Re: [flexcoders] Flex Development on the Mac

2005-12-27 Thread Jason Weiss
Title: Re: [flexcoders] Flex Development on the Mac

I do 100% of my Flex development on my Mac G5 Quad using Tomcat, Apache ANT, Apache AXIS and an array of databases, from Sybase to mySQL (depending on the client).  I use BBEdit (can’t speak for Adobe’s official position on FlexBuilder 2.0 on the Mac platform), Eclipse for my web services development, and a bit of command line magic here and there.  The bottom line is that it is absolutely feasible to do full-fledged development on a Mac.  Naturally, only Adobe can say if they will “officially” support 2.0 on the Mac.



Jason Weiss
Cynergy Systems, Inc.
Macromedia Flex Alliance Partner

Email:  jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcom__nospam
Office: 866-CYNERGY

On 12/27/05 3:41 PM, "Jordan Snyder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What about Flex 2 development on a Mac?  Anyone?

On 12/27/05, Weyert de Boer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
JesterXL wrote:
> Er, G4 I think
Yeah, Tomcat and Firefox are both available for the Mac. You can install 
Tomcat via DarwinPorts. Only Flex Builder isn't available for the Mac it 
never was. Hopefully with version 2.0 using Eclipse it will, because 
Eclipse is.

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: User login and logout

2005-12-07 Thread Jason Weiss
Title: Re: [flexcoders] Re: User login and logout

The answer here is quite simple- JAAS.  Every major servlet container on the market today supports JAAS, from Tomcat to JRUN, WLS to WebSphere.  Write your JAAS component to track user’s logging in.  You’ll have to build in logic to handle situations where the user doesn’t formally log-out, i.e. They close the browser window.  Remember, this is still a web app and no notification will be sent to the containers if the user abandons the application that route.  You could get creative here, or use any of the pre-built JAAS authentication libraries from NTLM to LDAP to authenticate above and beyond controlling the roles and capabilities of the principles.

Search for JAAS here and in the NNTP groups and you’re guaranteed to find a number of threads discussing the techniques further.



Jason Weiss
Cynergy Systems, Inc.
Macromedia Flex Alliance Partner

Email: jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcom__nospam
Office: 866-CYNERGY

On 12/6/05 2:14 PM, "charged2885" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm interested in this as well. 

--- In, "Dan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all,
> I am trying to build an application that will kick out the first usr 
> when another user using the same id login. Does anyone has any idea 
> which area i should look into??? 
> Dan

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RE: [flexcoders] Maintaining Session Data/Passing data to other apps

2005-11-30 Thread Jason Weiss

The right way to do this is to establish
single sign-on at the J2EE container level between your two deployed
applications.  Depending on the state being maintained, storing that data
on the client using a SharedObject could be the worst solution in the world for
security reasons.  In Tomcat you can use the crossContext attribute on the
connector to allow session state for authenticated sessions to be shared among
all of the web applications deployed in that engine.  Macromedia even provides
documentation of deploying CF and using the crossContext attribute I’m
suggesting (other containers have equivalents- check your container’s
docs for more details):


If you already have the apps in a single J2EE
instance as you’ve described, this solution is the right choice if you have
any data that is remotely sensitive in the session.  For example, on some
of the apps I’ve been involved with here at Cynergy Systems we leverage
single sign-on extensively.  Our web services are in a different web
context then the main application.  When web service calls are made from
the Flex client, we don’t transmit any user data whatsoever.  Instead,
the web service receives the raw data and turns around and asks Tomcat “Hey
Tomcat, which authenticated user is making this request?” and then uses
their credentials as managed on the server by the server to fulfill the
request.  In architecture like this one, if someone should manage to hack
their way into your web services they won’t be able to get at any real
data because retrieves and updates ask the container for the user details, not
the caller.  The only way around this is to obtain compromised login




Jason Weiss 
Cynergy Systems, Inc. 
Macromedia Flex Alliance

Email: jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcom__nospam
Office: 866-CYNERGY 



From: [] On Behalf Of Matt Chotin
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005
10:27 PM
Subject: RE: [flexcoders]
Maintaining Session Data/Passing data to other apps


