Re: [flexcoders] Charles Proxy, Flex, and ColdFusion 9

2012-05-02 Thread Michael Wills

Hi Bill,

I didn't see a reply on the list but the developer of Charles Proxy is 
pretty responsive. Maybe record a session and send it to him?


*From:* BillF
*Date:* April 24, 2012 12:47 AM
*Subject:* [flexcoders] Charles Proxy, Flex, and ColdFusion 9

Just wondering if anyone has had any luck with getting the SQLQuery 
information in AMF response header with Charles Proxy after upgrading 
to ColdFusion 9. It works correctly on ColdFusion 8, with the exact 
same debugging settings, but although the header comes shows up, it 
does not have any of the child objects in it. I had thought that the 
JSON Serialization issue, that was fixed in ColdFusion 9.0.1 Hot Fix 
2, would fix it...but alas, it did not.

Re: [flexcoders] Negative Mask

2009-03-23 Thread Michael Wills
Is the mask you want an image or going to be drawn dynamically? Do you 
have a movieclip or some other graphic that will be the mask and you 
want to invert its masking effect so it cuts out instead?

Also, related to what Kenneth posted, which Flash player are you 
targeting? 9 or 10?


app.developer wrote:

 If I wanted to have an image, would someone point me to a negative or 
 reverse mask tutorial. I'm having a dickens of a time locating a 
 current AS 3.0 or Flex 3 or 4 example.



Re: [flexcoders] Moving a viewStack through actionscript

2009-03-09 Thread Michael Wills
Hey there Wally,

You can get access to the currently selected viewstack, and also set it, 
through selectedIndex. So your initial declaration would be like
mx:ViewStack id=questionVS etc... selectedIndex=0 

and in your function nextQuestion you can increment the selectedIndex. 
I'd have to check but I think you can find the number of items in your 
viewStack with numChildren. That would give you your max value to finish 
your quiz or handle the end how you would like.

You can find more about what you can do with viewstacks in the docs:

Hope that helps!


Wally Kolcz wrote:

 I have a test that I want to walk through the questions using a 
 function. How can I set the inital value of the ViewStack 
 (questionsVS) to 0 and then increment it by one each time someone 
 clicks a button?

 mx:ViewStack id=questionsVS width=98% height=100% paddingLeft=10
 questions:question1 /
 questions:question2 /
 questions:question3 /
 questions:question4 /


Re: [flexcoders] Moving a viewStack through actionscript

2009-03-09 Thread Michael Wills
If I am understanding your code correctly, you actually want to call 
test1(parent).checkSingle instead of testMod. The reason is because you 
are instantiating a brand new, and unrelated, test1 component with

public var testMod:test1 = new test1();

You might be able to do

public var testMod:test1 = test1(parent);

casting the variable to the type test1.

If it's a simple app you are working on, you can do this kind of tightly 
coupled design. By that I mean, your question1 component knows about 
your test1 component. If it's a more complex app though, you may want to 
look at decoupling your app. Otherwise this app will quickly become 
inflexible and harder to maintain as it grows.

In this case, you could set up your question components to dispatch an 
event that your test1 then listens to. That way question1 doesn't have 
to be directly connected to parent.

I hope that makes sense!


Wally Kolcz wrote:

 When I added the click=nextQuestion() it was triggered off the 
 selecting of a radio button and not the button. Here all the code I 
 have. It is telling me that the viewStack doesn't exist when I believe 
 it should.


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Module xmlns:mx=; layout=vertical 
 width=100% height=98% 
 import mx.core.Application;   

 public var testID:int = 1;
 public var currentQuestion:int = 0;

 public function initApp():void {


 public function checkSingle(answer:Object):void {
 if (answer !=0) {
 Application.application.score += 1;
 currentQuestion += 1;

 public function nextQuestionPlease():void {
 mx:ViewStack id=questionsVS width=98% height=100% 

 questions:question1 /
 questions:question2 /
 questions:question3 /
 questions:question4 /


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:VBox xmlns:mx=; width=98% 


 import com.ipexpert.tests.test1;

 public var testMod:test1 = new test1();

 mx:Label fontWeight=bold text=1. Which layer(s) of the OSI 
 Reference Model provide(s) for internetwork connectivity? /
 mx:RadioButtonGroup id=group1 /
 mx:RadioButton paddingLeft=10 groupName=group1 label=Data 
 Link value=0 selected=true /
 mx:RadioButton paddingLeft=10 groupName=group1 
 label=Physical value=0 /   
 mx:RadioButton paddingLeft=10 groupName=group1 
 label=Session value=0 /   
 mx:RadioButton paddingLeft=10 groupName=group1 
 label=Network value=1 /   
 mx:RadioButton paddingLeft=10 groupName=group1 
 label=Presentation value=0 /   

 mx:Button label=Next 
 click=testMod.checkSingle(group1.selectedValue) /

 *From*: Michael Wills
 *Sent*: Monday, March 09, 2009 10:55 AM
 *Subject*: Re: [flexcoders] Moving a viewStack through actionscript

 Hey there Wally,

 You can get access to the currently selected viewstack, and also set it,
 through selectedIndex. So your initial declaration would be like
 mx:ViewStack id=questionVS etc... selectedIndex=0

 and in your function nextQuestion you can increment the selectedIndex.
 I'd have to check but I think you can find the number of items in your
 viewStack with numChildren. That would give you your max value to finish
 your quiz or handle the end how you would like.

 You can find more about what you can do with viewstacks in the docs:

 Hope that helps!


 Wally Kolcz wrote:
  I have a test that I want to walk through the questions using a
  function. How can I set the inital value of the ViewStack
  (questionsVS) to 0 and then increment it by one each time someone
  clicks a button?
  mx:ViewStack id=questionsVS width=98% height=100% 
  questions:question1 /
  questions:question2 /
  questions:question3 /
  questions:question4 /


Re: [flexcoders] Moving a viewStack through actionscript

2009-03-09 Thread Michael Wills
Hi Wally, sorry I missed the hierarchy there. You have checkSingle on 
the module and not the Viewstack. In that case, you should be able to do 
parent.parent.checkSingle and leave out the cast as test1. So

public var testMod:Object = parent.parent;

The last one failed because it was trying to convert a viewstack into a 
test1 which of course isn't a viewstack. But I'm not sure about this one 
because the parent.parent is a module. You could also forgo using the 
testMod variable and in your click declaration instead of



click=parent.parent.checkSingle(group1.selectedValue) /

Hopefully that'll work for you.

If you have a little time to invest, and if you may be doing more Flex 
apps in the future, even though this one is not going to be a full-on 
huge app, I'd learn about dispatching custom events. It's not that 
complicated but it takes some time to understand. It would save some of 
the hassle you're trying to do of course at the expense of a new and 
different kind of hassle. :-)


Wally Kolcz wrote:

Wow...its a 'simple' one time create app.

All I want to do is when the user selects an answer on the 
question1.mxml component, they can click a button,  pass the value of 
the radio button to the test1 module's checkSingle() method  and then 
move to the next question in the test1 module's stack.

When I changed the function call on the button of question1.mxml to 
test1(parent).checkSingle(group1.selectedValue); mx:Button 
label=Next click=test1(parent).checkSingle(group1.selectedValue) /

I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
mx.containers::viewst...@6563ae1 to com.ipexpert.tests.test1.
Documents\Flex Builder 

Here is checkSingle() and nextQuestionPlease()

public function checkSingle(answer:Object):void {
if (answer !=0) {
Application.application.score += 1;
currentQuestion += 1;

public function nextQuestionPlease():void {


*From*: Michael Wills
*Sent*: Monday, March 09, 2009 11:44 AM
*Subject*: Re: [flexcoders] Moving a viewStack through actionscript

If I am understanding your code correctly, you actually want to call
test1(parent).checkSingle instead of testMod. The reason is because you
are instantiating a brand new, and unrelated, test1 component with

public var testMod:test1 = new test1();

You might be able to do

public var testMod:test1 = test1(parent);

casting the variable to the type test1.

If it's a simple app you are working on, you can do this kind of tightly
coupled design. By that I mean, your question1 component knows about
your test1 component. If it's a more complex app though, you may want to
look at decoupling your app. Otherwise this app will quickly become
inflexible and harder to maintain as it grows.

In this case, you could set up your question components to dispatch an
event that your test1 then listens to. That way question1 doesn't have
to be directly connected to parent.

I hope that makes sense!


Wally Kolcz wrote:

 When I added the click=nextQuestion() it was triggered off the
 selecting of a radio button and not the button. Here all the code I
 have. It is telling me that the viewStack doesn't exist when I believe
 it should.


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Module xmlns:mx= layout=vertical

 width=100% height=98%
 import mx.core.Application;

 public var testID:int = 1;
 public var currentQuestion:int = 0;

 public function initApp():void {


 public function checkSingle(answer:Object):void {
 if (answer !=0) {
 Application.application.score += 1;
 currentQuestion += 1;

 public function nextQuestionPlease():void {
 mx:ViewStack id=questionsVS width=98% height=100%

 questions:question1 /
 questions:question2 /
 questions:question3 /
 questions:question4 /


 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:VBox xmlns:mx= width=98%



 import com.ipexpert.tests.test1;

 public var testMod:test1 = new test1();

 mx:Label fontWeight=bold text=1. Which layer(s) of the OSI
 Reference Model provide(s) for internetwork connectivity? /
 mx:RadioButtonGroup id=group1

Re: [flexcoders] Architecture / Design question...

2009-03-09 Thread Michael Wills
Wow yeah that would depend on a lot of things. Some thoughts that help 
me narrow down prospects like that:

Am I doing all of the subcomponents in MXML? If so I could manage it 
with States perhaps using addChild. Pass the state in on 
instantiation/show/creationComplete, etc.
Am I doing all of the subcomponents in AS3? Then I can dynamically 
instantiate things on the fly depending on those requirements.
Whether or not I actually use the states tags, are their actual states 
with shared components? If so I might make a set of flags. If flag x is 
present, add component x, or if y is present, add y.

But it depends on how detailed it needs to be, and how convoluted the 
solution might be. It might be better not to put it ALL in one 
component, but have one component that loads subsections as well. It all 
depends on what you need. And, just a caveat, I am not a Flex guru. They 
might pine in with much better solutions.


tchredeemed wrote:

 I have a situation in which I am currently using a very ugly set up to 
 get the job done, but I want to change this (will explain) and I am 
 looking for some insight.

 The process is this.

 A user gets to a piece of our app and they are presented with some 
 options. The options are very different depending on which route they 
 take to get there.

 For instance, they might see a checkbox about saving a piece of their 
 file as a note.

 They might see a set of radio buttons to order different quantities 
 (in this case the price can change depending on which radio button is 
 selected [the price is on the same screen]).

 They might see a mailing address or an email address, depending on the 
 medium of the item they are purchasing.

 Basically, the options vary greatly, so I currently have a different 
 custom component depending on which they are using.

