RE: [Flashcoders] Re: AS2: Design Pattern: event based or pointer? frommodel or controller?

2007-05-04 Thread David Ngo
IMO, EventDispatcher will work well in most cases. If you need a more
flexible or scalable way to handle events, then I'd suggest writing your own
event framework based on the Observer pattern as there are some limitations
to EventDispatcher.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sebastian
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 5:24 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Re: AS2: Design Pattern: event based or pointer?
frommodel or controller?


So I've done some more independant research,

I think I'm going to use an EventDispatcher system from the PageController:

Instead of pointers. As I think this makes more sense.
Ofcourse, any insight from the 'pros' still welcome!

With kind,


On 5/3/07, sebastian [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello folks,

 My next question is conceptual...

 I've made good progress on many of the classes in my application, but
 I'm now caught in a dilemma regarding approach.

 As mentioned in a previous mail, I'm building a system that can be
 divided into two: 1 part does general world 3D animation until the pages
 are opened; this was relatively easy to make... the second part of the
 system deals with generating pages [its a templating MVC system]; this
 is the tough part!

 At the center of the application is my class: PageController

 Linked to it are 3 other Classes: PageModel [to load new pages],
 StatsCollector [to record new pages called] and MouseController [told to
 turn off 3D motion when pages are opened].

 I was planning on using an object-instance pointer in the PageController
 formed during its construction, to tell the associated Classes that a
 new event has ocured, but someone pointed out to me that I should be
 using an event based system instead [so that's its easier to add new
 Classes that listen to the Controller in the future]

 Here is what I have:

 class com.blabla.PageController {
 //Object pointers
 private var pageModel:Object;
 private var statsCollector:Object;
 private var mouseController:Object;
 private var urlMapper:Object;
 //Page open/close status
 private var activeWindow:Boolean;

 function PageController (
 this.pageModel = __pageModel;
 this.statsCollector = __statsCollector;
 this.mouseController = __mouseController;
 this.urlMapper = __urlMapper;
 //Set initial state:
 this.activeWindow = false;

 //this method is called by SWFAddress on url changes:
 public function urlChange(__name:String):Void {

 //set the page active true to turn off
 //3D mouse system:

 this.activeWindow = true;

 //tell 3D mouse system to check status:

 //call URL mapper returns an XML file based
 //on the url __name
 //this XML file is then passed to the pageModel
 //which will then notify the PageView of changes

 this.pageModel.buildPage (this.urlMapper.convertLink

 //run the method in 'statscol' with url:




 So, my question is... is this the right way to be sending events? By
 making pointers and calling methods in connected classes? Also, should I
 store my activeWindow parameter in the Controller? I have a feeling
 its in the wrong Class; but from a Code-clarity perspective it does make
 sense to have it here as the controller is a state-dispatcher...?

 Or should I be using an event based system instead of pointers? If so,
 could someone lightly outline what the difference would be like in such
 a set up? I'm not very familiar with using events to drive app like
 this. I'd be very thankful.

 Here is the latest diagram of the system:
 [this that are blue/green are things I've built until now]

 Note I chose to connect the MouseController and StatsCollector to the
 PageController instead of the PageModel because if I did so the
 PageModel would get very long in terms of code; I want the PageModel to
 focus JUST on storing the Templates' data that the View will build [by
 refering to the PageModel's loaded data]. Also, if I linked everything
 to the PageModel instead, the functionality of the PageController as a
 dispatcher would be made redundant... am I right in this thinking

Re: [Flashcoders] Re: AS2: Design Pattern: event based or pointer? frommodel or controller?

2007-05-04 Thread sebastian

Thanks David and Muzak,

What I've done is used an existing class to create 
events, and then created a pointer in the PageController + 
relatedListening classes to the Broadcaster so that they can register 
eventListen + DispatchEvent. I found this conceptually easier to 
implement than:

.addEventListener(click, Delegate.create(this, function));

But I think this also has to do with my unfamiliarity with using this 
design approach... especially in how to make two classes talk to each 
other [all the examples I find have the Delegate function call something 
within the same class; but i need the events to go between classes...?]

So here is how I am doing it... the Broadcaster class:

class com.oop.core.Broadcaster {

private var __listeners:Array;

function Broadcaster() {
__listeners = [];

	public function addEventListener(evnt:String, lstnr:Object, 
mappedTo:String):Boolean {

var ev:String;
var li:Object;
for (var i in __listeners) {
ev = __listeners[i].event;
li = __listeners[i].listener;
if (ev == evnt  li == lstnr) return false;
__listeners.push({event:evnt, listener:lstnr, 
return true;

public function dispatchEvent(evnt:String, params:Object):Void {
var evtObj = {type:evnt, parameters:params};
for (var i:String in __listeners) {
if (__listeners[i].event == evnt) {

this[evnt + Handler](evtObj);

public function removeEventListener(evnt:String, lstnr:Object):Boolean {
var ev:String;
var li:Object;
for (var i = 0; i  __listeners.length; i++) {
ev = __listeners[i].event;
li = __listeners[i].listener;
if (ev == evnt  li == lstnr) {
__listeners.splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;


And then in each class I want to register to the broadcaster I write:

class com.blabla.PageController {

//init pointers:
private var myModel:Object;
private var myBroadcaster:Object;
private var myURLMapper:Object;
//init window state:
private var activeWindow:Boolean;

	public function PageController 
(__myModel:Object,__myBroadcaster:Object,__myURLMapper:Object) {

myModel = __myModel;
myBroadcaster = __myBroadcaster;
myURLMapper = __myURLMapper;
activeWindow = false;

public function urlChange (__newURL:String):Void {
if ((__newURL == ) || (__newURL == /)) {
activeWindow = false;
} else {
activeWindow = true;



class com.blabla.StatsCollector {
var myBroadcaster:Object;

public function StatsCollector (__myBroadcaster) {
myBroadcaster = __myBroadcaster;

public function newURL (__newURL) {
trace (StatsCollector =  + __newURL.parameters.myURL);

Are there any advantages/disadvantages to the way I am setting up my 
listeners/dispatchers in this way vs. addEventListener(event, 
Delegate.create(this, function));?

I want to make sure I'm doing it right as I will soon be making loads of 

thanks again!!!


David Ngo wrote:

IMO, EventDispatcher will work well in most cases. If you need a more
flexible or scalable way to handle events, then I'd suggest writing your own
event framework based on the Observer pattern as there are some limitations
to EventDispatcher.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sebastian
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 5:24 AM
Subject: [Flashcoders] Re: AS2: Design Pattern: event based or pointer?
frommodel or controller?


So I've done some more independant research,

I think I'm going to use an EventDispatcher system from the PageController:

Instead of pointers. As I think this makes more sense.
Ofcourse, any insight from