Have you looked into SharedObject, if
you’re hitting the same domain that should allow you to share data across


From: [] On Behalf Of smi295
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005
2:35 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Maintaining
Session Data/Passing data to other apps



I'm developing an app at the moment which
maintains user info for a 
suite of applications. It works by authenticating
and retrieving user 
information then redirecting to the target
application. The problem is 
i was hoping the session data would be maintained
between the apps, as 
i would use redirection ( getUrl('') within the 
same browser, but the session data gets destroyed
between the two. How 
can i maintain the session data? An alternative
would be some method 
to pass data between the apps, but the data is
sensitive, so i can't 
use query string parameters e.g  

The app i am redirecting to is another j2ee
instance on the same 

I am using CF7 and Flex 1.5

Can anyone help?



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RE: [flexcoders] datagrid column sorting

2005-11-30 Thread Jason Weiss

The sorting relies on ASCII values.  In
the ASCII table Uppercase comes before lowercase.  If you need something beyond
this, you’ll have to write the sorting logic yourself and update the
dataProvider accordingly.





Jason Weiss 
Cynergy Systems, Inc. 
Macromedia Flex Alliance

Email: jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcom __nospam
Office: 866-CYNERGY 



From: [] On Behalf Of george_lui
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005
4:50 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] datagrid
column sorting



When you sort columns in a datagrid, I assume that
data in a column is
sorted according to its natural sorting order
(whatever that may be).
In my case it's a string.

For some reason, the sorting on this column
behaves differently.  I
have data that begins with uppercase and lowercase
letters, and
columns that are just blank.  When I sort on
this column I get
uppercase, blank, and lowercase (and vice versa
when sorting in the
reverse order).  I'm expecting the sort to be
uppercase, lowercase,
and blank (and vice versa).

Is anyone aware of such a behavior?  It's
hard for me to pinpoint
because I don't have this behavior on my local
build, but it's there
in a staging build.


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Is Flex Mature ?

2005-11-28 Thread Jason Weiss
Title: Re: [flexcoders] Re: Is Flex Mature ?


Thanks for taking the time to respond to my concerns.  I was merely taking your posts at face value in terms of project size (e.g. the 30 developers) and how you presented it.  With your additional clarifications, your position comes much more into focus and make perfect sense.  It appears this was merely a classic example of not having all of the information presented in a post.  Unfortunately, newsgroups are infamous for suffering from this symptom!  It’s amazing how powerful just a couple extra sentences that provide context can be.  I look forward to reading additional whitepapers from Macromedia on the topics you have proposed.



Jason Weiss
Cynergy Systems, Inc.
Macromedia Flex Alliance Partner

Email: jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcom__nospam
Office: 866-CYNERGY

On 11/28/05 10:41 AM, "Steven Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There's not really a whole lot I can add to your post.  But to address a couple of your points:
> characteristics.  I was curious if those projects have resulted in
> production (released) software, and if the companies could be publicly
> cited?  
The very nature of projects of this size, is such that their release schedules are not in the days or weeks ahead.  Or in the past.  So I'm afraid, I can't cite client names, or describe their projects in any degree of detail.  I'd love to - and perhaps these companies will step forth on the list and discuss their own implementations; but I don't necessarily expect them to. 
My apologies.