 I want to be able to use one component and have different options on 
 that component, but I am not sure of an efficient way to do it.

 I know this is random and probably not easily answered without a 
 specific understanding of the system, but I thought I would ask :)


Re: [flexcoders] jQuery for Flex - a Behavior Injection Framework

2009-03-03 Thread Michael Wills
Heh yeah just a play on the names you mentioned in your blog, i.e. 
decaf, cola, bif(ff?), etc. I am only just getting started with 
Mate but have appreciated the injection concept. My first hands on dose 
of that was with PureMVC's ViewMediators. Mate and your framework is 
simpler for folks to understand though. The setup and usage is quite 
clear just looking at the code. I actually hadn't even seen or used the 
Contents or Swap tags before. I still have to go look those up in the 
related docs. :-)


Sean Clark Hess wrote:

 @Sam, Thanks for adding that link. Guess I shouldn't try to do fancy 
 html emails for the first time when making important announcements :)

 @Michael - Thanks! I wouldn't say it would be a decaf *version* of 
 anything :) It's supposed to play friendly with application frameworks. 

 On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Michael Wills wrote:

 I like the possibility of using it with Mate/Cairngorm.

 So then it would be the decaf versions of mate/cairngorm? :-)

 Seriously though this is quite cool.

 Sam Lai wrote:
 I think you forgot the link (or my phone's playing tricks with me).

 Nice work btw. I'm going to have to think about how it fits in with
 Flex and my current workflow, but I'll give it a shot in my new
 project :)

 On 3/3/09, Sean Clark Hess wrote:
 jQuery for Flex - a Behavior Injection

 [...] I’ve just finished my pre-alpha version of a Behavior Injection
 framework for Flex. It adds support for functionality similar to jQuery 
 flex, along with support for a more complete CSS syntax. The approach is
 slightly different than jQuery, and hopes to play along with Flex’s
 strengths as well. [...]


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Re: [flexcoders] jQuery for Flex - a Behavior Injection Framework

2009-03-02 Thread Michael Wills

I like the possibility of using it with Mate/Cairngorm.

So then it would be the decaf versions of mate/cairngorm? :-)

Seriously though this is quite cool.

Sam Lai wrote:

I think you forgot the link (or my phone's playing tricks with me).

Nice work btw. I'm going to have to think about how it fits in with
Flex and my current workflow, but I'll give it a shot in my new
project :)

On 3/3/09, Sean Clark Hess wrote:

jQuery for Flex - a Behavior Injection

[...] I’ve just finished my pre-alpha version of a Behavior Injection
framework for Flex. It adds support for functionality similar to jQuery for
flex, along with support for a more complete CSS syntax. The approach is
slightly different than jQuery, and hopes to play along with Flex’s
strengths as well. [...]

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Can't seem to get Myriad Pro to encode in Flex

2009-03-02 Thread Michael Wills

Hi Adrian,

Did this ever get worked out?

And by any chance did you publish your swf font to Flash 8? I seem to 
remember the docs saying Flex uses Flash 8 for swf fonts. I'll have to 
look that up to be sure if that's a requirement though.

Oh and Flex can only transcode TTF files so yeah, OTF files are out.


Adrian Gillette wrote:

By the way, I used Flash CS4 to create my font swf.

--- In, Adrian Gillette 
gille...@... wrote:

 I'm trying to embed couple versions of Myriad Pro into my Flex project:
 Myriad Pro Semibold Condensed
 Myriad Pro Semibold Condensed Italic
 Myriad Pro Condensed

 I've tried two different methods to embed the fonts using CSS:
 1. Using an OTF file.
 2. Using a fla file with embedded fonts using dynamic text boxes.

 I can embed fonts that has any combination of these styles: bold,
 italic, or normal.

 But it does not seem to allow me to transcode fonts that have anything
 outside of those styles, such as semibold, condensed, etc.

 Has anyone successfully dealt with this problem or knows how to?



Re: [flexcoders] Eclipse lost flex!

2008-06-11 Thread Michael Wills
Hi Nate,

Any luck so far? The Flex development view is one of the perspectives 
used, debugging being another. You can try to go Window  Open 
Perspective  Flex Development, or if it's not listed there then choose 
Other... and you can pick it out of that list.

Hoping it helps,


Nate Pearson wrote:

 I tried googleing this but I couldn't find the answer so I thought I
 would try here...

 When I loaded my flex workspace in eclipse I got an error (not sure
 what the error was, I just clicked okay). Now I'm stuck in java land
 and it won't register my MXML files.

 I found one post that said the simple workaround was to get back to
 the flex development view...but I can't find out how to do that!

 Any help is GREATLY appreciated! I'm dead in the water until I fix this.



Re: [flexcoders] Converting Object To XML

2008-04-30 Thread Michael Wills

Here is an example that might be helpful:

Jim Hayes wrote:

I guess you'd start with looking at SimpleXMLEncoder : from the help 


The SimpleXMLEncoder class take ActionScript Objects and encodes them 
to XML.


Not used it myself I'm afraid!


-Original Message-
*From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*On Behalf Of *Parkash

*Sent:* 30 April 2008 14:21
*Subject:* [flexcoders] Converting Object To XML


Hello Firends ..

I have an AS object which contains other collection of other AS Object 
now is thier any api which converts my AS object and its containing 
collection to an XML String ..

Thanks in Advance 4 UR Help ...

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Re: [flexcoders] Re: Need help finding and fixing SQL Error in AIR App

2008-04-30 Thread Michael Wills
Going back over this conversation, perhaps you could use a pastebin to 
post the code chunks? I have seen but I haven't 
used it before. I am curious about the invalid characters though because 
the only thing I have seen in the docs so far is that you have to use 
two single quotes, i.e. '' to get a single quote ' inserted. So 
Adobe's would have to be Adobe''s. But '-' and '/' aren't mentioned.

bredwards358 wrote:

 --- In, valdhor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nope - nothing to do with the XML.
  You have a comma missing between :Sheet_Depth and :Unique_Product_Code
  in your sqlText variable in your insertData function.
 Cool, thanks for pointing that out as well. I've figured a few things
 out myself. As a workaround, I decided to export the table I wanted as
 a CVS document and import it into SQL Lite using a browser I
 downloaded. One of the things I've noticed is that SQL Lite does not
 like special characters such as - or / in what you're importing,
 so after changing a few things, I got the table imported and all is well.

 However, I think that along with that missing comma you pointed out,
 my problem may also have something to do with trying to write these
 forbidden special characters into the table. It would explain the
 sheer number of errors. Thanks for everything though, to all those who
 responded, I appreciate it. Another question though, just out or
 curiosity, is it possible to use some sort of escape character(s) to
 get those -'s and /'s into the table?


Re: [flexcoders] Flex Builder 3 Education?

2008-02-25 Thread Michael Wills
And since the flexregistration site is only for faculty and students, 
there is no education pricing anymore then, correct?


Matt Chotin wrote:

 Yes. Go to The site will be updated 
 tomorrow,but submissions today should generate Flex 3 serials.


 On 2/25/08 11:32 AM, Sherif Abdou [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 might as well get it for free before i graduate this semester, will 
 there be a Flex 3 Builder for Education or not cause it is no where on 
 the site.

 Looking for last minute shopping deals?
 Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.


Re: [flexcoders] Flex 3 and AIR 1 are now live!

2008-02-24 Thread Michael Wills
It's multiplatform now, too. Very much appreciated!

Matt Chotin wrote:

 And best of all:!



Re: [flexcoders] drag and drop images and remove the dragged image

2007-12-14 Thread Michael Wills
I believe if you make a handler for the dragComplete event on  your 
horizontal tile list, you can listen for when the process is complete 
and then pull out the image that was dragged.

Hope that helps,


leonpidgeon wrote:


i have 9 images in a horizontallist and am dragging them to a tilelist.
i want it to act as if the images are unique, so if you drag image 1
from the horizontal list to the tilelist it is removed from the
horizontal list.

does anyone have an example of where this has been done or can give me
some pointers.




Re: [flexcoders] Two way manual drop between two containers

2007-12-14 Thread Michael Wills

Hi there,

Have you seen this?

The example at the bottom is about dragging and dropping canvases.


Fah Queue wrote:

Hello so I used the code I found to make my panels be

dragged and dropped by a user inside an application. I have all my
panels inside a canvas in which I can drag and drop any panel I
dynamically create and set it as a child of that canvas. That is my
canvas at the top of my application.

I have another canvas at the bottom of my application. I want to be
able to drag and drop panels from my top canvas to my bottom canvas
and vice versa. I can currently only drag and drop panels into my top
canvas since I am pretty much using the code for the link I posted above.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for this? I have NOT been
able to find any useful articles or examples on manual two-way drag
and drop between two containers that are NOT lists or datagrids or trees.

Thank you very much!

P.S. I have some code I can post if need be.


Re: [flexcoders] Box on top of other Box or Component

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills

HI Alex,

I haven't used charts, but in general the way to do it is to you 
absolute positioning. Add your chart and then add your box.

 chart /
 box /

that way the box would be above the chart in z-order. Later items in the 
MXML are  higher in the z-order, so they go over other items.



alex wrote:

Hi ,

If I have some big component like a Chart and I want to position a
small Box with Text somewhere in the corner of the Chart but on top of
it - meaning a layer above the Chart and obscuring it.
Is it possible in Flex?

Thanks guys.


[flexcoders] Undo/Redo not available in fresh install of Windows FB 3 Beta 3

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills
Just wondering if this is unique to me or if others have experienced it. 
I just downloaded, installed and configured FB3 beta 3, and undo does 
not work. Type some text, no undo. My prefs have undo history set to 200 
(the default). I haven't had this issue with Windows FB2, or Windows FB3 
beta 2.

Any others?



Re: [flexcoders] After another restart it solved itself - was: Undo/Redo not available in fresh install of Windows FB 3 Beta 3

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills
After a few restarts the undo wasn't working installing PDE, JDT, and 
then subclipse. After one more, just now, it is. So it's working.

Sorry for the spam...

Michael Wills wrote:

Just wondering if this is unique to me or if others have experienced it.
I just downloaded, installed and configured FB3 beta 3, and undo does
not work. Type some text, no undo. My prefs have undo history set to 200
(the default). I haven't had this issue with Windows FB2, or Windows FB3
beta 2.

Any others?




[flexcoders] FB3 B3 Refactor by moving items not yet available?

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills
Just wanted to confirm that refactoring by moving a class is not 
available. I saw it in a milestone planning document 
Is there a way to do it automatically?



Re: [flexcoders] Flexbuilder 3 Release Estimate?

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills
Someone asked, today I believe, why the FB2 serials don't work with FB3 
B3... perhaps this 90 days is the last 90 days then?

I was planning on waiting until it was about to expire before trying my 
serial numbers. But it's confirmed... my serial doesn't work either.

