[flexcoders] Determining byte size of RemotObject response value

2005-06-09 Thread Kristopher Schultz
Is there a profiling tool or technique that I could use to determine 
the size (in bytes) of the response that is sent back over the wire as 
the result of executing a method on a RemoteObject?

I'm trying to make some architecture decisions about how much data my 
remote Java object should return such that it doesn't cause a poor user 
experience for people on slower connections. I don't need to be able to 
access this size info from within ActionScript necessarily...I just 
want to be able to see the size information in some way during my 
initial tests (log file? profiler? debugger?)

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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[flexcoders] ProgressBar and cached images problem

2005-05-24 Thread Kristopher Schultz

Hey guys and 

I've stumbled upon 
a quirky behavior I'm hoping you can help me resolve.

The ProgressBar 
component does not appear to work properly if the graphic asset being loaded is 
in the browser's cache. The simple example below illustrates this problem. The 
first time this app is displayed the ProgressBar properly tracks the loading of 
the image. But on subsequent browser refreshes, the image loads 
justfinebut the ProgressBar remains at 0%. If the browser cache is 
cleared and the app is reloaded the ProgressBar once again works 

Is this a known 
issue? How do I work around this problem?


version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?mx:Application 

![CDATA[ public function 
doLoad() { 
myImage.source = "http://somedomain.com/someImage.jpg"; 
} ]] 

mx:ProgressBar source="myImage" / 
mx:Image id="myImage" /




Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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[flexcoders] implementing init() in subclass

2005-05-23 Thread Kristopher Schultz

I'm trying to 
create an MXML component that is a subclass of mx:Canvas. I would like 
to provide my own implementation of mx.core.UIComponent's init() method so that 
I can set some default values for my custom component properties. However, when 
I try this (as illustrated below) I get the following odd 

52 The member name, init, may not be repeated more than 
85 The member name, init, may not be repeated more than 

My code looks like 

51 public 
function init() :Void52 {53 
super.init();54 // Use default property values 
if necessary.55 if (selected == 
{57 selected = 
false;58 }59 }

Note, this code is 
all inline in my MXML file. My mx:Script block ends at line 62. Line 85 
is in the middle of my MXML tags!

What is really 
causing this error? How do I resolve it? Is overriding the init() method not the 
best approach for setting default property values?



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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[flexcoders] XPath support in Flex?

2005-04-28 Thread Kristopher Schultz

Does Flex have any 
built-in support for XPath? I know Flash supports XPath expressions to a certain 
extent, but it isn't well documented (It's buried in the "Using Flash" 
documentation). Is there support in Flex?



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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[flexcoders] Creating custom components with Flash

2005-04-20 Thread Kristopher Schultz

I want to know how 
to create a custom visual component in Flash that can be used in Flex. However, 
the extremely brief (and confusing), dead-endentry below is the only one I 
could find on thistopicin the documentation. Can someone point me to 
some more helpful information?


In Flex 1.0, you could create custom components 
for Flex in the Flash development environment. You modified the components in 
the flexforflash.zip file, and then exported them as SWC files for use in your 
Flex applications. This workflow has been deprecated for Flex 1.5.

You can still create components for Flex using 
the Flash environment, but Macromedia supports only creating components using 
the functionality supported in Flash for Flex 1.0 (including Updaters 1 and 

Do not create new components using the 
flexforflash.zip file for Flex 1.5 in Flash. This functionality has been 
deprecated. The flexforflash.zip file is provided for backward-compatibility 




Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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RE: [flexcoders] How to trace the Variables in Flex

2005-04-20 Thread Kristopher Schultz

Also, if you are using Flex Builder you can see your trace 
output without doing any special configuration or writing out to a log. Simply 
preview your file inside Flex Builderby pressing the "debug" button and 
then click the tab for the "Output Panel" to view any trace output as your app 



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Abdul 
  QabizSent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:22 PMTo: 
  flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: [flexcoders] How to trace 
  the Variables in Flex
  Yeah, you can do that...You need to use Flash debug 
  player and configure it for tracing. All tracemessages would be logged to 
  a log file.Look at following links on using trace(..) and configuring 
  Flash DebugPlayer for the same:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/15/flex_docs_en/0792.htmhttp://livedocs.macromedia.com/flex/15/flex_docs_en/0794.htm-abdul 
  -Original Message-From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 12:29 
  AMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] How to trace the 
  Variables in FlexHi all,I have script in my mxml file. 
  i want to trace some variables, can i?Thanks  

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RE: [flexcoders] problem with TileList

2005-04-15 Thread Kristopher Schultz


I think the problem is this line:


You are using "load" as if it were a settable property, but 
it is actually a method of the the Image class and would therefore be used with 
the following syntax:


Alternately, you could set the "source" property of the img 
object to achieve the same result:

img.source = data.thumb



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of DuccioSent: 
  Friday, April 15, 2005 8:01 AMTo: 
  flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] problem with 
  iamstudying the Foto viewer 
  example.I have a problem loading images in a TileList, seems like 
  no image loads. If i use cellRenderer and dataProvider of TileList 
  everything's ok.Here is the source code:
  Application intialize
  function initApp() 
  function albumSrvResult(event) 
  for (var i=0; iphotoCount; i++) 
  {thumb=new Thumbnail();thumb.setValue(i, 
  album.photo[i]); list.addItem(thumb); //the 
  TileList }}
  ?xml version="1.0" 
  mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml" 
  mx:Script var data: 
  function setValue(str: String, item: Object) 
  { if 
  (data == item) 
  if (item==undefined) 
  visible = 
  } else 
  img.visible = 
  thumb :" 
  } }function 
  setWidth(width: Number) 
  {//mx.core.Application.alert("testProperty :" 
   mx:Image id="img" /

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[flexcoders] Forcing text to be anti-aliased

2005-04-11 Thread Kristopher Schultz

How can I force 
Flex to anti-alias the text of a Label (or any other text based component)? The 
documentation doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with this 



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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RE: [flexcoders] Flex 1.5 price

2005-04-07 Thread Kristopher Schultz

OK. After all the chatter and speculation on the price 
of Flex changing on April 1st, did it ever really happen? I've been on vacation 
and upon returning I have not been able to find any official announcement on 
MM's site. Has pricing changed? Can some one point me to definitive 




Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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RE: [flexcoders] flex and javascript

2005-04-07 Thread Kristopher Schultz

Well, the latest version of Macromedia Central has the 
ability to upload files natively[1]. And since Central uses the Flash Player as 
its runtime environment, one could speculate that the ability to upload files is 
already built into the latest version of the Flash Player, but it just hasn't 
been exposed to those of us using Flex, yet. Although I suppose there may be 
other mechanics at play here as well.

[1] http://www.macromedia.com/software/central/productinfo/whatsnew/



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

  From: Matthew Shirey 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2005 3:18 
  PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: 
  [flexcoders] flex and _javascript_
  To my knowledge Flash itself has no way to upload a file.

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RE: [flexcoders] Security Sandbox Violation when loading image

2005-03-28 Thread Kristopher Schultz

Well, I figured out why I was experiencing different 
behavior when pulling data in from an XML file vs. pulling it in via a remote 
object. My remote object method call was returning an Array of objects which on 
the Java side were instances of a simple data object class I had created called 
com.myclient.Product. These objects had three properties: 
label(String), imageId(String), and price(Double) which were accessible through 
appropriately named getter methods. When stepping through the debugger in Flex 
Builder, I could see these objects were coming through just fine with the 
appropriate property names and values, but when I tried to pass each object to 
my custom display component it was not displaying them, even when the same 
display component had no problem displaying similar data Objects if they were 
created in the AS code. So I went ahead and created an .as class called 
com.myclient.myapp.Product and associated it with the Java 
class using the following static variable invocation:

 static var regClass = 

After doing that, everything worked just 

So my questions are, why did I have to create that 
ActionScript class to get things to work? Is there a way to pass back a generic 
AS Object from a remote object call? Would passing back objects of type 
java.util.Map be the answer? Which is the better practice, passing back a 
java.util.Map to be converted to an untyped Object or creating .as classes for 
each typed Object that can be retured from a remote object 



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

  The weird thing 
  I've discovered is that if my image paths are brought into my Flex app via an 
  XML file, then I do get the errors above, but the images do load successfully. 
  However, if my image paths come in as a result of a remote object call, I get 
  the same errors and my images DON'T load successfully. I've double checked the 
  exact path's that are being used in both situations by tracing out the path 
  immediately before it is used as the value for the "source" property of the 
  mx:Image tag and it is EXACTLY the same in both 

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RE: [flexcoders] Calling Java Servlet

2005-03-28 Thread Kristopher Schultz


You wouldn't typically call a method on a servlet through 
the RemoteObject mechanism. Instead, RemoteObject is there to let you call 
methods on plain old Java objects (pojos) or EJBs. So to modify your example a 
bit, if you had a Java class called "ItemDefFacade" (which *doesn't* subclass 
Servlet) that supported a method with the signature:

ArrayList getAllRecords()

...thenyou would set up your RemotObject tag like 

 mx:method name="getAllRecords" 
result="handleGetAllRecordsResult(event.result)" /
Notice that you have to specify the methods that can be 
invoked on the remote object and you have to specify a handler to be triggered 
wheneach method returns a result (the event.result property contains the 
actual returned value). In this case we've pointed it to an ActionScript 
function called handleGetAllRecordsResult() which might look like 


 myDisplayGrid.dataProvider = 


to get the whole ball rolling, you need to trigger the method on the remote 
object. Here is a button that would do just that:

click="remoteObj1.getAllRecords()" /

You'll find more thorough coverage of this topic in the Flex docs 

hope that helps.



