[flexcoders] Dynamically updating the contents of a ViewStack

2007-06-08 Thread Ian Shafer

I'm building a Flex application that looks like this (warning, pseudo code):

  ToggleButtonBar dataProvider=x/

ViewStack id=x

After a user logs in, I'd like the v:Login to become v:Profile. How 
can I make this happen?

PS, I'm also using Cairngorm.



[flexcoders] XML to AS3 object

2007-03-13 Thread Ian Shafer

I'm getting XML from an HTTPService call (and/or a WebService call, I 
don't think this matters). I want to take this XML and put it into my 
AS3 objects (ValueObjects using Cairngorm terminology).

I'm currently using Darron Schall's ObjectTranslator, which is great but 
doesn't work for rich object graphs.

Are there any tools for making this XML-AS3 object translation easier? 
I have a bunch of Java Beans and an XSD that describe my types. Maybe 
there's a tool to generate AS3 objects from an XSD (and generate the 
code necessary to translate XML into the object).

If there's nothing out there, I think I'll try and take Darron Schall's 
ObjectTranslator and make it work for more general cases... Although I'm 
pretty new to AS3 so I'm not sure how far I would get.


[flexcoders] HTML to Flash (Flex) application migration

2007-02-28 Thread Ian Shafer

I've been tasked with a project to migrate an HTML online store (very 
basic, add stuff to the cart, manage your profile, checkout) to Flash. I 
plan to use Flex to make this happen.

My experience with Flex is minimal. I am an experienced Java developer.

My big question is:

How will I interact with the backend database? The current application 
is separated nicely into MVC components (and I have full control over 
the backend, so I can tweak/add whatever is necessary). I've used the 
HTTPService object to retrieve XML over HTTP. This method works, but it 
doesn't seem very scalable (as far as developer productivity goes) since 
I have to expose a new method in my web application for each desired 
call. So I'm thinking that taking advantage of either Web Services or 
FDS would be a good idea. Unfortuantely, I don't have any experience in 
either of these...

I'm sure there are other concerns I'm not even thinking of right now. 
What are these?

One other concern, the load on this store can be *very* high. This is 
for a world famous rock band and they sell a very small number of 
tickets to their shows online. The demand for these tickets can be very 
high, so whatever is implemented must be scalable.

I'm open to any suggestions, comments, or questions.



Re: [flexcoders] Printing a DataGrid using a PrintDataGrid

2007-02-15 Thread Ian Shafer
Thanks for the code, but I'm not sure if this solves the problem. I went 
to the Flex2 demo 
and tried the printing demo. If one prints 3 or more pages, one can see 
that the data grid on the second page could have more rows. (This 
problem is highlighted when the heading on the first page is large.) In 
other words, the height of the data grid is not changing according to 
the space available on the page.

With my limited knowledge of Flex2, it seems that the PrintDataGrid 
should have a method fitToPage or something like that which will 
resize it according to the space left on the page.


Igor Costa wrote:

 Here's a short example of PrintJob copied from Components Explorer.

 // The function to print the output.
 public function doPrint():void {

 var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
 if (printJob.start()) {
 // Create a FormPrintView control as a child of the 
 current view.
 var thePrintView:FormPrintView = new FormPrintView();
Application.application.addChild (thePrintView);

 //Set the print view properties.
 thePrintView.prodTotal = prodTotal;
 // Set the data provider of the FormPrintView 
 component's data grid
 // to be the data provider of the displayed data grid.
 thePrintView.myDataGrid.dataProvider = 
 // Create a single-page image.
 // If the print image's data grid can hold all the 
 provider's rows,
 // add the page to the print job.
 // Otherwise, the job requires multiple pages.
 // Create the first page and add it to the print job.
 printJob.addObject (thePrintView);
 // Loop through the following code until all pages 
 are queued.
 // Move the next page of data to the top of 
 the print grid.
 // If the page holds the remaining data, or if 
 the last page
 // was completely filled by the last grid 
 data, queue it for printing.
 // Test if there is data for another 
 PrintDataGrid page.
 // This is the last page; queue it and 
 exit the print loop.
 // This is not the last page. Queue a middle page.
 thePrintView.showPage (middle);
 // All pages are queued; remove the FormPrintView 
 control to free memory.
 // Send the job to the printer.


 On 2/14/07, *Ian Shafer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


 I'm using PrintDataGrid to print a DataGrid and everything is working
 fine except one thing. The size (height) of the PrintDataGrid same
 every page. This would be okay if I were just printing the
 PrintDataGrid, but I have a header on the first page (and footers on
 subsequent pages).

