xmlFileDoneLoading():Void
       //have all the xml files loaded?
        if (numXmlFilesLoaded == arrXmlPaths.length)
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