[Flashcoders] Tips for newbie

2009-03-20 Thread Sid Ferreira
Hi all!
Im new in Flash, but I have a long background in programming (php, C, asp,
Flex, and there we go) for a long time.
I was really into Flex' view, but after discussing with a friend, I've met
and choosed Gaia Framework.
Now I have the problem: Where to start?
In Flex, it would be pretty simple tasks like dynamically add custom created
components an passing parameters on them, but, how to do that in flash?
Sorry if it sounds lazy, but, my cable is off and I need gather most tuff
possible to get home and use it a lot at weekend.

Thanks in advance

Sidney G B Ferreira
Desenvolvedor Web
Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tips for newbie

2009-03-20 Thread Glen Pike


 Here are some quick tips.
   Look at the help docs in Flash IDE for: Programming ActionScript 
3.0:  Working with movie clips - Creating MovieClip objects with 

  To summarise, you can use MovieClips to group together stuff into 
components (Not formal Flash Components in the Button, DataGrid, etc. 
sense - creating these is a bit more tricky because you have to follow 
certain rules - the principle that they collect a load of other 
MovieClip / Sprite based assets is the same as above, but the class 
heirarchy may be different.  I would recommend following the tutorials / 
samples in Flash's help as these will be very useful.)

   I think if you use the Gaia Framework, it generates your FLA's for 
you and also AS3 classes that are linked to your page, you can then work 
in one of these FLA's to create components in the informal sense.

   The idea of creating components is similar to the way Gaia scaffolds 
your FLA's with classes that are linked to them - I am not sure how you 
would make your components available across the whole Gaia'd site - look 
in the doc's about Assets probably - but if you want to create a 
component in an individual page that you can instanciate in code:
   Make a MovieClip symbol, in the Advanced properties of the create 
dialog,  choose to export for ActionScript.  If you want to add 
behaviour to your symbol ~ to mx:Script in your MXML, you would create 
an AS3 class file and set this class file as the Class of your 
MovieClip.  Then in other AS files used in the same FLA, you can 
instanciate by calling new ClassName() - you can add params to the 
constructor if you like too, but if you drag a copy of the Symbol on 
stage, Flash may moan because it creates the ClassName instance, but 
passes no params...

   Also, if you want to link your AS class to more than one symbol in 
the library of the same FLA, you will need to set it as the Base Class 
and use a different name for each Class property of the Symbol - Flash 
will automatically generate an class internal to the SWF with the same 
name and you would instanciate it with that name, but it would behave as 
the Base Class - like extends in php...

   For some good books - Keith Peter's Making Things Move is nice, 
because you do interesting things, but maybe it's not geared towards UI 
stuff completely.  Colin Moock's AS3 book is about 3 times the size of 
the AS2 one, but invaluable.  There are PDF sample chapters out there 
for lots of books - look on Friends Of Ed / O'Reilly for these and see 
what you think.  Look at the Devnet site on Adobe too for loads of 
useful stuff

   I hope this is useful, it can be a bit fiddly getting stuff right - 
watch out for declaring your variables in code and flash's publish 
settings for AS3 (File-Publish Settings, Flash tab, Settings 
button), untick declare stage instances automatically.  If you do have 
sub-components in a component on the stage, you need to give them an 
instance name - like the id attribute in Flex - the same as your 
variable in codeselect the clip on the stage in Flash and name it in the 
Properties panel in the box where it says Instance Name.  If you 
instanciate anything dynamically you won't (should become obvious...).  
Also, like Flex, you may have to wait for the ADDED_TO_STAGE event 
before you can manipulate child clips that you add at author-time...

   Hope this is a bit useful :)



Sid Ferreira wrote:

Hi all!
Im new in Flash, but I have a long background in programming (php, C, asp,
Flex, and there we go) for a long time.
I was really into Flex' view, but after discussing with a friend, I've met
and choosed Gaia Framework.
Now I have the problem: Where to start?
In Flex, it would be pretty simple tasks like dynamically add custom created
components an passing parameters on them, but, how to do that in flash?
Sorry if it sounds lazy, but, my cable is off and I need gather most tuff
possible to get home and use it a lot at weekend.