Since this is the final public beta release, we'll need to know well 
before this is up if we suddenly have to pony up unexpected $$$.

Can anyone help us clarify?


And yes, Flex is awesome. Flex 3 is even awesomer.


Merrill, Jason wrote:

So I know Adobe can never give exact dates or promises, but it 
sounding like Flex 3 could be available for purchase soon - like 
within the next 3 months (?).  We're in the process of buying a few 
Flexbuilder 2 w/ Charting licenses right now - so do we have a good 
chance to get a free upgrade to Flexbuilder 3?  I can't remember how 
close you have to be for the free upgrades traditionally with Adobe 
products.  Seemed Matt Chotin hinted it maybe be avail beginning of Q2 
2008, so March 1.  But with  Flex 3 Beta 3 out, is it very likely it 
could be Q1 2008?  Like January or February?  Are we gonna get 
screwed?  LOL.  Thanks for any guesses you can venture, especially 
from Matt and the Adobe clan. 

Jason Merrill
Bank of America 

eTools  Multimedia Research  Development




Re: [flexcoders] flexbuilder3 beta3

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills
Now the guessing begins... with only 90 days... and this being the final 
public beta release... maybe it will be time to actually pay after this 
round. Hopefully we'll know a bit before the expiration. It looks like 
the pricing may not be bad... but timing is pretty important with some 
budgets (like ours).


bhaq1972 wrote:

why is my flexbuilder2 license serial number invalid for flexbuilder3


Re: [flexcoders] Flexbuilder 3 Release Estimate?

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills

On this page:

has this:

Q: If I purchase Flex Builder 2, am I eligible for an upgrade to Flex 
Builder 3?
A: To be eligible for a free of charge upgrade to Flex 3, you will need 
to purchase maintenance along with the purchase of Flex Builder. 
Effective November 1, 2007, you can purchase maintenance with Flex 
Builder 2 for $99 US which makes you eligible for a free-of-charge copy 
of Flex Builder 3 Standard edition when it ships. Also effective 
November 1, 2007, you can purchase maintenance with Flex Builder 2 with 
Charting for $299 US and become eligible for a free-of-charge copy of 
Flex Builder 3 Professional edition when it ships.

Hope that helps,


Merrill, Jason wrote:

So I know Adobe can never give exact dates or promises, but it 
sounding like Flex 3 could be available for purchase soon - like 
within the next 3 months (?).  We're in the process of buying a few 
Flexbuilder 2 w/ Charting licenses right now - so do we have a good 
chance to get a free upgrade to Flexbuilder 3?  I can't remember how 
close you have to be for the free upgrades traditionally with Adobe 
products.  Seemed Matt Chotin hinted it maybe be avail beginning of Q2 
2008, so March 1.  But with  Flex 3 Beta 3 out, is it very likely it 
could be Q1 2008?  Like January or February?  Are we gonna get 
screwed?  LOL.  Thanks for any guesses you can venture, especially 
from Matt and the Adobe clan. 

Jason Merrill
Bank of America 

eTools  Multimedia Research  Development




Re: [flexcoders] Google Scheduling Framework question

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills

Are you using the FlexLib package?


hank williams wrote:

what is the Google Scheduling Framework?



Re: [flexcoders] Google Scheduling Framework question

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills
It looks like it is possible, if you are using FlexLib. Take a look at 
the examples, specifically example 6.

Source at:

Is that what you are looking for?

Corey Smaller wrote:

Hi y'all, I am new here but been coding flex for a while
My question to the group:
I am using the Google Scheduling Framework to build a channel selector
not unlike the guide you see on your cable lineup, Tivo, etc.
basically the X axis (timeline) is the time starting on the current
time rounded off to either the 00 or the 30 and the Y axis is the
channel listings. The problem I am having is the Y axis is dependent
on the scheduling timeline- ie- if the entry being created is for
tomorrow it puts it on the next row, 2 days out on the third row etc.

What I want is each row to be based on the channel (channel ID
probably) and NOT the timeline. so, if I create a program that starts
at 7PM for channel 5 (id=5) I want it to be on the 5th row. I cannot
find the controller in the AS files that I can change to make the row
dependent on channel ID and NOT the scheduled time. I hope this is
clear. Does anyone know where to find this or can offer some help? any
would be appreciated!
thanks so much!!

Corey Smaller


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Google Scheduling Framework question

2007-12-13 Thread Michael Wills
Those are hosted on Google's Code website, but it's developed by some 
very cool and very generous Flex coders.

Corey Smaller wrote:

google has an API for all types of stuff
check out the examples here

--- In, hank williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 what is the Google Scheduling Framework?



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Local storage of password

2007-12-04 Thread Michael Wills
Is this a Flex app on a web page? I am not sure about an AIR project but 
with Flex and webservices, you still have the benefit of cookies and 
sessions. I am working a project that uses a standard web page login 
that gets the user logged in and the session started. After that it 
moves to the Flex app. The user doesn't have to log in again unless the 
session expires which is determined by the server. Subsequent calls to 
webservices maintain that information. I am using Django (Python) but it 
should be similar for other backends.

Are your webservices within the same domain? If not, are you able to 
pass a token for authentication?


Jeffry Houser wrote:

Yes, MD5 is a hashing algorithm and it is unlikely you'd be able to
take a hash and get the original text (in a timely / efficient manner).

There are a few AS3 encryption projects. ASCrypt3: and Crypto

Both of them have 2-way encryption algorithms you could use. AES
perhaps? That said, I worry about the security implications of storing
this type of authentication between application uses.

rmarples wrote:

 Tracy - Isn't MD5 a hashing algorithm? Meaning I can only encrypt, not
 decrypt? I don't
 think this would work for this scenario would it?


 --- In,

 Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is an MD5 library available for AS3 that I have used.
[] On
  Behalf Of rmarples
  Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 4:59 PM

  Subject: [flexcoders] Local storage of password
  I have a requirement to take credentials used for an external web
  service and cache them
  locally so that the user need not re-type their password each time 

  run the app. I can
  easily store these credentials in a SharedObject (cookie) but I don't
  want to store the
  password in plain-text here. Does anybody have any recommendations 
on an

  mechanism I can use for this? Also I have a requirement that any key
  used to encrypt can not
  be stored in the source code as a string literal.

Jeffry Houser, Technical Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Author,
Recording Engineer
AIM: Reboog711 | Phone: 1-203-379-0773
My Company:
My Podcast:
My Blog:


Re: [flexcoders] VideoDisplay inconsistent behavior, it gets Stuck

2007-11-28 Thread Michael Wills
First I was going to say you have to put that in a try..catch block, 
except accessing an invalid URL won't throw the exception in a way the 
try..catch can work with. Can you add an event listener to your FLV 
loader similar to this post?

It's from quite a while ago so I don't know if it will be of much help...


Nadeem Manzoor wrote:

Hello Guys
I am working on a Flex Media application. I am sending Flv path 
through Javascript. Everythings is working fine. But, suppose, if i 
send a fake flv url it throgh an Exception connectionerror and after 
then it gets stuck e.g. after connectionerror if i am trying to pass a 
proper flv path it does not trigger ready event or any exception
Any Ideas ?


Nadeem Manzoor


Re: [flexcoders] Re: anyone using HTMLcomponent.swc? possible bug.

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Wills
Hi, just saw this thread. In case the bug can't be worked out have you 
tried this one?

I saw it on Flexbox ( )


barry.beattie wrote:

 if you find a solution to the bug, do ensure to keep everyone
 informed, yes? for my application I'm finding it a bit of a show-stopper.

  Thanks for the link, let me check it to reach any decision.


Re: [flexcoders] AVM1 / AVM2 Issues

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Wills
Hi Narain,

How are you loading the SWF? From this site:

there is a reference to loading FlashPaper:

**I would suggest loading the FlashPaper via flash.display.Loader if 
you can. Unless there's a bug with this, loading SWFs through Loader 
will work better.

Hope that helps,


Narain rl wrote:


 We are building a RIA applicatio in Flex. We have this peculiar 
 problem. We are converting PDF files to SWF using SWF2PDF and wanted 
 to load inside the Flex container which we built. It throws a AVM1 not 
 supported error. Since we are building an application, where the 
 externalSWFs are most likely be Flash 6,7,8 player files, how do we 
 solve the issue without affecting the Flex layer. As the application 
 is a collaboration application, we want these external SWFs fiiles to 
 be loaded inside our Flex collaboration container to collaborate.

 What is the best way to solve the issue ?



[flexcoders] DistortionEffects in an itemRenderer possible?

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Wills
Hello all,

I was wondering if it is possible to use the ever so groovy 
DistortionEffects as prepared by Alex Uhlmann, within an itemRenderer. 
Specifically a HorizontalList itemRenderer. I get a #2015 invalid 
BitmapData error currently when trying to trigger a SimpleFlip from one 
viewstack child to the other based on the sample code given in the 
source. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,


Re: [flexcoders] DistortionEffects in an itemRenderer possible?

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Wills
A little further investigation looks like the error comes in because of 
the highlighting at the mouseOver which is when I am trying to trigger 
it. And it occasionally works if I have the mouse move the right way at 
the right time. I'll keep digging. I was trying to get it to work on a 
mouseOver/mouseOut sort of thing. I'll see if I can put together some 
sample code as well.



Michael Wills wrote:

 Hello all,

 I was wondering if it is possible to use the ever so groovy
 DistortionEffects as prepared by Alex Uhlmann, within an itemRenderer.
 Specifically a HorizontalList itemRenderer. I get a #2015 invalid
 BitmapData error currently when trying to trigger a SimpleFlip from one
 viewstack child to the other based on the sample code given in the
 source. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

 Thanks in advance,



[flexcoders] DistortionEffect triggered on mouseOver possible in itemRenderer in HorizontalList? - was : DistortionEffects in an itemRenderer possible?

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Wills
I just confirmed that the problem is in fact caused by being triggered 
by the mouseOver or rollOver event. Being trigger by a mouseUp event is 
fine. Still digging.



Michael Wills wrote:

 A little further investigation looks like the error comes in because of
 the highlighting at the mouseOver which is when I am trying to trigger
 it. And it occasionally works if I have the mouse move the right way at
 the right time. I'll keep digging. I was trying to get it to work on a
 mouseOver/mouseOut sort of thing. I'll see if I can put together some
 sample code as well.



 Michael Wills wrote:
  Hello all,
  I was wondering if it is possible to use the ever so groovy
  DistortionEffects as prepared by Alex Uhlmann, within an itemRenderer.
  Specifically a HorizontalList itemRenderer. I get a #2015 invalid
  BitmapData error currently when trying to trigger a SimpleFlip from one
  viewstack child to the other based on the sample code given in the
  source. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  Thanks in advance,


Re: [flexcoders] display hand cursor on flex chart

2007-05-04 Thread Michael Wills
I'm not sure about charts, but I just tried this out with a ButtonBar. 
You set the useHandCursor = true, but you also have to set buttonMode = 
true as well. You may also need to set mouseChildren = false.