 The example code for this (in the Developing Flex Applications
 is great and I followed it to a tee (I think). My current solution
 is to
 manually set the height of the PrintDataGrid after the first page.
 is a lame solution because I'm doing something like this:

 printView.reportsTable.height = printJob.pageHeight - 20;

 (If I set the height to printJob.pageHeight I get a scrollbar and my
 footer (with page number) doesn't show.)

 Any idea what's causing this?

 Here's the pertinent code snippets:

 ** Application View **

 private function printTable():void {

[flexcoders] Printing a DataGrid using a PrintDataGrid

2007-02-14 Thread Ian Shafer

I'm using PrintDataGrid to print a DataGrid and everything is working 
fine except one thing. The size (height) of the PrintDataGrid same one 
every page. This would be okay if I were just printing the 
PrintDataGrid, but I have a header on the first page (and footers on 
subsequent pages).

The example code for this (in the Developing Flex Applications guide) 
is great and I followed it to a tee (I think). My current solution is to 
manually set the height of the PrintDataGrid after the first page. This 
is a lame solution because I'm doing something like this:

printView.reportsTable.height = printJob.pageHeight - 20;

(If I set the height to printJob.pageHeight I get a scrollbar and my 
footer (with page number) doesn't show.)

Any idea what's causing this?

Here's the pertinent code snippets:

** Application View **

private function printTable():void {
var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();

if (!printJob.start()) { return; }

var printView:CategoryOrderReportTablePrintView = new 
var pageNumber:int = 1;


printView.width = printJob.pageWidth;
printView.height = printJob.pageHeight;
printView.reports = _reports;
printView.pageNumber = pageNumber;
printView.totals = this.calcTotals(this._reports);
printView.description = this.formatDate(_options.startDate) +  - 
+ this.formatDate(_options.endDate);


while (printView.reportsTable.validNextPage) {
printView.reportsTable.height = printJob.pageHeight - 20;
printView.pageNumber = pageNumber;


** Print View **

public function set pageNumber(pageNumber:int):void {
footer.pageNumber = pageNumber;

if (pageNumber == 1) {
header.includeInLayout = true;
header.visible = true;
footer.includeInLayout = false;
footer.visible = false;
} else {
header.includeInLayout = false;
header.visible = false;
footer.includeInLayout = true;
footer.visible = true;

[flexcoders] Handling initialized event with AS3 custom component

2007-02-14 Thread Ian Shafer

How do I handle an initialized event using an AS3 custom component?

In MXML it would be like this:

mx:VBox initialize=myHandler
   private function myHandler():void {
  // Do something

My guess is that I can do something like this:

package com.example.test {
public class Test extends VBox {
private function initialize():void {
   // Do something

But I can't find any documentation.



RE: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 2 HTTPService best practices

2007-02-01 Thread Ian Shafer
Thank you all for the great help. I can't tell you how much I appreciate

One note. I mentioned the command line debugger in my initial post. I
got this working in linux (Ubuntu 6.10). I had to manually install the
flashplayer executable from the Adobe website (I couldn't find it in the
SDK) and I also linked gflashplayer to flashplayer so the debugger (fdb)
would work.


On Wed, 2007-01-31 at 17:45 -0500, Tracy Spratt wrote:
 I have never been comfortable with the “black box” conversion from xml
 to mx:Object.  I went with xml in 1.5 and am delighted with e4x.  I
 read the post above on XMLEncode with interest and plan to look at
 that, but since I hav so far been in control of both ends, the data
 type problems has not been an issue.
 You should know about AsyncToken and the ACT pattern.  It lets you
 match up results to the corresponding data call, so you can decide how
 to porcess the result.  You can even define a handler function, which
 I think is known as “closure”.  More info is availble on all this.

