Hi everyone out there hope all of you would be doing great.

I have 2 flex applications that use Flash Media Server to stream videos the 
issue i am facing is described as follows.

One application is a player that is embeded into a website made in Php the 
other application is a recorder that is embeded also in the same Php website
what happens is when the user logs into his account using a login page made in 
php he/she see's the player after successful login and could play videos that 
are pre-recorded and after logging into the website a session is maintained for 
the user , 
now if lets say a user loaded the recorder or clicked a link on the page and 
open's a url to record a video then as soon as the user open's that url for 
recording the video the session of the user is expired and i am talking about 
the same session which was maintained once the user was successfully logged in 
and saw the player.
We removed the recorder from our php application and when we opened the same 
url in which we have the recorder the session was not expired but when we again 
added the recorder in the application the session was expired again i have 
searched it alot on Google but i haven't got any fruitful solution to it.
One thing more to mention here is my both flex pps are accessing the same url 
or the same server for recording or playing the videos which could be like 
Any help would be highly appreciated and please i have a deadline on coming 
Monday any quick and helpful response would be highly appreciated.


Once again i request for quick and helpful response from the great flex coders 

Best Regards

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