Hope that helps,


Raider226 wrote:

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to display the hand cursor over a chart element
in flex 2.0? I was able to do this in 1.5 using the method described

but it doesn't seem to work in flex 2.0. any ideas?



Re: [flexcoders] Acessing stage Height

2007-05-04 Thread Michael Wills
Hmm... sorry newbie here. So it's returning null because this, the 
_preloader, hasn't actually been instantiated yet? But if this were 
called after applicationComplete then it would be fine?


Alex Harui wrote:

There is an evil nasty trick in Flex that your components aren't on 
the display list until the applicationComplete event.  We did that to 
get a measurable performance gain at app startup.  The stage is still 
available, but as systemManager.stage.

*From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*On Behalf Of *patricklemiuex

*Sent:* Friday, May 04, 2007 12:48 PM
*Subject:* [flexcoders] Acessing stage Height

I have a sprite, it's added to the display...

I understand that any display object has access to the stage Object.
Can someone clear the confusion for me, what's the deal here, I get a
null error trying to access the stage height... I've even tried to
call another method after addChild to make sure that it's already in
the display. My preloader extends sprite (of course).

This is baffling.

var _preloader = new _preloader();


inside my preloader...

public function getHeight(){
trace (this.stage.stageHeight); //returns null object reference???



Re: [flexcoders] Acessing stage Height

2007-05-04 Thread Michael Wills
Do you want the height of the entire stage, i.e. of the whole Flex app? 
I believe you can get to that through Application.application.height. 
Have you tried that?

Hope that helps,


patricklemiuex wrote:

 I have a sprite, it's added to the display...

 I understand that any display object has access to the stage Object.
 Can someone clear the confusion for me, what's the deal here, I get a
 null error trying to access the stage height... I've even tried to
 call another method after addChild to make sure that it's already in
 the display. My preloader extends sprite (of course).

 This is baffling.

 var _preloader = new _preloader();


 inside my preloader...

 public function getHeight(){
 trace (this.stage.stageHeight); //returns null object reference???



Re: [flexcoders] Re: navigateToURL

2007-05-01 Thread Michael Wills
I've used Xampp before for many different things and I've never had any 
special requirements. It's odd. I even pasted your sample code in the 
online flex compiler at and it worked fine there.

Does your bin/ directory or FlashSite2 directory have any permissions 


mapper2255 wrote:

Thanks, Gordon.

Yes, it works and the Adobe link worked. Not sure how Flex
Builder/xampp/Windows wants to see the contructed URL though it
seems like I have tried all options.

Forward slashes/backward\with this directory without?

I can go to file in browser.

--- In, Gordon Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Whatever problem you're having isn't related to event.label or
 to anything in your Flex code. When I tried this code it
constructed the
 proper URL, such as


 Does that URL work when you paste it into a browser?

 - Gordon


[] On

 Behalf Of mapper2255
 Sent: Monday, April 30, 2007 2:19 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] navigateToURL

 Can any one tell me why I cannot get this event.label to work,
 giving not found? Code is straight out of help files.

 mx:LinkBar borderStyle=solid itemClick=navigateToURL(new
http://localhost/FlashSite2/bin/ ' + String

 (event.label).toLowerCase()), '_blank');
 http://localhost/FlashSite2/ http://localhost/FlashSite2/ 
http://localhost/FlashSite2/ http://localhost/FlashSite2/



 using xampp?


Re: [flexcoders] Coding Standards

2007-05-01 Thread Michael Wills
There is a nice PDF which was helpful for me. I'm new to Flex, AS3, etc. 
Ah, just found it:

Is that along the lines of what you are looking for?


vargomike wrote:

 Hi all... I have lots of questions so I'll first say I appreciate you
 taking the time to read and potentially responding to them. I'll be
 posting them separately.


 - Are there any coding standards and naming conventions out there that I
 can use? i.e. What values to put into the id element of objects. For
 all objects like web services, radio buttons, layouts, etc.

 Thanks again...

 - Mike


Re: [flexcoders] Your favorite horizontal menu arrangement

2007-04-27 Thread Michael Wills
I haven't done this thing specifically but take a look at this link 
here. Maybe it will help:


mapper2255 wrote:


Putting up a 100% Flex site. What is everyone using to create
horizontal set of links: MenuBar? Creating a custom handler for
itemClick? Then using urlLoader?

If there are any neat examples, would appreciate it.



Re: [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-26 Thread Michael Wills
Yeah the POI marker click event is fine and quite useful. I think it was 
after reading your post Anupam. :-) However after that, I can't trigger 
anything in the Cairngorm app. I even tried to make a function with the 
original as2map.fla that would simply trigger a new POIMarkerClick event 
with data passed from the asfunction call within the marker. That hasn't 
worked yet either.

I also tried to use FlashInterface which, by itself, should work. 
However it blocks the communication of the YahooMap communication kit as is.

Basically, similar to Anupam's change to the code, I'd like to add an 
htmlTextClick function which can be can be called via asfunction. 
Something like:

function onHTMLLinkClick(ev:Object) {
   var rtnObj:String = new String();
   EIBuffer.addCall({method:swfDomId + .onHTMLLinkClick + id, 


and where it sets up listeners in the mapClip object

   myMap.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', onHTMLLinkClick);

and then in the description of a POI Marker have

description:a href=\'asfunction:onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click 

or would this have to be:

href=\'asfunction:_parent.onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click me.../a

and in the Flex project

mapEventDispather.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', htmlLinkClickHandler);

So the link would trigger the new event which would call the function in 
the loaded as2map.swf which would then trigger the new event which would 
be picked up by Flex, etc.

So is this possible? Since this function isn't in the original API, is 
it possible to add it this way? It looks like the .addCall would add it 
to the methodQueue array in the file. Here's 
to hoping...

And Benoit, thanks for the tip about adding the setMapSize snippet in 
the It sized fine when first loading but that could be 
VERY useful when dynamically resizing.

Thank you to you both. I'll give these a shot and see if there is any 
progress with it.


Benoit Hediard wrote:

Are you sure you can catch events generated by an href link in the 
description htmlText?


I think we've tried to play around with the POIMarkerClick event.

But it was only dispatched when you first click on the marker to open it.

Further click on a link in the htmlText description was not generating 
any POIMarkerClick events, so we could not catch anything.


But may be, we did something wrong, we have to check it out again...


Benoit Hediard


*De :* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*De la part de* anupam_81

*Envoyé :* mercredi 25 avril 2007 09:27
*À :*
*Objet :* [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext 


Hi michael,
I have done this and its pretty easy,
You can call any flex event on the click of the marker click
there is one event called onPOIMarkerClick in the Yahoo map component.
You should have the latest code because this event handler was not
there in the previous versions.

I have written a blog entry on this...
Check it out..

--- In, Michael Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For clarification, the idea is simply to allow a marker to be
clicked to
 open it, but then trigger an event/call a function in the cairngorm app
 when clicking on a link in the description.



 Michael Wills wrote:
  Hello all,
  Just wondering if it's possible to use asfunction to call a function
  in a cairngorm app from the htmltext in the description of a POI
  marker within a Yahoomap in a Flex 2 app without making modification
  to the as2map.fla file.
  It's a long shot, but I was just wondering if it's been done, and
  eagerly anticipating a true AS3 map component.
  The new AS3 event: protocol of course isn't recognized by the Flash
  8 interpreter and so it's not available.
  So I was hoping it would be something like:
  markerDesction = a asfunction:doNotKnowWhatGoesHere.myFunction/
  Is that a possibility at all?


Re: [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-26 Thread Michael Wills
Hi there Anupam,

Actually I figured out a way yesterday. The asfunction link calls a 
function in the map which then triggers an event in the AS2 map which is 
passed through a new EIBuffer.addCall which is received by a new event 
handler in The string parameter of the asfunction 
is passed through as a data object and used in Flex and every thing is 
dandy. The only limitation I ran into was the length of text usable with 
asfunction. I believe I saw somewhere that it was 116 characters as a 
limit because of hrefs in general, but it's OK. It works now. :-P

Many thanks!


anupam_81 wrote:

 Hi All,
 I was just googleing the asfunction and found this link

 See that asfunction is not supported in Action Script 3.0 and the Flex
 2.0 is using Flash 9 which in turn using AS3 so i think its not that
 straight forward to write asfunction and handling the event..

 Although yahoo map component is written in as2 but we are consuming it
 in as3.. My instinct says that there will be some other way that we
 can handle the link click event..
 Working on it..
 Keep u posted
 --- In, Michael Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Yeah the POI marker click event is fine and quite useful. I think it
  after reading your post Anupam. :-) However after that, I can't trigger
  anything in the Cairngorm app. I even tried to make a function with the
  original as2map.fla that would simply trigger a new POIMarkerClick
  with data passed from the asfunction call within the marker. That
  worked yet either.
  I also tried to use FlashInterface which, by itself, should work.
  However it blocks the communication of the YahooMap communication
 kit as is.
  Basically, similar to Anupam's change to the code, I'd like to add an
  htmlTextClick function which can be can be called via asfunction.
  Something like:
  function onHTMLLinkClick(ev:Object) {
  var rtnObj:String = new String();
  EIBuffer.addCall({method:swfDomId + .onHTMLLinkClick + id,
  and where it sets up listeners in the mapClip object
  myMap.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', onHTMLLinkClick);
  and then in the description of a POI Marker have
  description:a href=\'asfunction:onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click
  or would this have to be:
  href=\'asfunction:_parent.onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click me.../a
  and in the Flex project
  So the link would trigger the new event which would call the
 function in
  the loaded as2map.swf which would then trigger the new event which
  be picked up by Flex, etc.
  So is this possible? Since this function isn't in the original API, is
  it possible to add it this way? It looks like the .addCall would add it
  to the methodQueue array in the file. Here's
  to hoping...
  And Benoit, thanks for the tip about adding the setMapSize snippet in
  the It sized fine when first loading but that
 could be
  VERY useful when dynamically resizing.
  Thank you to you both. I'll give these a shot and see if there is any
  progress with it.
  Benoit Hediard wrote:
   Are you sure you can catch events generated by an href link in the
   description htmlText?
   I think we've tried to play around with the POIMarkerClick event.
   But it was only dispatched when you first click on the marker to
 open it.
   Further click on a link in the htmlText description was not
   any POIMarkerClick events, so we could not catch anything.
   But may be, we did something wrong, we have to check it out again...
   Benoit Hediard
   *De :* 
   *De la part de* anupam_81
   *Envoyé :* mercredi 25 avril 2007 09:27
   *À :*
   *Objet :* [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext
   Hi michael,
   I have done this and its pretty easy,
   You can call any flex event on the click of the marker click
   there is one event called onPOIMarkerClick in the Yahoo map component.
   You should have the latest code because this event handler was not
   there in the previous versions.
   I have written a blog entry on this...
   Check it out..