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

  From: Libby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:51 PMTo: 
  flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: [flexcoders] Calling Java 
  Hello,I am evaluating Flex. We have flash Remoting 
  calling some servletsrunning on Websphere 5.1, and for my eval I am trying 
  to build asimiliar interface to them. So far I cannot find an example of 
  how todo this (call a servlet with arguments) so I was hoping someone 
  herecould show me a tiny example, or offer corrections to my 
  code?Using flash, we call a controller servlet using one or more 
  arguments.ItemDefServlet("getAllRecords"); -- like this in 
  FlashIn Flex, this is what I have:mx:RemoteObject 
  type="servlet" source="maintenance.ItemDefServlet"protocol="http" 
  mx:ControlBar  mx:Button 
  label="Get All" click="remoteobject1.send()" 

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[flexcoders] Security Sandbox Violation when loading image

2005-03-25 Thread Kristopher Schultz

I'm trying to load 
some images from a different domain than the one my Flex app lives on. When I 
do, the debugger prints out a bunch of errors like this:

*** Security 
Sandbox Violation ***
'http://myserver.com/index.mxml?debug=true' tried to access incompatible context 

(Note, the image 
is dynamically generated and the URL should not include 

Despite the 
errors, my images still seem to load in successfully, both through the Flex 
Builder IDE and when viewed directly in IE. Or so I thought.

The weird thing 
I've discovered is that if my image paths are brought into my Flex app via an 
XML file, then I do get the errors above, but the images do load successfully. 
However, if my image paths come in as a result of a remote object call, I get 
the same errors and my images DON'T load successfully. I've double checked the 
exact path's that are being used in both situations by tracing out the path 
immediately before it is used as the value for the "source" property of the 
mx:Image tag and it is EXACTLY the same in both 

So I have 
questions. First, why do I get those error messages? Secondly, if there really 
is a security sandbox violation, why do the images load successfully under the 
conditions I mentioned above? And finally, how do I prevent these violations 
from occurring in the first place?

Thanks for any 
insight you can provide.



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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[flexcoders] Xamlon Flash Edition (was: Flex 1.5 price)

2005-03-25 Thread Kristopher Schultz

As quoted by Darron (third party quote):
 with something like this out on the market, buying Flex 
 or Lazslo would be such a lame decision.

What!? With what (very) few details are available about Xamlon, I could
maybe see it being a direct competitor to the traditional Flash IDE, but
a competitor to Flex/Lazlo!?

I suppose if your definition of Flex is a way to create SWF files
through programming then maybe a comparison can be made. But if that's
your narrow perception of Flex I think you're missing the point of Flex.

To me, the REAL purpose of Flex is to enable fast creation of robust,
usable Web applications. This is something that just could not be
accomplished efficiently before Flex. And from the details I've seen, it
doesn't appear that Xamlon will offer any accomodations in regard to Web
applications. In Xamlon, the programmer will still be responsible for
all that ugly low-level, tedious, error-prone work that was required
with Flash...managing loading/unloading/instantiation/destruction of
assets, managing positioning and sizing of GUI, designing event
frameworks, trying to support browser history nav, trying to support
accessibility, etc.

I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but let's just be careful not to crown
a successor to Flex prematurely. 

Kristopher Schultz
Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

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RE: [flexcoders] Redraw problems with TileList and custom cell renderer

2005-03-24 Thread Kristopher Schultz

I was able to find a work around...kind of. Instead of 
relying on data binding in my custom cell renderer I now set the new "source" 
value for the Image inside the setValue() function (see the code below). This 
seems to fix the image disappearance problem. But now I have a new problem. I 
can't seem to find any way to get the image to fill the entire cell after a 
resize. It just remains the same size that it was rendered initially. I've tried 
a number of things and just can't get it to work. What am I doing 


?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?

mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.macromedia.com/2003/mxml"horizontalAlign="center"verticalAlign="middle" 

 function setValue(str:String, 
item:Object){image.source = 

mx:Image id="image" scaleContent="true" width="100%" 
height="100%" //mx:VBox



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

  I just tried a big 
  number of things both documented and undocumented and couldnt get it to work 
  correctly. I have no idea why since this is something I thought we 
  tested (though maybe it was with embedded images and not dynamically 
  loaded). Ill file a bug on this but I dont have any good suggestions 
  right now. Everything Ive looked at makes it seem like it should do the 
  right thing.

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RE: [flexcoders] Flex on .Net? Any progress?

2005-03-24 Thread Kristopher Schultz

I understand that .NET web services could be accessed 
easily enough, but how does that solve Pushkar's dilemma? Wouldn't his client 
still have to expand their infrastructure to support a J2EE app server? That 
could be expensive, not to mention a hard sell from if the client is doing their 
own admin. Am I missing something?



Kristopher Schultz

Resource Interactive
p: 614.410.2123

  From: Robert Stuttaford 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 
  12:30 PMTo: flexcoders@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: 
  [flexcoders] Flex on .Net? Any progress?
  You could use web services! Works like a bomb. If using 
  cairngorm, a rewriteto Remote Objects when Flex 2.0 ships is a matter of 
  changing Services.mxml.If you want remoting but don't want to wait for 
  2.0, you could use FlashORBRemoting .NET 1.5 in the mean time (or forever, 

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