Thanks in advance



Glen Pike
01326 218440
www.glenpike.co.uk http://www.glenpike.co.uk

Flashcoders mailing list

Re: [Flashcoders] Tips for newbie

2009-03-20 Thread Joel Stransky
There is plenty of info in the Gaia documentation and Steven answers pretty
much every post in the forum. Try to steer clear of non-gaia related
questions though.

A Gaia project starts with creating a new project in the Gaia panel. Then
you edit the site.xml it generates to scaffold out the site, then back in
the panel, you have it generate .fla's and document classes according to
You can add an asset node to one of the parents (index or nav) to hold all
of your components, then call functions in that assets Document class to
return new instances. In Gaia, always attempt to use the api and asset
subclasses (MovieClipAsset, NetStreamAsset, etc.) before rolling your own.

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Glen Pike postmas...@glenpike.co.ukwrote:


  Here are some quick tips.
   Look at the help docs in Flash IDE for: Programming ActionScript 3.0:
  Working with movie clips - Creating MovieClip objects with ActionScript.

  To summarise, you can use MovieClips to group together stuff into
 components (Not formal Flash Components in the Button, DataGrid, etc.
 sense - creating these is a bit more tricky because you have to follow
 certain rules - the principle that they collect a load of other MovieClip /
 Sprite based assets is the same as above, but the class heirarchy may be
 different.  I would recommend following the tutorials / samples in Flash's
 help as these will be very useful.)

   I think if you use the Gaia Framework, it generates your FLA's for you
 and also AS3 classes that are linked to your page, you can then work in one
 of these FLA's to create components in the informal sense.

   The idea of creating components is similar to the way Gaia scaffolds your
 FLA's with classes that are linked to them - I am not sure how you would
 make your components available across the whole Gaia'd site - look in the
 doc's about Assets probably - but if you want to create a component in
 an individual page that you can instanciate in code:
 Make a MovieClip symbol, in the Advanced properties of the create
 dialog,  choose to export for ActionScript.  If you want to add behaviour to
 your symbol ~ to mx:Script in your MXML, you would create an AS3 class
 file and set this class file as the Class of your MovieClip.  Then in other
 AS files used in the same FLA, you can instanciate by calling new
 ClassName() - you can add params to the constructor if you like too, but if
 you drag a copy of the Symbol on stage, Flash may moan because it creates
 the ClassName instance, but passes no params...

   Also, if you want to link your AS class to more than one symbol in the
 library of the same FLA, you will need to set it as the Base Class and use a
 different name for each Class property of the Symbol - Flash will
 automatically generate an class internal to the SWF with the same name and
 you would instanciate it with that name, but it would behave as the Base
 Class - like extends in php...

   For some good books - Keith Peter's Making Things Move is nice, because
 you do interesting things, but maybe it's not geared towards UI stuff
 completely.  Colin Moock's AS3 book is about 3 times the size of the AS2
 one, but invaluable.  There are PDF sample chapters out there for lots of
 books - look on Friends Of Ed / O'Reilly for these and see what you think.
  Look at the Devnet site on Adobe too for loads of useful stuff

   I hope this is useful, it can be a bit fiddly getting stuff right - watch
 out for declaring your variables in code and flash's publish settings for
 AS3 (File-Publish Settings, Flash tab, Settings button), untick declare
 stage instances automatically.  If you do have sub-components in a
 component on the stage, you need to give them an instance name - like the id
 attribute in Flex - the same as your variable in codeselect the clip on the
 stage in Flash and name it in the Properties panel in the box where it
 says Instance Name.  If you instanciate anything dynamically you won't
 (should become obvious...).  Also, like Flex, you may have to wait for the
 ADDED_TO_STAGE event before you can manipulate child clips that you add at

   Hope this is a bit useful :)


 Sid Ferreira wrote:

 Hi all!
 Im new in Flash, but I have a long background in programming (php, C, asp,
 Flex, and there we go) for a long time.
 I was really into Flex' view, but after discussing with a friend, I've met
 and choosed Gaia Framework.
 Now I have the problem: Where to start?
 In Flex, it would be pretty simple tasks like dynamically add custom
 components an passing parameters on them, but, how to do that in flash?
 Sorry if it sounds lazy, but, my cable is off and I need gather most tuff
 possible to get home and use it a lot at weekend.

 Thanks in advance


 Glen Pike
 01326 218440
 www.glenpike.co.uk http://www.glenpike.co.uk

 Flashcoders mailing list