> I’m very conflicted by your positioning in this response, and that’s why I’m
> asking you if you can remove the veil on these clients you reference.  The
> terms “agile practices” and 30+ developers are paradoxical, wouldn’t you
> agree?  
Agile, by definition, is about developing software in short
> iterations of 1 to 4 weeks.  9 women can’t have a baby in 1 month, no matter
> what they try.  Likewise, I can’t imagine the project management nightmare
> of having 30 developers crank out iterations in 1 to 4 weeks.  
I didn't say that 30 developers were all working on the same iteration of development.  Careful application architecture, a well-defined framework for development, good coding standards, collective ownership, a strong emphasis on unit-testing and continuous integration, all enable the modularisation of a project of this size into a number of almost concurrent mini-projects, each of which can be delivered by "agile teams".
In a specific project we're engaged with right now, the developers within the organisation are all engaged in parallel iterations of development, on different modules of the same overall application.
Each teams' iterations are aligned, each team continously integrates into the same code-base, yet the average team size working on any given iteration is within the magic numbers that you rightly specify - 4-6 people.  I've personally worked on agile teams as big as 10 developers, with 4-week iterations, and would agree that this is getting to as big a team-size as you'd be comfortable with.
> Agile
> development promotes face to face communication over written documents.
> That must be one helluva meeting room to have 30 developers ~LOL~. 
There is a pragmatic approach here; each team (working on their own iteration) has a morning standup meeting with their 4-6 developers.  Meanwhile, a representative of each team engages in a company-wide standup meeting with the business stakeholders.  This ensures the necessary granularity of team-wide discussion while ensuring that teams are aware of project-level issues and opportunities.
This allows the agile approach to scale.
And just to be clear; I'm not suggesting ever that agile development is the only way to deliver these projects.  Other teams have their own methodologies, based on their own experiences, and they'll work for them.  But agile works for us.
> Agile
> development contends that customers and engineers work together in a single
> workspace, some refer to it as the “bullpen” though we always preferred the
> term Bat Cave!  30 engineers plus customers in one space doing 1 to 4 week
> iterations?  Perhaps these folks are doing pair programming (!) so there are
> really only 15 engineers on the project ~LOL~.
The approach to pair-progamming is also pragmatic, on a story by story basis.  And yes, there is a customer on-site to whom the development team have permanent access.
> I’m not looking to pick a fight with this post, but merely inquiring about
> the feasibility for you and your team to publish white papers that back
> these positions up.
When I propose whitepapers, I'm proposing technical whitepapers around unit-testing, continuous integration

Re: [flexcoders] Is Flex mature?

2005-11-28 Thread Jason Weiss
Title: Re: [flexcoders] Is Flex mature?


You cited that you know of teams of 30+ developers using Cairngorm on projects today, implying that there are multiple Flex projects with these characteristics.  I was curious if those projects have resulted in production (released) software, and if the companies could be publicly cited?  

My experience in the Java/J2EE world was miserable when teams bloomed beyond 10, 12 people.  In fact, I can’t think of a single multi-million dollar Java project with 
over a dozen people that succeeded, as measured strictly by software that was done close to on time, close to on-budget, close to meeting expected business functionality and finally, absolutely meeting the companies expected ROI prior to starting the project looking back.  Literally every project that I was on that had under a dozen developers met these metrics.  In fact, one project in particular had 8 engineers on it, and it meet managements goals, and then it exceeded them substantially to the tune of 8 figures.  Yes, , my position is that too many developers means too many hands in the cookie jar, if you will, and a project destined to fail regardless of tools or technology or methodology.   

I’m very conflicted by your positioning in this response, and that’s why I’m asking you if you can remove the veil on these clients you reference.  The terms “agile practices” and 30+ developers are paradoxical, wouldn’t you agree?  Agile, by definition, is about developing software in short iterations of 1 to 4 weeks.  9 women can’t have a baby in 1 month, no matter what they try.  Likewise, I can’t imagine the project management nightmare of having 30 developers crank out iterations in 1 to 4 weeks.  Agile development promotes face to face communication over written documents.  That must be one helluva meeting room to have 30 developers ~LOL~.  Agile development contends that customers and engineers work together in a single workspace, some refer to it as the “bullpen” though we always preferred the term Bat Cave!  30 engineers plus customers in one space doing 1 to 4 week iterations?  Perhaps these folks are doing pair programming (!) so there are really only 15 engineers on the project ~LOL~.  

I’m not looking to pick a fight with this post, but merely inquiring about the feasibility for you and your team to publish white papers that back these positions up.  Until then, I’m afraid I’ll have to treat these positions as suspect because they are counter-intuitive and go against every bit of my experience and likely the experiences of other seasoned J2EE developers.  

