[flexcoders] Re: Question about Flex WebService

2007-06-06 Thread Scott Hoff
Why did you ask him if his port was 8200?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Shibli Zaman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You may wish to specify that this is an SAP related question in the
 future as it will help those familiar with this subject identify the
 problem and offer solutions.
 You don't need FDS when consuming a Web Service.
 The error is saying that your WSDL is malformed. So I have some
 questions for you:
 1) What version of R/3 are you using?
 2) Are you sure ZGET_ALERT_NUMBER exists by that name?
 3) Are you sure 8200 is your port?
 I would suggest you form your WSDL like this and give it a try:
 Thanks --Shibli
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of snowedice
 Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 12:30 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Question about Flex WebService
 Experts, please help me to see what is wrong here, thanks a lot!!
 I've created a simple programe to test the flex WebService. But it 
 always pop out 
 [RPC Fault faultString=[MessagingError message='Unknown 
 destination 'defaultWSDL'.'] faultCode=InvokeFailed 
 faultDetail=Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify 
 the URI and/or format of the WSDL (null)] ..
 I've add the Destination in the ..\fds\jrun4
 destination id=defaultWSDL
 adapter ref=soap-proxy/
 wsdlMailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious: 
 soapMailScanner warning: numerical links are often malicious: 
 Code is:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
 import mx.rpc.soap.WebService;
 import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
 import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
 import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
 import mx.controls.Alert;
 mx:WebService id=wsGetAlertNumber 
 mx:operation name=ZGET_ALERT_NUMBER
 The FDS is started before running the program. Anything wrong here?

[flexcoders] Re: Security error accessing url

2007-06-06 Thread Scott Hoff

I have placed a cross domain file in my localhost.  I try to access a
web service (running on port 80) from the path
http://localhost:8700/fdstraining2/lesson17/lesson17.html.  If I do
not use the proxy, I get what I believe is a sandbox error:

[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString=HTTP request error
faultCode=Server.Error.Request faultDetail=Error: [IOErrorEvent
type=ioError bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=Error
#2032: Stream Error. URL:
http://localhost/flexGrocer/cfcs/aggregate.cfc;]. URL:
messageId=49F14C3A-11DF-D7CA-B938-01D649512641 type=fault
bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

I placed the cross domain file in my local host root directory and I
set it up to allow all connections. You can see the cross domain file
?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
cross-domain-policyallow-access-from domain=* /

If I have placed the cross domain file in the right spot at
http://localhost/crossdomain.xml, what might be the problem?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Carson Hager [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 These files act on the server level.  There is no more granularity than
 that.  Take a look at my last message. You should be in good shape.
 Carson Hager
 Cynergy Systems, Inc.
 http://www.cynergysystems.com http://www.cynergysystems.com/ 
 Office:  866-CYNERGY
 Mobile: 1.703.489.6466
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Sathish K
 Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 1:00 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Security error accessing url
 Dear Carson,
Is it possible to place the crossdomain.xml file at
 server level, to access the all webservices that are availbale in the
 This is our IBM websphere server folder structure.
   -Original Message-
   From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Carson Hager
   Sent: 12 July 2006 23:26
   To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: RE: [flexcoders] Security error accessing url

   What URL are you using to download the SWF?

   What is the URL for your web service?

   Even if the swf and web service are on the same host but the
 host names do not match perfectly, you will get this kind of failure. If
 the web service is on a different host, you will need to place a
 crossdomain.xml file at the root of the web server where the web
 services are located.


   Carson Hager
   Cynergy Systems, Inc.
   http://www.cynergysystems.com http://www.cynergysystems.com/ 

   Office:  866-CYNERGY
   Mobile: 1.703.489.6466

   From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sathish K
   Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 5:44 AM
   To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
   Subject: [flexcoders] Security error accessing url
I have a webservice (EAR file) that is deployed in the IBM
 Websphere 6.0 server.When we access the 
webservice from a SWF application(sandbox)built using Flex 2.0
 it gives a security error.How to resolve this security issue.

