[flexcoders] AIR Openwithdefaultapplication

2011-10-28 Thread isa_loyer
I'd like to use Open with default application to open file located on my 
remote server.
But this command seems not working with path like
Can you help me to solve that.


[flexcoders] AIR how to complete and print a pdf file

2011-10-28 Thread isa_loyer

In my app, user has a pdf witch may use like a template.
It's an administrative form that may be complete with mysql data.

My goal is to create this pdf and insert field, all must be done inside my air 

When people wants to print this document, field must be replace by good value 
after request to database.

My problem, is:
How to open pdf in air and store field name inside document,
Second, how replace field by good values during print job.

Thanks for helping.

[flexcoders] Re: Custom Component Height issue

2011-10-28 Thread bhaq1972
this is a simple example, it might be useful. Basically, all i'm doing is 
increasing the panel height everytime i add a row into the datagrid.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
s:Application xmlns:fx=http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009; 
 xmlns:mx=library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx minWidth=955 minHeight=600
s:VerticalLayout horizontalAlign=center paddingTop=10/

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

private var myDP:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{col0:something, col1:0, col2:'goes', col3:'in', col4:'here'},
{col0:something, col1:0, col2:'goes', col3:'in', col4:'here'},
{col0:something, col1:0, col2:'goes', col3:'in', col4:'here'},
{col0:something, col1:0, col2:'goes', col3:'in', col4:'here'},
{col0:something, col1:0, col2:'goes', col3:'in', col4:'here'}

public function addRow():void
  dg.dataProvider.addItem({col0:something, col1:0, col2:'goes', 
col3:'in', col4:'here'});
  pnl.height += dg.rowHeight; 
  //pnl.invalidateDisplayList(); // my test doesnt need this but yours 

  s:Button label=addRow click=addRow()/   
  s:Panel id=pnl title=panel width=400 height=250
s:DataGrid id=dg dataProvider={myDP} width=320 height=100%
s:GridColumn dataField=col0/
s:GridColumn dataField=col1/
s:GridColumn dataField=col2/
s:GridColumn dataField=col3/
s:GridColumn dataField=col4/

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, flexlearner19 flexlearner19@... wrote:

 no replies  :(
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, flexlearner19 flexlearner19@ wrote:
  hi all
  i am using a custom component (extended spark panel ,added some buttons on 
  the header)and that  contains a datagrid.now my problem  is whenver I add a 
  row  to the datagrid,the panel is not  updating it s height.So that i get a 
  scrollbar  in the datagrid. I need to avoid the scrollbar.
any ideas to fix this ...please help..