>> Howdy Jason,
>>Didn't see a reply from you come through. Just you query (tit)... ;),
>>the email that said you answered it before. Nothing in between them.

That happens to me on this list sometimes, but only this list.  Seems
this list only accepts pure text formatted e-mails and if you forget
that and send in another format, it rejects your messages silently.
Sorry about that.    

Isaac, here was my reply to your question yesterday from the thread,
"help with frame navigation and xml":

You don't need any code inside the clip, I think you're approaching this
the wrong way around.  Why have the XML node based on the frame's label?
You already know it's going to "intro" since you have to tell the
MovieClip to go there. Do something like this instead:

var destination:String = "intro";
myClip.myTextField.text = myXML.myNode.(@destination);

Or could be this if your text is in the text node:

var destination:String = "intro";
myClip.myTextField.text = myXML.myNode.(@destination).text();

Hope that helps,

Jason Merrill 

Bank of  America   Global Learning 
Learning & Performance Soluions

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presented by bank associates, Adobe engineers, and outside experts in
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