The Error Message:

[FaultEvent fault=[Rpc fault
faultstring=Security error accessing url
faultDetails=Unable to load WSDL.If currently
online,please verify the URI and/or format of
the WSDL
(webservice url)]messageId=null type=fault
bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

 We have read in many articles which says we need to place the
 crossdomain.xml file in the server root directory.But we dont know
 exactly what is the correct location for placing this file.
 We have tried placing in many subfolders under the root folder
 where Websphere is installed.  
It would be of great help if you can help us sort out this


 Information transmitted by this e-mail may be proprietary to Ramco
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 may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are
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[flexcoders] FDS and Web Service: Unable to load WSDL

2007-06-05 Thread Scott Hoff
I have the following web service:

mx:operation name=getTypeSalesData


When I try to execute the web service from the following address, I
get the following error:


[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString=The URL specified
'http://localhost/flexgrocer/cfcs/aggregate.cfc?wsdl' is not allowed
by the selected destination 'DefaultHTTP'.
faultCode=Server.Proxy.Request.Failed faultDetail=Unable to load
WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the
WSDL (http://localhost/flexGrocer/cfcs/aggregate.cfc?wsdl)]
messageId=null type=fault bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

Some people have said there are issues with using WSDL and FDS.
However, if I turn useProxy to false, I get a sandbox error.  I know
that my FDS is running on port 8700 and my cfc is running on port 80.
 Would this contribute to the problem? I thought it might and thus I
set up a cross domain xml file in the localhost (port 80) but that
should allow requests from anywhere.  However, this didn't affect the
sandbox error at all.  

[flexcoders] Convert project to Data Services

2007-06-04 Thread Scott Hoff
If you set up a project as basic, can you change it so that it can use
flex data services? I'm hitting a brick wall with the Web Service
tutorial in the training from the source book. I'm using it in basic
mode and am wondering if I'm getting my error b/c I'm not using the
FDS proxy.

[flexcoders] Re: Convert project to Data Services

2007-06-04 Thread Scott Hoff
Is the following error an issue with cross domain/sandbox?
Error #2032: Stream Error.

I'm trying to convert to FDS because I can't use the webservice that I
have running on my local host on port 80.  As it is now my web service
is set up like this: 

id=dashboardWS useProxy=false 

I'm going to try and figure out how to do what you suggested!  

In regards to the other error, I inserted the following
crossdomain.xml file in the root of my local host and it didn't change

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
cross-domain-policyallow-access-from domain=* /

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Mark Piller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey Scott,
 Yes, you can definitely do that. Our WebORB plugin for Flex Builder
 (to be released this week) does this automatically using Flex Builder
 API. You can also change it manually. You need to modify the
 .flexProperties file sitting in the root of your FB project folder.
 Make sure to set the flexServerType to 2, then add serverRoot,
 serverRootURL and serverContextRoot attributes with the corresponding
 values for your server.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Scott Hoff shoff@ wrote:
  If you set up a project as basic, can you change it so that it can use
  flex data services? I'm hitting a brick wall with the Web Service
  tutorial in the training from the source book. I'm using it in basic
  mode and am wondering if I'm getting my error b/c I'm not using the
  FDS proxy.

[flexcoders] Re: Convert project to Data Services

2007-06-04 Thread Scott Hoff
I was able to get it to work by changing it from:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
flexProperties version=1 toolCompile=true flexServerType=0/


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
flexProperties version=1 toolCompile=true flexServerType=0/

However, I wasn't sure how to fill out the rest of the stuff that you
specified.  Do I always need to start a new flex files with the war
files that come with flex?  I'm not sure which root folder to point it
to.  I know that flex services needs all of the config files...

[flexcoders] Flex: Remote Objects

2007-05-17 Thread Scott Hoff
Do I have to have FDS2 do call remote objects? (Java etc.)

[flexcoders] Re: Games in Flex / Apollo?