On a slightly different topic, the Core J2EE patterns— the book with the Sun logo splashed all over its cover— **mostly** documents “patterns” (used extremely loosely because I content that the only real patterns were those introduced by the classic GoF book) that were often fixes or work-arounds for missing functionality in the J2EE spec and/or container design flaws.  This isn’t meant to belittle the engineers that worked on the related J2EE specs, but merely that you have to start somewhere and there were gaps along the way— the core J2EE patterns helped plug the proverbial holes.

To recap, I’d be very interested in seeing you and the former iteration::two team deliver white papers that discuss this environment in particular you have repeatedly cited now in a number of posts- large projects with dozens of developers using agile methodologies and J2EE-adapted patterns (with or without Cairngorm- my inquiry isn’t about Cairngorm per se) in a Flex environment.  In particular, I’d hope that these papers would cite metrics that our community could agree on— metrics like those I cited earlier— so that proper conclusions can be reached based on fact, not supposition or unproven statements.  

Until papers are published with legitimate metrics that depict success demonstrated by what I view as a counter-intuitive position, I feel compelled to  cast doubt upon your claims, to both the FlexCoders community and to my Flex prospects and clients. 



Jason Weiss
Cynergy Systems, Inc.
Macromedia Flex Alliance Partner

Email: jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcom__nospam
Office: 866-CYNERGY


On 11/27/05 4:20 PM, "Steven Webster" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> Totally agree but EJB was also first technology for 
> enterprise development in Java and it worth us to be blind 
> for a 5 years. EJB was the same overcomplicated that 
> Cairngorm is and as far as I understand Cairngorm uses the 
> same patterns and fully inspired by J2EE. 

EJB and Cairngorm have nothing in common; both are frameworks, one as
you know is a (excuse the simplification) framework for object
persistence, the other is a framework microarchitecture for RIA. That
the EJB spec is overcomplicated does not mean that Cairngorm is, just
because both can be called "frameworks" or bot

RE: [flexcoders] link in new window

2005-11-18 Thread Jason Weiss

getURL(, “_blank”);


From: [] On Behalf Of thisdudenamedjon
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005
7:29 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] link in new


I have some links to some static html pages that I want to popup in a 
new window so I don't exit the flex everytime I
click it. Does anyone 
know about this kind of funtionality?


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RE: [flexcoders] Title Panel Graphic in Flex Style Explorer anyone have it...

2005-11-18 Thread Jason Weiss

There are no graphics that I see there.  There
is text and a link bar.  Are you mistaking the link bar for a graphic?


From: [] On Behalf Of nextadvantage
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005
7:01 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Title Panel
Graphic in Flex Style Explorer anyone have it...


I like the transparent title explorer graphic from the flex styles 

Does anyone have that file here? I'm lazy and
don't want to re-create 
it... If someone has it can you email it to
bidcars (at)


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RE: Sho - anything wrong with a "Class Example" app like BeatPort -- RE: [flexcoders] Re: Links to Nice-looking Flex Apps

2005-11-18 Thread Jason Weiss

I guess “best” should be a
relative term and put into context.  The Fortune 1500 companies that we
work with would likely be very disappointed if we presented them with a UI like
BeatPort for a mission critical enterprise-class application.  


Let me stress upfront that my point is not
to detract from what surely was a lot of work by the developers of BeatPort, work
I’m sure they are proud of, but to point out that different class
applications expect different levels of sophistication and standards.  For
an application focused a niche music market, the BeatPort UI might be
categorized as a best-in-class solution, especially if it were compared to the
rest of its competitive field.  I’m not familiar with their target
market nor am I interested in the value-proposition that their site offers, so
before flaming me please take that into account.


However, as a published author, lecturer
and software architect on systems in production that have literally generated
billions of dollars in revenue for my clients, including Crisis Coach that was
nominated for a MAX award at this years conference, my experience and client
interactions give me the insight to believe that enterprise customers will lean
toward the other end of the UI spectrum.  Our customers insist on clean and
functional interfaces.  Soothing color schemes, not neon green. 
Breadcrumbs and navigational cues- not things that look like buttons that serve
no apparent purpose (like the sub-navigation ‘button’ on their main
screen).  With this in mind, a multi-national billion dollar+ insurance
company or financial institution looking to write a customer facing application
would neither consider the BeatPort UI as a standard nor as a target to aim
for.  The interface is far too busy for “Joe Customer” who
looks to the bank’s online services to get things done, like pay bills.  