Re: [flexcoders] Error #1034: Type Coercion failed

2007-04-26 Thread Michael Wills
Would it help to make your HTTPService resultFormat e4x and not use 
mx:Model for categorienAC, but rather use an XMLList?

*  var **categorienAC  : XMLList = new XMLList();*
 private function xmlLoaded():void {
   categorienAC = srv.lastResult.categorien.categorie;

mx:HTTPService id=srv url=categorien.xml useProxy=false
result=xmlLoaded(); *resultFormat=e4x*/

Hope that helps,


rdeijkers wrote:

I'm trying to fill a Tile with the contents of an xml file. This is my
mxml code:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=

layout=absolute width=100% height=100% backgroundAlpha=0
applicationComplete=srv.send(); horizontalScrollPolicy=off
private function xmlLoaded():void {
categorienAC = srv.lastResult.categorien.categorie;

mx:Model id=categorienAC/
mx:HTTPService id=srv url=categorien.xml useProxy=false
result=xmlLoaded(); /
mx:Tile label=categorienTile width=945 height=100%
mx:Repeater id=list dataProvider={categorienAC}
mx:VBox backgroundColor=#00
mx:Image source={list.currentItem.foto} width=75 height=70/
mx:Label text={list.currentItem.naam}/

My XML looks like this:

categorie id=19
/categorie categorie id=1

/categorie categorie id=36
naamARIZONA / GREY/naam
/categorie categorie id=20

/categorie categorie id=59
naamAvant Garde/naam


I'm receiving the following error when I try to execute my code :

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
mx.collections::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.utils.ObjectProxy.
at categorie/categorie::xmlLoaded()[Z:\project\categorie.mxml:6]

Anybody an idea what's going wrong ?

Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.





Re: [flexcoders] E4X Syntax with XMLList

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Wills
Hey there Bruce,

For that one I believe you would need something like


and you might need to do a .toString() or even cast it to a Number 
depending on what you need to do with it.


boy_trike wrote:

 I am having problems trying to extract the data field from the 
 following XMLList

 mx:XMLList id=cbData
 menu label='E' data='1' /
 menu label='X' data='10' /
 menu label='D' data='12' /
 menu label='C' data='100' /
 menu label='M' data='1000' /

 I am trying something like x = [EMAIL PROTECTED] == 'M').data
 and expect the x to have a value of 1000.

 What am I doing wrong



Re: [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Wills
Yeah the POI marker click event is fine and quite useful. I think it was 
after reading your post Anupam. :-) However after that, I can't trigger 
anything in the Cairngorm app. I even tried to make a function with the 
original as2map.fla that would simply trigger a new POIMarkerClick event 
with data passed from the asfunction call within the marker. That hasn't 
worked yet either.

I also tried to use FlashInterface which, by itself, should work. 
However it blocks the communication of the YahooMap communication kit as is.

Basically, similar to Anupam's change to the code, I'd like to add an 
htmlTextClick function which can be can be called via asfunction. 
Something like:

function onHTMLLinkClick(ev:Object) {
var rtnObj:String = new String();
EIBuffer.addCall({method:swfDomId + .onHTMLLinkClick + id, data:rtnObj});

and where it sets up listeners in the mapClip object

myMap.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', onHTMLLinkClick);

and then in the description of a POI Marker have

description:a href=\'asfunction:onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click 

or would this have to be:

href=\'asfunction:_parent.onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click me.../a

and in the Flex project

mapEventDispather.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', htmlLinkClickHandler);

So the link would trigger the new event which would call the function in 
the loaded as2map.swf which would then trigger the new event which would 
be picked up by Flex, etc.

So is this possible? Since this function isn't in the original API, is 
it possible to add it this way? It looks like the .addCall would add it 
to the methodQueue array in the file. Here's 
to hoping...

And Benoit, thanks for the tip about adding the setMapSize snippet in 
the It sized fine when first loading but that could be 
VERY useful when dynamically resizing.

Thank you to you both. I'll give these a shot and see if there is any 
progress with it.


Benoit Hediard wrote:

 Are you sure you can catch events generated by an href link in the 
 description htmlText?

 I think we’ve tried to play around with the POIMarkerClick event.

 But it was only dispatched when you first click on the marker to open it.

 Further click on a link in the htmlText description was not generating 
 any POIMarkerClick events, so we could not catch anything.

 But may be, we did something wrong, we have to check it out again…

 Benoit Hediard

 *De :* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 *De la part de* anupam_81
 *Envoyé :* mercredi 25 avril 2007 09:27
 *À :*
 *Objet :* [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext 

 Hi michael,
 I have done this and its pretty easy,
 You can call any flex event on the click of the marker click
 there is one event called onPOIMarkerClick in the Yahoo map component.
 You should have the latest code because this event handler was not
 there in the previous versions.

 I have written a blog entry on this...
 Check it out..

 --- In, Michael Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  For clarification, the idea is simply to allow a marker to be
 clicked to
  open it, but then trigger an event/call a function in the cairngorm app
  when clicking on a link in the description.
  Michael Wills wrote:
   Hello all,
   Just wondering if it's possible to use asfunction to call a function
   in a cairngorm app from the htmltext in the description of a POI
   marker within a Yahoomap in a Flex 2 app without making modification
   to the as2map.fla file.
   It's a long shot, but I was just wondering if it's been done, and
   eagerly anticipating a true AS3 map component.
   The new AS3 event: protocol of course isn't recognized by the Flash
   8 interpreter and so it's not available.
   So I was hoping it would be something like:
   markerDesction = a asfunction:doNotKnowWhatGoesHere.myFunction/
   Is that a possibility at all?


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Re: [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Wills
One more tidbit, using the XPanel logger, logging this from the map,
getting it's path (_root.mapClip in this case) I can now call functions
from the map itself from within the marker.

However I am not yet able to register a new event. I may just hijack one
of the current ones and pass a new fake object that will let my Flex app
know it's my custom call.

So, any takers on registering a new event with the yahoomap component? :-)

If that works, then it's a hack, but a usable hack. Eventually true AS3
map components will be available so this kind of thing won't be as
necessary... keeping fingers crossed. :-)

Thanks for the inspiration all,


Michael Wills wrote:
 Yeah the POI marker click event is fine and quite useful. I think it was 
 after reading your post Anupam. :-) However after that, I can't trigger 
 anything in the Cairngorm app. I even tried to make a function with the 
 original as2map.fla that would simply trigger a new POIMarkerClick event 
 with data passed from the asfunction call within the marker. That hasn't 
 worked yet either.

 I also tried to use FlashInterface which, by itself, should work. 
 However it blocks the communication of the YahooMap communication kit as is.

 Basically, similar to Anupam's change to the code, I'd like to add an 
 htmlTextClick function which can be can be called via asfunction. 
 Something like:

 function onHTMLLinkClick(ev:Object) {
 var rtnObj:String = new String();
 EIBuffer.addCall({method:swfDomId + .onHTMLLinkClick + id, data:rtnObj});

 and where it sets up listeners in the mapClip object

 myMap.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', onHTMLLinkClick);

 and then in the description of a POI Marker have

 description:a href=\'asfunction:onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click 

 or would this have to be:

 href=\'asfunction:_parent.onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click me.../a

 and in the Flex project

 mapEventDispather.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', htmlLinkClickHandler);

 So the link would trigger the new event which would call the function in 
 the loaded as2map.swf which would then trigger the new event which would 
 be picked up by Flex, etc.

 So is this possible? Since this function isn't in the original API, is 
 it possible to add it this way? It looks like the .addCall would add it 
 to the methodQueue array in the file. Here's 
 to hoping...

 And Benoit, thanks for the tip about adding the setMapSize snippet in 
 the It sized fine when first loading but that could be 
 VERY useful when dynamically resizing.

 Thank you to you both. I'll give these a shot and see if there is any 
 progress with it.


 Benoit Hediard wrote:
 Are you sure you can catch events generated by an href link in the 
 description htmlText?

 I think we’ve tried to play around with the POIMarkerClick event.

 But it was only dispatched when you first click on the marker to open it.

 Further click on a link in the htmlText description was not generating 
 any POIMarkerClick events, so we could not catch anything.

 But may be, we did something wrong, we have to check it out again…

 Benoit Hediard

 *De :* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 *De la part de* anupam_81
 *Envoyé :* mercredi 25 avril 2007 09:27
 *À :*
 *Objet :* [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext 

 Hi michael,
 I have done this and its pretty easy,
 You can call any flex event on the click of the marker click
 there is one event called onPOIMarkerClick in the Yahoo map component.
 You should have the latest code because this event handler was not
 there in the previous versions.

 I have written a blog entry on this...
 Check it out..

 --- In, Michael Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 For clarification, the idea is simply to allow a marker to be
 clicked to
 open it, but then trigger an event/call a function in the cairngorm app
 when clicking on a link in the description.



 Michael Wills wrote:
 Hello all,

 Just wondering if it's possible to use asfunction to call a function
 in a cairngorm app from the htmltext in the description of a POI
 marker within a Yahoomap in a Flex 2 app without making modification
 to the as2map.fla file.

 It's a long shot, but I was just wondering if it's been done, and
 eagerly anticipating a true AS3 map component.

 The new AS3 event: protocol of course isn't recognized by the Flash
 8 interpreter and so it's not available.

 So I was hoping it would be something like:

 markerDesction = a asfunction:doNotKnowWhatGoesHere.myFunction/

 Is that a possibility at all

Re: [flexcoders] Solved - Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Wills

Just got the text to pass through as well.

In the end, I added this to the myMap event listener setup

   //my custom event
   myMap.addEventListener('onHtmlLinkClicked', onHtmlLinkClicked);

I didn't add a callback there as I don't need to access it through this 
event from Flex.

I then added this function (after onMinZoom)

function onHtmlLinkClicked(data:String) { // accepts the string from 

   var rtnObj:Object = new Object();
   rtnObj['data'] = data; // makes a data attribute of the object 
passing in the string data

   // make a new EIBuffer call for this action to pass through
   EIBuffer.addCall({method:swfDomId + .onHtmlLinkClicked + id, 


In I added

to the Event metatags:

[Event(name=onHtmlLinkClicked, type=MapEvent)]

in the setListeners function

ExternalInterface.addCallback(onHtmlLinkClicked + UUID, 

Though that may not be necessary since I am not using the callback... 
just in case though...

Then added a new function to dispatch the MapEvent

private function onHtmlLinkClicked(ev:Object):void {
   dispatchEvent(new MapEvent('onHtmlLinkClicked', ev));

then in my Cairngorm app, in mapInit added


and within htmlLinkClickHandler, the string from the asfunction is 
available via the

Cool. I think that was all I did. THAT was an education. Thanks again 
for your help!


Michael Wills wrote:

One more tidbit, using the XPanel logger, logging this from the map,
getting it's path (_root.mapClip in this case) I can now call functions
from the map itself from within the marker.