2007-04-27 Thread Scott Hoff
How about a direct link to something for those of us who are too 
lazy to search through your blog?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Troy Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Check out my blog, http://troygilbert.com/. I'm doing some *big* 
stuff with
 games and Flex.
 On 4/27/07, Erik Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On 4/27/07, André Rodrigues Pena [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was also considering to develop something for flex-based 
games. But I
   think that, the only reason that could lead someone to do this 
would be the
   AS3 capabilities but now Flash CS3 has come up with this 
technology, and it
   has a bunch of other functionalities to help with gaming.
  (True, but Flash CS3 is $699 more than the cost of the Flex SDK.)

[flexcoders] Re: QTP 9.2 Eval version and Flex

2007-04-26 Thread Scott Hoff
Does open source = free going forward?

[flexcoders] Inserting data from Flex: FDS vs. HTTPService vs. RemoteObject

2007-04-25 Thread Scott Hoff


I'm clearly a beginner and I'm trying to get a grasp on the best
ways to develop applications in flex.

The applications that I develop mostly interface with databases. I have
been really impressed with all of the information and examples of Flex
Data Services and its advantages.  However, I understand that there are
licensing issues and limits on concurrent users.

So far I can only think of three ways that you can add content to a
database from within a flex application:

* Use HTTPService. I figure I can  store the information that I
want to post and then submit it via  querystring to an HTTP Service
that would then insert the record and then return  an event after
the inserting was complete.   If I knew it was complete, I would
then call for the datasource to  be refreshed.
* Use Remote Object: In this  scenario, I would use
Coldfusion/Java and Remote Objects in order to do  the inserting.  I
guess I would  follow the same process. After a successful insert, I
would call for a new  download of all of the data and the updated
dated would be populated  throughout the datagrid.
* Use  Flex Data Services: (I know the explanation is poor) I
would post via a  proxy and upon the inserting of the information
the flex data services  would then update the current applications
that a change had been made at  the data would then be updated and
automatically reflected in the  applications that would be using the

First of all, is this even close to a good description of the options
one has while inserting data from a flex application?

If I don't forsee the company that I work with being able to pay
20,000 dollars so that we can have 300+ users concurrently using flex
data services, should I automatically decide against using flex data

[flexcoders] Re: Inserting data from Flex: FDS vs. HTTPService vs. RemoteObject

2007-04-25 Thread Scott Hoff

I have a few questions in response to your helpful response!  

You mentioned using cgi scripts with HTTPService. When you say CGI
script, what language are you using on the server side to do the work.
I've never really worked with cgi scripting per say.  Rather, I
started out with ASP Classic and then I switched to ColdFusion.  I
always thought that CGI was a language within itself but I just did a
quick Google search so and it said that CGI scripting required knowing
C or perl.  When people say CGI, do they refer to server side
scripting in general or do they refer to a specific programming language?

I've never really had any exposure to AMFPHP or anything to do with
creating sockets with applications. I've never really used php b/c
when I switched languages I just kind of switched to the first one
that seemed straight forward and that resembled my previous language.