 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Behalf Of Chris Luebcke
 Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3:48 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: Flex 2 HTTPService best practices
 So I tried setting the resultFormat to object for a service that
 returns a fairly deep XML structure. I found that it did a pretty good
 job of mapping the text nodes to the correct types (Boolean, String
 and Number); it didn't map 2006-11-17 to a Date, but hey, you can't
 be all things to all people.
 Anybody else out there have experience with resultFormat=object? Is
 there any documentation that specifically describes how the object
 graph is put together and what the text-node-to-object rules are? I
 suppose I could go look at the source code, but figured I might as
 well ask around first.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Chris Luebcke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi Ian, I'm using XML over HTTPService in my current app and may be
  able to help with some of this. Responses inline below.
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Ian Shafer ian@ wrote:
   ...regarding using HTTPService:
   * Should I be using it? I'm choosing to use HTTPService because I
   want to pay for FDS and it (HTTPService) *seems* simple so that if
   are problems, I could easily be able to fix them (as opposed to
   FDS and Adobe's proprietary encoding). Also, XML over HTTP is
 simple and
   always works. Hooking up remote objects just seems like a pain.
  The answer to that question ultimately comes down to your specific
  project needs, of course. I'm not using FDS (for the usual reasons),
  and there doesn't appear to be an open-source (or otherwise really
  cheap) alternative to using AMF3 to communicate to a Java backend.
  that really leaves some flavor of XML over HTTP as the raw message
  language and protocol. We deliberated between SOAP, REST and
  XML message protocols, and ultimately settled on homegrown for a
  variety of reasons I won't bore you with. Again, it really depends
  your specific needs, but so far our solution is shaping up very
   * What is the best resultFormat to use. As far as I can tell,
 there are
   three: object, e4x, and xml. The xml format seems obsolete since
 we now
   have e4x. Is there any reason to use xml? I get e4x (pretty sweet,
   think this is a *great* language feature). The only drawback I've
   so far is the datatype of e4x values. They all seem to be Strings.
 I get
   this, but I wonder if there's an easy way to say all @quantity
   are numeric so it'll sort nice in a DataGrid. object seems cool,
   I'm not 100% clear how it works.
  Me neither, frankly. I might consider trying it, though, given that
  there is apparently some basic type casting done when you use this
  format, according to the dev guide:
  By default, the resultFormat property value of HTTPService
  and WebService component operations is object, and the data that is
  returned is represented as a simple tree of ActionScript objects.
  interprets the XML data that a web service or HTTP service returns
  appropriately represent base types, such as String, Number, Boolean,
  and Date. To work with strongly typed objects, you must populate
  objects using the object tree that Flex creates.
   Can I tell HTTPService which class to
   bind the objects to? I don't use Flex Builder (again, I don't like
   pay for software, and I don't have the money), so it's tough to
   introspect the objects at runtime (although I did see something
   command line debugging, I'll have to look into that).
  I believe this creates a new graph of objects with dynamically
  properties. I don't

[flexcoders] HTTPService request parameters - multiple values for the same name

2007-02-01 Thread Ian Shafer

I'm not 100% sure this is compliant with the HTTP spec (I know the Java 
servlet libraries handle it, so I'm guessing it is to spec), but I want 
to pass multiple values for the same name. Example:


This doesn't seem to be possible using an Object to hold the request 
parameters in HTTPService.

I currently have a work-around in place 
(http://test.com/doit.cgi?countries=US,AU), but I like the first way better.

Thanks for any insight,


[flexcoders] Flex 2 HTTPService best practices

2007-01-31 Thread Ian Shafer

I'm pretty new to Flex and Flash (about two weeks in). I'm an
experienced Java developer, so I do have a solid background. I have a
number of questions regarding using HTTPService:

* Should I be using it? I'm choosing to use HTTPService because I don't
want to pay for FDS and it (HTTPService) *seems* simple so that if there
are problems, I could easily be able to fix them (as opposed to using
FDS and Adobe's proprietary encoding). Also, XML over HTTP is simple and
always works. Hooking up remote objects just seems like a pain.

* What is the best resultFormat to use. As far as I can tell, there are
three: object, e4x, and xml. The xml format seems obsolete since we now
have e4x. Is there any reason to use xml? I get e4x (pretty sweet, I
think this is a *great* language feature). The only drawback I've found
so far is the datatype of e4x values. They all seem to be Strings. I get
this, but I wonder if there's an easy way to say all @quantity fields
are numeric so it'll sort nice in a DataGrid. object seems cool, but
I'm not 100% clear how it works. Can I tell HTTPService which class to
bind the objects to? I don't use Flex Builder (again, I don't like to
pay for software, and I don't have the money), so it's tough to
introspect the objects at runtime (although I did see something about
command line debugging, I'll have to look into that).

* I want to call (HTTPService.send()) my service with different query
parameters. What's the best way to do this? Currently, I'm creating a
new HTTPService in AS and generating the URL every time it is called.
This doesn't seem right to me.

* Should I use a service-config.xml file? I haven't been able to find
good documentation on this?

I think that about does it. Thanks for any help!