However I am not yet able to register a new event. I may just hijack one
of the current ones and pass a new fake object that will let my Flex app
know it's my custom call.

So, any takers on registering a new event with the yahoomap component? :-)

If that works, then it's a hack, but a usable hack. Eventually true AS3
map components will be available so this kind of thing won't be as
necessary... keeping fingers crossed. :-)

Thanks for the inspiration all,


Michael Wills wrote:
Yeah the POI marker click event is fine and quite useful. I think it was 
after reading your post Anupam. :-) However after that, I can't trigger 
anything in the Cairngorm app. I even tried to make a function with the 
original as2map.fla that would simply trigger a new POIMarkerClick event 
with data passed from the asfunction call within the marker. That hasn't 
worked yet either.

I also tried to use FlashInterface which, by itself, should work. 
However it blocks the communication of the YahooMap communication kit as is.

Basically, similar to Anupam's change to the code, I'd like to add an 
htmlTextClick function which can be can be called via asfunction. 
Something like:

function onHTMLLinkClick(ev:Object) {
var rtnObj:String = new String();
EIBuffer.addCall({method:swfDomId + .onHTMLLinkClick + id, data:rtnObj});

and where it sets up listeners in the mapClip object

myMap.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', onHTMLLinkClick);

and then in the description of a POI Marker have

description:a href=\'asfunction:onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click 

or would this have to be:

href=\'asfunction:_parent.onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click me.../a

and in the Flex project

mapEventDispather.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', htmlLinkClickHandler);

So the link would trigger the new event which would call the function in 
the loaded as2map.swf which would then trigger the new event which would 
be picked up by Flex, etc.

So is this possible? Since this function isn't in the original API, is 
it possible to add it this way? It looks like the .addCall would add it 
to the methodQueue array in the file. Here's 
to hoping...

And Benoit, thanks for the tip about adding the setMapSize snippet in 
the It sized fine when first loading but that could be 
VERY useful when dynamically resizing.

Thank you to you both. I'll give these a shot and see if there is any 
progress with it.


Benoit Hediard wrote:

Are you sure you can catch events generated by an href link in the 
description htmlText?

I think we've tried to play around with the POIMarkerClick event.

But it was only dispatched when you first click on the marker to open it.

Further click on a link in the htmlText description was not generating 
any POIMarkerClick events, so we could not catch anything.

But may be, we did something wrong, we have to check it out again...

Benoit Hediard

*De :* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*De la part de* anupam_81

*Envoyé :* mercredi 25 avril 2007 09:27
*À :*
*Objet :* [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext 

Hi michael,
I have done this and its pretty

Re: [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-25 Thread Michael Wills
One more tidbit, using the XPanel logger, logging this from the map, 
getting it's path (_root.mapClip in this case) I can now call functions 
from the map itself from within the marker.

However I am not yet able to register a new event. I may just hijack one 
of the current ones and pass a new fake object that will let my Flex app 
know it's my custom call.

So, any takers on registering a new event with the yahoomap component? :-)

If that works, then it's a hack, but a usable hack. Eventually true AS3 
map components will be available so this kind of thing won't be as 
necessary... keeping fingers crossed. :-)

Thanks for the inspiration all,


Michael Wills wrote:
 Yeah the POI marker click event is fine and quite useful. I think it was 
 after reading your post Anupam. :-) However after that, I can't trigger 
 anything in the Cairngorm app. I even tried to make a function with the 
 original as2map.fla that would simply trigger a new POIMarkerClick event 
 with data passed from the asfunction call within the marker. That hasn't 
 worked yet either.

 I also tried to use FlashInterface which, by itself, should work. 
 However it blocks the communication of the YahooMap communication kit as is.

 Basically, similar to Anupam's change to the code, I'd like to add an 
 htmlTextClick function which can be can be called via asfunction. 
 Something like:

 function onHTMLLinkClick(ev:Object) {
 var rtnObj:String = new String();
 EIBuffer.addCall({method:swfDomId + .onHTMLLinkClick + id, data:rtnObj});

 and where it sets up listeners in the mapClip object

 myMap.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', onHTMLLinkClick);

 and then in the description of a POI Marker have

 description:a href=\'asfunction:onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click 

 or would this have to be:

 href=\'asfunction:_parent.onHTMLLinkClick,someString\'Click me.../a

 and in the Flex project

 mapEventDispather.addEventListener('onHTMLLinkClick', htmlLinkClickHandler);

 So the link would trigger the new event which would call the function in 
 the loaded as2map.swf which would then trigger the new event which would 
 be picked up by Flex, etc.

 So is this possible? Since this function isn't in the original API, is 
 it possible to add it this way? It looks like the .addCall would add it 
 to the methodQueue array in the file. Here's 
 to hoping...

 And Benoit, thanks for the tip about adding the setMapSize snippet in 
 the It sized fine when first loading but that could be 
 VERY useful when dynamically resizing.

 Thank you to you both. I'll give these a shot and see if there is any 
 progress with it.


 Benoit Hediard wrote:
 Are you sure you can catch events generated by an href link in the 
 description htmlText?

 I think we’ve tried to play around with the POIMarkerClick event.

 But it was only dispatched when you first click on the marker to open it.

 Further click on a link in the htmlText description was not generating 
 any POIMarkerClick events, so we could not catch anything.

 But may be, we did something wrong, we have to check it out again…

 Benoit Hediard

 *De :* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 *De la part de* anupam_81
 *Envoyé :* mercredi 25 avril 2007 09:27
 *À :*
 *Objet :* [flexcoders] Re: yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext 

 Hi michael,
 I have done this and its pretty easy,
 You can call any flex event on the click of the marker click
 there is one event called onPOIMarkerClick in the Yahoo map component.
 You should have the latest code because this event handler was not
 there in the previous versions.

 I have written a blog entry on this...
 Check it out..

 --- In, Michael Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 For clarification, the idea is simply to allow a marker to be
 clicked to
 open it, but then trigger an event/call a function in the cairngorm app
 when clicking on a link in the description.



 Michael Wills wrote:
 Hello all,

 Just wondering if it's possible to use asfunction to call a function
 in a cairngorm app from the htmltext in the description of a POI
 marker within a Yahoomap in a Flex 2 app without making modification
 to the as2map.fla file.

 It's a long shot, but I was just wondering if it's been done, and
 eagerly anticipating a true AS3 map component.

 The new AS3 event: protocol of course isn't recognized by the Flash
 8 interpreter and so it's not available.

 So I was hoping it would be something like:

 markerDesction = a asfunction:doNotKnowWhatGoesHere.myFunction/

 Is that a possibility at all

Re: [flexcoders] encode +

2007-04-24 Thread Michael Wills
Are you using encodeURI? You may need to use encodeURIComponent instead. 
Just checking briefly on the JS versions.


Jesse Warden wrote:

Running encode on a String seems to be missing the +. For example, a
space   becomes %20 like expected. But, a + is not becoming %2D...
anyone know why?


[flexcoders] yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-24 Thread Michael Wills

Hello all,

Just wondering if it's possible to use asfunction to call a function in 
a cairngorm app from the htmltext in the description of a POI marker 
within a Yahoomap in a Flex 2 app without making modification to the 
as2map.fla file.

It's a long shot, but I was just wondering if it's been done, and 
eagerly anticipating a true AS3 map component.

The new AS3 event: protocol of course isn't recognized by the Flash 8 
interpreter and so it's not available.

So I was hoping it would be something like:

markerDesction = a asfunction:doNotKnowWhatGoesHere.myFunction/

Is that a possibility at all?



Re: [flexcoders] Re: encode +

2007-04-24 Thread Michael Wills

Hi there Jesse,

Three questions then.

Did encodeURIComponent solve the problem or is it still causing trouble?

Are you using the XML encoding for sending the request from an HTTP 
request? If you are using a standard HTTP request it does a url form 
encoding on everything before it goes out I believe.

Are you using the built in Base64Encoder class or your own code? I've 
heard of a non-documented built-in utility class for base64 
encode/decoding. Just curious about what you were using.



Doug Lowder wrote:

Yes, that's it exactly and Adobe got it right. The + is listed as a
non-encoded character in the docs for encodeURI(). So what needs to
be done is call encodeURIComponent() on the substring, which *will*
encode the + since it isn't a non-encoded character for that
function, and then tack that onto an encodeURI()'d string.

--- In, Paul DeCoursey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think the problem is that the + should not be encoded. You must
 encode it before adding it to the URI. It is a reserved character
 it has special meaning in certain places in the URI. It should not
 encoded in those places. As a result I am speculating that an
 function will not encode it. An example of a special meaning is
 it can be used in place of spaces in a URL, it is just as common to
 use %20 for a space, but a + is more readable.


 --- In, Doug Lowder douglowder@

  How about encodeURIComponent(dude man+) ? The + character, as
  as some others, is a reserved character in URIs.
  --- In, Jesse Warden jesse.warden@

   Weird... encodeURI does the same thing. Check it:
   var str:String = encodeURI(dude man+);
   Notice that with encode or encodeURI, you'll get:
   ...bleh! That dang + should be %2D instead.
   BTW, for background context, I'm first base64'ing some XML, and
   encoding it to send as a GET request param. If you know of a
   way, I'm all ears.
   On 4/24/07, Jesse Warden jesse.warden@ wrote:
Nope. I'm using encode.
On 4/24/07, Michael Wills michael@ wrote:

 Are you using encodeURI? You may need to use
  encodeURIComponent instead.
 Just checking briefly on the JS versions.


 Jesse Warden wrote:

 Running encode on a String seems to be missing the +. For
  example, a
 space   becomes %20 like expected. But, a + is not
becoming %
 anyone know why?



Re: [flexcoders] yahoomaps POI marker click event, htmltext asfunction

2007-04-24 Thread Michael Wills
For clarification, the idea is simply to allow a marker to be clicked to 
open it, but then trigger an event/call a function in the cairngorm app 
when clicking on a link in the description.



Michael Wills wrote:

 Hello all,

 Just wondering if it's possible to use asfunction to call a function 
 in a cairngorm app from the htmltext in the description of a POI 
 marker within a Yahoomap in a Flex 2 app without making modification 
 to the as2map.fla file.

 It's a long shot, but I was just wondering if it's been done, and 
 eagerly anticipating a true AS3 map component.

 The new AS3 event: protocol of course isn't recognized by the Flash 
 8 interpreter and so it's not available.

 So I was hoping it would be something like:

 markerDesction = a asfunction:doNotKnowWhatGoesHere.myFunction/

 Is that a possibility at all?