Enterprises respect simple and intuitive
interfaces for a reason- they’ve spent millions over the years on case
studies and focus groups that back up their position.  Again, I’m
speaking constructively and in-context of the customers we service and not
trying to detract from the hard work of the BeatPort developers.  But
before we lay a blanket statement out there that BeatPort is the best example
of Flex development we should consider where Macromedia is targeting Flex and
where the growth in the Flex market will come from—Fortune 1500 customers
writing customer facing applications.  In this context, BeatPort is a poor
representation in my opinion of what Flex is truly capable of.  As a final
example to support my premise, consider the Flex application development by Yahoo!
Maps.  Very clean lines.  Very distinct functions, soothing color
scheme and an interface that is very functional, yet still sexy enough to
scream “let’s see you do this with DHTML baby.”  That’s
the UI goal I shoot for when I work with my customers, and to me, a Yahoo! Maps
or a Crisis Coach UI sets the bar for how Flex UIs should be written.


Just one man’s opinion… 


Jason Weiss




Jason Weiss 
Cynergy Systems, Inc. 
Macromedia Flex Alliance

Email: jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcom__nospam 
Office: 866-CYNERGY 



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Thompson
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005
5:39 PM
Subject: Sho - anything wrong with
a "Class Example" app like BeatPort -- RE: [flexcoders] Re: Links to
Nice-looking Flex Apps


Very, very nice application.


I think this is the kind of Standard of Quality we are all shooting


The more Video Tutorials Sho and others do that allow us to keep a
standards practice formula for shooting for this kind of quality in each our
own specific target applications, the better the barrage of FLEX2 apps that
will promote the technology.


This is the first complete app. I've seen that I can understand,
conceptually, it's back-pinnings.  I saw harley davidson and that's very
nice too.  HD and BeatPort -- the best examples thus far.


Anything wrong with a "Class Example" app. like Mickey,
sorry, Microsoft has done in the past when trying to promote a new technology
(i.e. they came up with the online Winter Sports store I believe and it was a
pretty good example of ASP and Commerce server when it first came out a number
of years ago; granted Commerce Server was ridiculously overly complex; more
than it needed to be).



Jason" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sweet – thanks!


Jason Merrill   |   E-Learning
Solutions   | 

[] On Behalf Of edeustace
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2005
3:27 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: L

RE: [flexcoders] ioError # 2038 - Any help?

2005-11-15 Thread Jason Weiss

Unfortunately I don’t have any
specific insight into solving your problem per se, but sometimes it’s
helpful to know that the class does work.  We have successfully implemented download
over both HTTP and HTTPS using the fileio.swf’s wrapper of the
FileReference class without incident.  I guess the advice I’m offering is
that it is likely something specific to your installation because we’ve
never seen the 4K limit you’ve described.  I believe the MM docs state
that the limit is around 100MB, if memory serves.






Jason Weiss 
Cynergy Systems, Inc. 
Macromedia Flex Alliance

Email: jasonDOTweissATcynergysystemsDOTcomNOSPAM
Office: 866-CYNERGY 



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nikmd23
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005
6:29 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] ioError #
2038 - Any help?


I'm hoping someone might have some insight here.

I'm using the FileReference class to download an
image from the 
server to the client.  It works great, as
long as the image I'm 
downloading it small.  (The largest one I've
been able to download 
so far is 4.0K)

I haved caught the error and called it's
toString() method.  It 
returns this: [IOErrorEvent
type="ioError" bubbles=false 
cancelable=false text="Error #2038: File I/O
Error. URL: 

The path is correct - acctually, all the other
images in the same 
directory work, as long as they are 4.0K or

I also receive the exact same error when the URL I
FileReference's download() method is a .cfm file
which uses 
 to return the same 4.0K image
that has worked when 
called directly.  (The CF code also works on
it's own.)

Does anyone know anything about this?

Thank You,

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