[flexcoders] How can i connect two Boxes on apanel controls with a Line

2008-06-18 Thread Baljeet singh
Hi all,

 I want to connect two boxes with a line between them. I am using
moveTo(x1, y1) and lineTo(x2,y2) methods of Graphics class. But line
is  not getting created. I even tried with code like this:

 beginFill(x1, y1)
 moveTo(x1, y1)
 lineTo(x2, y2);
 endFill(x2, y2);

   But still no line is getting created. 

   I also want, whenever i drag and drop the boxes, line should remain
between them. 
  Any pointer/help will be highly appreciated.

Thanks ,

[flexcoders] How to deal with a java.util.HashMap in flex

2008-06-04 Thread Baljeet singh
Hi all;

I am returning a java.util.HashMap from a java class using remote
object in flex. How can i handle this map on flex side in action
script ? I want to find out the KeySet of the Map. How can i get the
keyset of map ?

   Any help/pointers will be highly appreciated.
   Thanks a lot in advance !!

[flexcoders] Copying all data from one column of DataGrid to another column

2008-04-07 Thread Baljeet singh
Hi all,

I am using an dataGrid control. I want to have a functionality by
which i can copy the entire column of a DataGrid to another column of
the same DataGrip. 
  Any pointers / help will be highly appreciated.


[flexcoders] How can we set the height & width in % for Data grid column ??

2007-09-11 Thread Baljeet singh
There is no percentHeight & percentWidth properties for DataGridColumn 
control. How can we set them in % ??

  Rest all of the components have % height & width. Why these are 
not defined for  DataGridColumn .

Thanks & Regards,

[flexcoders] How to draw a line & on mouse over change it's color & style

2007-09-11 Thread Baljeet singh
Hi all, need u'r kind help

How can i draw a line between two points on a panel & how can i 
changes it's color and style on mouse over.
thanks & regards,

[flexcoders] How to create a link in flex ??

2007-09-10 Thread Baljeet singh
Is there any tag something like  with flex to create a link. 
Flex Builder doesn't show any such tag, but it is some flex examples 
even by adobe.
For sample example see 
link : "http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/15/flex_docs_en/wwhelp/wwhimpl/c

Thanks & Regards,

[flexcoders] Re: Tree collapses when dataProvider for tree changes

2007-09-06 Thread Baljeet singh


Lets consider an XML as tree of nodes. Let me explain u the meaning of
"id".  My sample XML string look like:






  Here my each XML node has unique Id attribute.

Now suppose I create a tree with this XML & i click on any node. For the
selected node, say node with id="5", i can find out the value of "id"
attribute of selected node & save this in session object. Means now i
have idea about which node i selected.

Now suppose , i create two children for selected node i.e for node with
id="5". So my XML changes somewhat like below:





  < !-- Level 5th--->



  So my dataProvider changes & tree gets collapsed.

  As we have already stored the id attribte value of selected node in
session. Now we can iterate over XMLListCollection to find the XML  node
with that  particular id value.

& Now  i use expandItem() method  & selectedItem property, providing
selected node. But  none of these things works.

Thanks & Regards,


[flexcoders] Re: Tree collapses when dataProvider for tree changes

2007-09-05 Thread Baljeet singh


 Thanks for suggestion. But dataProvider has to be changed, &
accordingly tree changes.

 Considering XML as tree of  nodes, I am retrieving that particular
node when dataProvider changes on the basis of "id" attribute . Each
node is going to have unique value for "id" atribute in XML String.  By
this way i gets a XML object.

That XML object is used for expandItem() method or for selectedItem

Thanks  & Regards,


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Where the XML comes from shouldn't matter. Think of XML as a tree of
> nodes each with a unique id (UID). The Tree tracks the UIDs of nodes
> that are open.
> If you change the XML enough, the set of nodes, even if they look the
> same, may have new UIDs and thus the set of open items and calls to
> expandItem may not work.
> Also note that if you bind to the XMLListCollection, you risk changes
> the collection causing the collection to be re-assigned and thus flush
> the open items list.
> Thus:
> [Bindable[
> var xmlc:XMLListCollection;
> may end up resetting the dataProvider as you modify xmlc.
> var xmlc:XMLListCollection
> Will not reset as it is not watching the collection for bindable
> changes. Similarly, if you assign the dataProvider on the result of
> server fetch, you'll be safer that way too.
> From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Baljeet singh
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2007 9:19 PM
> To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Tree collapses when dataProvider for tree
> changes
> Hi,
> Actually, i am using XML string, that is coming from server side.
> From that XML string, i get the XMLListCollection as dataProvider.
> When i click on selected node, either i am editing th information
> related to node or creating children. This edited/children information
> is stored in database.
> So, dataProvider changes(it's required). Tree is
> created on the basis of "id" attribute of each XML node . When
> dataProvider changes, i again retrieve that node on basis of "id"
> attribute. Then i tried to use expandItem() method, selectedItem etc,
> providing the retrieved node. But it's not working.
> Thanks & Regards
> Baljeet

[flexcoders] Re: Tree collapses when dataProvider for tree changes

2007-09-05 Thread Baljeet singh

  Actually, i am using XML string, that is coming from server side. 
>From that XML string, i get the XMLListCollection as dataProvider.
When i click on selected node, either i am editing th information 
related to node or creating children. This edited/children information 
is stored in database.
 So, dataProvider changes(it's required). Tree is 
created on the basis of "id" attribute of each XML node . When 
dataProvider changes, i again retrieve that node on basis of "id" 
attribute. Then i tried to use expandItem() method, selectedItem etc, 
providing the retrieved node. But it's not working.

Thanks & Regards  

[flexcoders] Tree collapses when dataProvider for tree changes

2007-09-05 Thread Baljeet singh
can anybody help out??

I have created a tree using XMLListCollection as dataProvider.On click 
of selected node,dataProvider changes and tree collapse. I want tree 
to remain expanded showing previously selected node.
   I am using expandItem() method for tree to expand tree but it's not 
helping out.

Thanks & Regards,
Baljeet Singh   

[flexcoders] Re: How to add a toolTip for each node of tree

2007-09-04 Thread Baljeet singh
Hi Adam,
   Thanks very much. whatever you suggested worked fine. Thanks a 

Thanks & Regards,
Baljeet Singh

[flexcoders] Re: How to add a toolTip for each node of tree

2007-09-04 Thread Baljeet singh
Hi Adam,
   Thanks for suggestion. I have already tried with dataTipField 
property as . but this didn't show any 
toolTip for tree nodes.

Thanks & Regards,
Baljeet Singh

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Adam Dorritie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> On 9/4/07, Baljeet singh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  I am creating a tree with XmlListCollection as data provider to 
> >  I want show tooltip for each node of the tree based on name
> >  attribute of XML node in XML file. Below is my sample code:--
> Have you tried using the dataTipFunction or dataTipField properties 
> the Tree class?
> Adam

[flexcoders] How to add a toolTip for each node of tree

2007-09-04 Thread Baljeet singh
Can anybody helpout ???Any hint will be appreciated...

I am creating a tree with XmlListCollection as data provider to tree.
I want show tooltip for each node of the tree based on name 
attribute of XML node in XML file. Below is my sample code:--