Re: [flexcoders] SWF Loading and Query Strings

2007-04-24 Thread Michael Wills
I don't know if this is related, but can you confirm with an HTTP 
debugger or perhaps Firefox's LiveHTTPHeaders extentions what it is 
trying to load? Flex URL encodes requests going out so it may correctly 
load the SWF, but everything else may be encoded to something like


I'm not sure if you're experiencing this though, but just thought it 
might be worth a try if it hasn't been solved yet.


jay.baird wrote:

 Hi all,

 Here's the scenario:

 We've got a SWF we're trying to load with a custom class that looks 
 like this:

 public class Foo extends MovieClip {
 public function Foo():void {
 var loader:Loader = new Loader();
 var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);

 then the call looks like this:

 var theFlash:Foo = new Foo(http://localhost/assets/foo.swf?test=atest 
 otherContainer.addChild( theFlash );

 test is a variable in the swf that then outputs to trace. The problem 
 is is that test comes
 through undefined. I've tried this with SWFLoader, and now Loader. 
 Does Flex strip these
 arguments off when loading? Is this a crossdomain problem? (I do have 
 crossdomain set
 up locally to allow all hosts).

 If Flex does strip off the vars to the SWF then is the only recourse 




Re: [flexcoders] Getting Index of Array Collection from current Mouse Position in areaChart

2007-04-24 Thread Michael Wills
Hi Patrick,

I'm not sure if this will help, but you can listen for an itemRollOver 
event on your area chart. That will trigger an ChartItemEvent which in 
it has hitData and hitSet which info on the items that triggered the 
event. Perhaps you can get the actual data from that.


patricklemiuex wrote:

 Forgive if you see this post, I haven't seen my post, post and I
 haven't seen a reply.

 Is it possible to get an index of an array collection from a mouseover
 on an area chart.



Re: [flexcoders] trying here- get an image name and the images itself to load

2007-04-22 Thread Michael Wills

Hi there Shawn,

I'm a relative newbie here as well but I thought I'd take a look. I 
learn as I do so I try. :-)

It seems when your loadMainImage event is being triggered, you are 
parsing the data from the XML file correctly actually. But what you want 
to do is pull the unique data from the item being clicked.

Is the list of images across the bottom a horizontal list? If it is, and 
if the datasource used to fill that list is the same XML list, then what 
you may want to try is for your horizontalList set a function to respond 
to the change event:

   source={ yourDataSource }
   change=loadMainImage // call the loadMainImage function when the 
selected item in the horizontal list changes


Then in your function,

public function loadMainImage(event:Event):void {
   //pull the data from the selected item of the thumb scroller as it 
has been populated by the XML data source

   image_name_txt.text = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
   mainImage.source = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

I'm not sure if you are using the HorizontalList for your thumb scroller 
on the bottom, just a guess.

Hopefully that helps a little,


shawn.gibson wrote:

I swear to god I'm doing the best I can here, and I do seem to be
getting closer.

My problem right now is that I don't seen to be able to get the main
image (orthe text label) to load after a particular thumb is clicked.
I SEEM to be loading the entire array...which of course makes no
sense. The function that does this is the following:

public function loadMainImage(event:Event):void {



I'm trying to tell both the image_name_text and the Main_mage to load
what would be the current text/title and the current image based on
the secections involved.

I'll give the entire block if it helps:

//import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
import mx.core.Application;

public var selectedNodeTree:XML;

// Event handler for the Tree control change event.
public function treeChanged(event:Event):void {
selectedNodeTree=Tree( as XML;

public function loadThumbScroller(file:String):void {
thumbService.url = file;

public function loadMainImage(event:Event):void {




I have migrated everything to my development machine (Vista is rather
Nifta!). If this code provided doesn't help I will upload the
application to my make-shift server till my real server gets back to
the shop.

I am also very worried that I don't get the concepts Tracy and others
abide by - not referencing the result directly, but doing so by using
a ResultHandler, because my understanding is without such, you can't
debug. I just don't get that part at all.

Does anyone know why my loadMainImage method seems to be passing both
an array of ALL text and, I am GUESSING, instead of reading the single
image as it should, it might be trying to pass the entire group of
images to the image, which would explain why it gives me a broken
image...but DOES seem to want to connect...just doing so incorrectly.

The XML is of this structure:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=iso-8859-1?
gallery label=/
item name=Catherine1 thumblink=images/CD2_thumb.jpg
item name=Catherine1 thumblink=images/artwork1.jpg
item name=Catherine1 thumblink=images/artwork2.jpg
item name=Catherine1 thumblink=images/artwork3.jpg
item name=Catherine1 thumblink=images/artwork4.jpg
item name=Catherine1 thumblink=images/artwork5.jpg
item name=Catherine1 thumblink=images/artwork6.jpg

I'm getting desperate. I can't do this by myself, and I'm sinking into
a depression because of it. Outside the fact that this venture has
cost me over $25,000 so far (I'm a secretary, we are talking about a
year's pay for me into this project..., and I am getting nowhere, I'm
getting very depressed. I have ADHD, so please understand I am only
asking for help because I really, really, need it. I have absolutely
no desire to make money. I just want to make something beautiful for
my images and to give it to the world when it's done. I KNOW my
project has value to that end.

I won't bother you guys again if I have overstepped the limits of
'asking for help'. I'll just try on my own for as long as I can stay
sane with it, and failing that, I might have no choice but to put all
this money and my desire to build this behind me...I have no idea what
I will do if that happens.

I'll see if I can move this to my make-shift server so you can see it
in (non)action...



Re: [flexcoders] TRUNCATING a ComboBox text?

2007-04-22 Thread Michael Wills

And this has a helper function for intelligently truncating a string:


Steve Kellogg wrote:



The standard behavior for a combobox is to grow in width until it's 
wide enough to display the current selection.


Is there anyway to tell a ComboBox to Truncate the current displayed 
Selection if it's too wide for a ComboBox?


I've tried setting both the left and right for the box in the hope 
that Flex would recognize this as a hard limit, but it doesn't seem to 
work like this.








Re: [flexcoders] TRUNCATING a ComboBox text?

2007-04-22 Thread Michael Wills

Have you tried maxWidth? I am not sure how it handles the truncation though.


Steve Kellogg wrote:



The standard behavior for a combobox is to grow in width until it's 
wide enough to display the current selection.


Is there anyway to tell a ComboBox to Truncate the current displayed 
Selection if it's too wide for a ComboBox?


I've tried setting both the left and right for the box in the hope 
that Flex would recognize this as a hard limit, but it doesn't seem to 
work like this.








Re: [flexcoders] Re: trying here- get an image name and the images itself to load

2007-04-22 Thread Michael Wills
No problem. I know the pain, believe me. I'm working on an app now as I 
am starting out with Flex and decided to dive in with Cairngorm for it. 
There is definitely a learning curve but it really helps with the 

Glad it worked out for you there.


shawn.gibson wrote:

Michael: You did it! Thanks. And what makes it both wonderful for me
and also very frustrating (but just in a DOH! way) is that I totally
understand what you did. I guess I've lost a bit of perspective here,
and need to step back a bit, because even I should have been able to
figure that out...I really, really appreciate your help. This is the
first time in months this part has ever worked.

Thanks very much:) I owe you.

I wish I could learn how to figure out the correct way to use result
handlers, but for now, I am very happy. I know the proper way to do
this is via proxiesAS3 if you want it to scale and have any kind of
separation (remove the model from the main app and give yourself a
chance at debugging etc.), but it's one step at a time for me:)

Shawn (with gratitude)


Re: [flexcoders] Model and Forms

2007-04-21 Thread Michael Wills

Hi Luis,

It's been a few days so perhaps you already have a solution to this. I'm 
also just learning myself so I haven't tested this sample code.

If it's something that is just defined in the model, and won't change, 
then it doesn't need to be bound. You can make a constant in your model 
if you need it application-wide, and then use that value when you define 
the TextInput.

In the model:

public const TEXT_MAX_CHARS : Number = 10; // This is if you need a 
constant and don't want it to change of course

public var textMaxChars : Number = 10; // if you want it to be changeable


mx:TextInput maxChars={ model.TEXT_MAX_CHARS } /

or if you want it on the validator

mx:StringValidator maxLength={ model.TEXT_MAX_CHARS } /


Perhaps one of the more experienced folks will supply an answer. If not, 
hope it helps!


Luis Eduardo wrote:

Is there a way to bind the maxChars of a TextInput on an entry of my

the length of the data should be defined in the model, i think. (not
on a validator. perhaps the validator should take this information from
the model)



Re: [flexcoders] PopupButton, newbie can't get selected data

2007-04-21 Thread Michael Wills
Yeah I see what you mean. It seems like you should be able to pull the 
currently selected item like from a drop down list. It looks like you 
would have to make a variable to capture the data from the return event. 
So it could be something like

private var selectedItem : Object = new Object();

private function actionSelect(event:MenuEvent):void  { = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
selectedItem.label = [EMAIL PROTECTED];

private function okClicked():void {  // Event handler for the OK button. +fname.text +
   \nday= +day.selectedValue+ +day.selection.label +
   \naction=  + ** +   + *selectedItem.label*);

I haven't actually tried out the code but that seems to work 
conceptually. It seems like it would be useful to be able to pull the 
selected data directly but the docs don't mention that as an option. It 
only talks about the itemClick and click events.

Hope that helps,


fredsells wrote:

I've got a data entry dialog with a PopUpButton control.  Although I 
can get the data value from the event, I really don't want to handle 
the event but rather wait for the user to hit the OK button in the 
dialog, then get the selected data.  I have searched the docs and 
googled it to death with no success.  I'm a flex newbie, so this is 
probably something really obvious, but I can't find it.   Code 
snippets are below...

 private function okClicked():void {  // Event handler for the OK 
button. +fname.text +
   \nday= +day.selectedValue+ 
+day.selection.label +
   \naction= +punchtype.selected+ 
+punchtype.label); //how do I get data

   private function actionSelect(event:MenuEvent):void  {[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]) ;  
//this works



mx:XMLList id=treeDP2
node label=Punch In  data=1 /
node label=Punch Out  data=2 /
node label=Left Building  data=3 /
node label=Left Planet  data=4 /
mx:FormItem label=Action
  mx:PopUpMenuButton id=punchtype  


Re: [flexcoders] XML to Number from an HTTPservice

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills

Have you tried casting using the as operator?

num : Number = result.value.I.Want as Number;

I'm new and still learning though. I just didn't see anyone else reply 

Hope that helps,


lcujino wrote:

I've created an HTTPservice to put some information from an XML on my

Of course it works nicely as Strings, but anybody knows how to convert
the Strings to numbers? (I need to use the XML feed for calculations
on the application)


Re: [flexcoders] Bubble-Mind is now released to you !

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills
I'll try to give it a shot when I can. I use Freemind quite extensively 
so it could be good to compare. An online version usable anywhere 
definitely has some advantages.


ecpmaz wrote:

Yeah I know it appears like an ad but I wanted to make a post here.
Some of you here have really helped me working out some issues I
got... thank you to all of you.

This application is a mind mapper : it enables you store your
knowledge as a tree (mindmap) or to brainstorm ; all that made easy by
a rich interface made in Flex.

This app' is available at

I would really appreciate to have your feedback on this.

