Yes I am aware of the swfObject.

We are working on an Flash application that can be embedded from
external hosts, by any user, and we do not like to force users to
store additional JS, like swfObject at their hosts. Instead we prefer
to relay on the official nested <object><embed> thing. I am aware of
weakness of this solution, but this is still not the point of my mail.

I just discovered that on my PC (both FF and IE) any page that uses
<object><embed src=".......&nodemapid=....."/></object> ends up with
stripped off <embed> tag.

Of course I can  change the variable nodemapid name to something else.
But I just would like to inspect if it is really possible, that a
variable "nodemapid" can cause different behavior (i.e. stripping out
<embed> under some browsers) than any other variable name.

The small HTMLs I linked in my first mail are not meant to embed
anything real, but just to test the "nodemapid" variable, which is
driving me crazy. And possibly this is only my local computer
behavior. I did not found anything related on google. In fact
"nodemapid" gives less than 300 results ;)


Monday, November 23, 2009 (8:44:57 PM) Nathan Mynarcik wrote:

> Hopefully I am understanding what you are trying to do. Have you
> thought of using swfobject for your flash files? I think this would
> be the best way to handle what you are trying to do. You can then
> add your "nomapid" to the parameters of your flash movie and should work with 
> all browsers.


> ------Original Message------
> From: Greg Ligierko
> Sender:
> To: Flash Coders List
> ReplyTo: Flashcoders
> ReplyTo: Flash Coders List
> Subject: [Flashcoders] A variable "nodemapid=" makes <embed> gone (IE and FF)
> Sent: Nov 23, 2009 1:29 PM

> I have a strange issue with a http variable in <embed> tag and I would
> appreciate much if you test two links with short HTML code.

> I prepared two ultra-thin HTMLs.

> its source code is:
> <object><embed src="nodemapid="/></object>

> its source code is:
> <object><embed src="nodemapidq="/></object>  (note the "q" character)

> Now... for embed8.htm, IE7 and FF(3.5.5) show source ("view page source"):
> <object><!--                  --></object>   (removed <embed>)

> While for embed9.htm, both browsers show the expected source:
> <object><embed src="nodemapidq="/></object>

> Safari shows full code for both files.

> Can you see this too ? Or perhaps this is some local issue of my PC ?

> Thanks,

> Greg

> _______________________________________________
> Flashcoders mailing list

> Nathan Mynarcik
> Interactive Web Developer
> 254.749.2525

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