Note: This app is also available as an Apollo application.
* for french guys, description at :,

* for others, the air file is here :

Have a great day,



[flexcoders] HTTPService where parameter has hypen or underscore and bypassing automatic form encoding of data with bytearray?

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills

Hello all,

I am using Flex to access an API that has parameters with a hyphen or an 
underscore in the name of the parameter. If the parameter name has a 
hyphen, Flexbuilder (2.0.1) does not compile with a syntax error. 
Putting the name part in quotes causes the hyphen to be form encoded If 
it has an underscore, it compiles fine, but the name parameter becomes 
form encoded and so the hyphen is no longer passed as a hyphen. For example:

sample-param: sample value, -- causes syntax error
'sample-param': sample value, -- compiles OK but becomes 
sample%2Dparam which API doesn't recognize
sample_param: sample value -- compiles OK but becomes sample%5Fparam 
which API doesn't recognize

Using myQueryObject['sample-param'] has the same effect as the above of 

One other related issue is passing a delimiter in the value. For example:

sample-param: val1:val2:val3 -- colon is encoded to %3A which API 
doesn't recognize.

Is there a way to pass this data directly without going through this 
kind of encoding? Perhaps I would need to use a byte array or something 
like that? I'll start digging in that direction.

Thanks in advance,


Re: [flexcoders] Help any body

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills
What is the problem you are experiencing? When you click A, do you 
filter the data provider of the datagrid?


nsiddiquics wrote:

I am making Admin Panel in flex. I am making websie for the TV channel
that is food cooking channel. I have used data services to bring data
from MySQL database in the grid. I have used LinkBar from A to Z to
see the programs alphabetically.If I click on A it should show the
programs which starts from letter A and so on.

Please help me to rid out of this situation.

Nasir Nawab


Re: [flexcoders] HTTPService where parameter has hypen or underscore and bypassing automatic form encoding of data with bytearray?

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills

Hi Pete,

Thanks. I was hoping I could do something like that but Flexbuilder 
complains about anything but the two standard types of application/url 
form encoded and application/xml. While text/plain is an acceptable 
option for forms, Flex apparently doesn't like it. Perhaps it's just a 
warning and not an error. I'll have to try that again to see.

The tech on the server is just an API so I can't change that end of it.

Many thanks,


Peter Farland wrote:

If you're using HTTPService, I think you may be able to set the 
contentType to something else like text/plain and prepare the string 
for the POST yourself manually? It may be simpler to decode the form 
params on the other end before invoking your API... what technology 
are you using on the server?

*From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*On Behalf Of *Michael Wills

*Sent:* Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:48 PM
*Subject:* [flexcoders] HTTPService where parameter has hypen or 
underscore and bypassing automatic form encoding of data with bytearray?

Hello all,

I am using Flex to access an API that has parameters with a hyphen or 
an underscore in the name of the parameter. If the parameter name has 
a hyphen, Flexbuilder (2.0.1) does not compile with a syntax error. 
Putting the name part in quotes causes the hyphen to be form encoded 
If it has an underscore, it compiles fine, but the name parameter 
becomes form encoded and so the hyphen is no longer passed as a 
hyphen. For example:

sample-param: sample value, -- causes syntax error
'sample-param': sample value, -- compiles OK but becomes 
sample%2Dparam which API doesn't recognize
sample_param: sample value -- compiles OK but becomes 
sample%5Fparam which API doesn't recognize

Using myQueryObject['sample-param'] has the same effect as the above 
of course.

One other related issue is passing a delimiter in the value. For example:

sample-param: val1:val2:val3 -- colon is encoded to %3A which API 
doesn't recognize.

Is there a way to pass this data directly without going through this 
kind of encoding? Perhaps I would need to use a byte array or 
something like that? I'll start digging in that direction.

Thanks in advance,



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Best way to communicate with database

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills
Web services may be the easiest to integrate with Flex since they are 
consumed so easily. I believe Zope/Plone can essentially expose or 
render it's data as a web service as well.

It may also depend on how you are organizing your code for these kinds 
of projects. Migrating from one technology to another in parts can be... 
challenging. If there is a consistent framework between the two that may 
help. For Flex, a popular one is Cairngorm, as it helps you do the MVC 
separation in your development. Plone seems to do that as well since you 
have your data sources and your rendered views, etc. Essentially then 
you would just be changing your view as you move it to Flex.

Just thinking out loud hoping it helps. :-)


taprokop wrote:

I was just wondering if you found any resolution to your question. I
am also looking at some combinations with Zope as well as Plone for an
extensive applications. Any words of wisdom to share so far from your


--- In, darylgmyers [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 We have a web application which is built using Zope and has postgreSQL
 as the database backend. We are planning on adding/replacing
 functionality in sections with Flex 2. Over time the majority of the
 application will be done in Flex 2.

 We are trying to evaluate the many different ways we can communicate
 with the database - Flex Data Services, WebOrb for Ruby on Rails, Web
 Services we create, etc.

 Does anyone have advice and experience to help us make this decision?
 We are looking for the most efficient solution from a coding standpoint
 as our primary goal.


Re: [flexcoders] Error msg show Application not component

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills
Are you using Flexbuilder 2? In Flexbuilder 2 the problem tab shows the 
line number of the syntax error allowing you to go to the problem directly.


boy_trike wrote:

I have a new application with a few components. If I have a syntax 
error in one of my
components, the problems tab always shows the name of the APPLICATION 
not the
component. What do I have to do to get this working like my other 



Re: [flexcoders] HTTPService where parameter has hypen or underscore and bypassing automatic form encoding of data with bytearray?

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills
Just tried it out again. Flex complains that text/plain is invalid and 
ignores it on the request. It is still application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Thanks though,


Michael Wills wrote:

Hi Pete,

Thanks. I was hoping I could do something like that but Flexbuilder 
complains about anything but the two standard types of application/url 
form encoded and application/xml. While text/plain is an acceptable 
option for forms, Flex apparently doesn't like it. Perhaps it's just a 
warning and not an error. I'll have to try that again to see.

The tech on the server is just an API so I can't change that end of it.

Many thanks,


Peter Farland wrote:

If you're using HTTPService, I think you may be able to set the 
contentType to something else like text/plain and prepare the 
string for the POST yourself manually? It may be simpler to decode 
the form params on the other end before invoking your API... what 
technology are you using on the server?

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Michael Wills

*Sent:* Tuesday, April 10, 2007 9:48 PM
*Subject:* [flexcoders] HTTPService where parameter has hypen or 
underscore and bypassing automatic form encoding of data with bytearray?

Hello all,

I am using Flex to access an API that has parameters with a hyphen or 
an underscore in the name of the parameter. If the parameter name has 
a hyphen, Flexbuilder (2.0.1) does not compile with a syntax error. 
Putting the name part in quotes causes the hyphen to be form encoded 
If it has an underscore, it compiles fine, but the name parameter 
becomes form encoded and so the hyphen is no longer passed as a 
hyphen. For example:

sample-param: sample value, -- causes syntax error
'sample-param': sample value, -- compiles OK but becomes 
sample%2Dparam which API doesn't recognize
sample_param: sample value -- compiles OK but becomes 
sample%5Fparam which API doesn't recognize

Using myQueryObject['sample-param'] has the same effect as the above 
of course.

One other related issue is passing a delimiter in the value. For example:

sample-param: val1:val2:val3 -- colon is encoded to %3A which API 
doesn't recognize.

Is there a way to pass this data directly without going through this 
kind of encoding? Perhaps I would need to use a byte array or 
something like that? I'll start digging in that direction.

Thanks in advance,



Re: [flexcoders] Re: Error msg show Application not component

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills
Oh that's odd. So the columns Resource, In Folder, and Location only 
show the project name? That is odd indeed. And when you right click on 
the error and choose Go to from the context menu, it doesn't go 
anywhere either then?


boy_trike wrote:

Sorry I was not more specific. Yes, I am using FB2. in the problem 
tab, my error messages
with other projects, shows both the current component name in the 
resource column and
the path in the in folder column. This new project just lists the 
project name no matter

which component has the error.


--- In, Michael Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you using Flexbuilder 2? In Flexbuilder 2 the problem tab shows the
 line number of the syntax error allowing you to go to the problem 


 boy_trike wrote:
  I have a new application with a few components. If I have a syntax
  error in one of my
  components, the problems tab always shows the name of the APPLICATION
  not the
  component. What do I have to do to get this working like my other


Re: [flexcoders] Re: Error msg show Application not component

2007-04-11 Thread Michael Wills

Ah good point.

Bruce, is the component in question using any precompiled SWC libraries?


Tracy Spratt wrote:

I have seen this when the problem is in the project settings, like a 
deleted source folder or something.



*From:* [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
*On Behalf Of *Michael Wills

*Sent:* Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:45 PM
*Subject:* Re: [flexcoders] Re: Error msg show Application not component


Oh that's odd. So the columns Resource, In Folder, and Location only 
show the project name? That is odd indeed. And when you right click on 
the error and choose Go to from the context menu, it doesn't go 
anywhere either then?


boy_trike wrote:

Sorry I was not more specific. Yes, I am using FB2. in the problem 
tab, my error messages
with other projects, shows both the current component name in the 
resource column and
the path in the in folder column. This new project just lists the 
project name no matter

which component has the error.


--- In, Michael Wills [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you using Flexbuilder 2? In Flexbuilder 2 the problem tab shows the
 line number of the syntax error allowing you to go to the problem 


 boy_trike wrote:
  I have a new application with a few components. If I have a syntax
  error in one of my
  components, the problems tab always shows the name of the APPLICATION
  not the
  component. What do I have to do to get this working like my other


Re: [flexcoders] Mac style drop-down sheet

2007-03-10 Thread Michael Wills
Hmm something like this link?

Or something more specific to drop-downs?


ashifsayani wrote:


 I'd seen a posting where someone created a mac style drop-down sheet 
 in Flex. I can't seem
 to find the link anymore, does anyone remember who's blog it was on?



Re: [flexcoders] Web Services: Nearing Wit's End

2007-03-10 Thread Michael Wills
Hi Shibli,

I defer to the experts on the details (I'm new to Flex) but I have 
gotten other services to work. A web service debugger has been a great 
asset in that development. Two popular ones are Charles 
( and Service Capture 
( although I can only vouch for 
Charles. I haven't used Service Capture before.

Perhaps using one of those or a utility like that you might be able to 
see what is and is not coming across the wire.

Hope that helps!


Shibli Zaman wrote:

 I’ve followed every single tutorial on consuming Web Services in Flex 
 and not a single one works with anything other than simple demo web 
 services available on the net. I’ve followed all the different methods 
 documented and followed each and every step in detail. Now, I’m at the 
 point that I am appealing for someone to take a look at my WSDL file 
 and tell me what I am doing wrong. If you’re interested in helping me 
 out please let me know. Thanks. --Shibli


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