I would appreciate your input.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, harfga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have given this exact problem considerable thought and have decided
 that Flex Data Services (now called LCDS) is not the right solution
 when you simply want to couple a flex client with a back-end database.
 Depending on the application, I have used the following solutions in
 my work:
  1) HTTPService to a CGI script that queries the database and returns
 the result as an XML string.  This is probably the easiest to get
 going.  The primary downside with this solution is performance.
  2) AMFPHP 1.9.  Version 1.9 is screaming fast.  There isn't much of a
 downside with this solution, except that it is slightly more complex
 than HTTPService.  But there's a good tutorial out there that will get
 you up and running.
  3) A custom server that maintains a socket connection with the Flex
 client.  This allows me to push data to the clients, keep multiple
 clients synchronized (without forcing the clients to poll), etc. 
 Obviously this solution requires the most expertise, but I've found it
 preferable to wrangling with FDS.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Scott Hoff shoff@ wrote:
  I'm clearly a beginner and I'm trying to get a grasp on the best
  ways to develop applications in flex.
  The applications that I develop mostly interface with databases. I
  been really impressed with all of the information and examples of Flex
  Data Services and its advantages.  However, I understand that
there are
  licensing issues and limits on concurrent users.
  So far I can only think of three ways that you can add content to a
  database from within a flex application:
  * Use HTTPService. I figure I can  store the information
that I
  want to post and then submit it via  querystring to an HTTP
  that would then insert the record and then return  an event after
  the inserting was complete.   If I knew it was complete, I would
  then call for the datasource to  be refreshed.
  * Use Remote Object: In this  scenario, I would use
  Coldfusion/Java and Remote Objects in order to do  the
inserting.  I
  guess I would  follow the same process. After a successful
insert, I
  would call for a new  download of all of the data and the updated
  dated would be populated  throughout the datagrid.
  * Use  Flex Data Services: (I know the explanation is poor) I
  would post via a  proxy and upon the inserting of the information
  the flex data services  would then update the current applications
  that a change had been made at  the data would then be updated and
  automatically reflected in the  applications that would be
using the
  First of all, is this even close to a good description of the options
  one has while inserting data from a flex application?
  If I don't forsee the company that I work with being able to pay
  20,000 dollars so that we can have 300+ users concurrently using flex
  data services, should I automatically decide against using flex data

[flexcoders] Re: Inserting data from Flex: FDS vs. HTTPService vs. RemoteObject

2007-04-25 Thread Scott Hoff
Thanks for that explanation.  I wouldn't have much idea where to start 
about usign C or Perl because I have never used either of those 
before.  What I had done in the past is post variables to the server 
via the query string.  I have some work to do  but as soon as it's 
done i Have more writing to do!

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Erik Price [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4/25/07, Scott Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  C or perl.  When people say CGI, do they refer to server side
  scripting in general or do they refer to a specific programming 
 Technically, CGI is a language-agnostic protocol to allow a web 
 to communicate with another application on the host (such as a Python
 script or a C binary, for example).  But in my experience, when most
 people say CGI, they're simply using as a shorthand way of saying
 server side programming in general.

[flexcoders] Re: Inserting data from Flex: FDS vs. HTTPService vs. RemoteObject

2007-04-25 Thread Scott Hoff
What makes AMFPHP much more advanced? Is that something I should 
just google? 

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Scott Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for that explanation.  I wouldn't have much idea where to 
 about usign C or Perl because I have never used either of those 
 before.  What I had done in the past is post variables to the 
 via the query string.  I have some work to do  but as soon as 
 done i Have more writing to do!
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Erik Price erikprice@ wrote:
  On 4/25/07, Scott Hoff shoff@ wrote:
   C or perl.  When people say CGI, do they refer to server side
   scripting in general or do they refer to a specific 
  Technically, CGI is a language-agnostic protocol to allow a web 
  to communicate with another application on the host (such as a 
  script or a C binary, for example).  But in my experience, when 
  people say CGI, they're simply using as a shorthand way of 
  server side programming in general.

[flexcoders] Re: Inserting data from Flex: FDS vs. HTTPService vs. RemoteObject

2007-04-25 Thread Scott Hoff
Ok.  So with FDS, the free version, as long as I have one server I 
can have unlimited concurrent users? That seems like it would be too 
good to be true because I would never have a reason to upgrade b/c 
our needs would probably be served fine with a single server.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Dimitrios Gianninas 

 You go it!
 Remember you can always use the free version of FDS, called FDS 
Express which runs on one CPU - thus one server. If your server is 
powerful enough then you might get away with it if you dont have 
that many users. You can always use HTTPService or WebService calls, 
but you will be hit with performance issues in the long run, not to 
mention dealing with complex data in those 2 scenarios will be a bit 
of a pain as well.
 Dimitrios Gianninas
 Optimal Payments Inc.
 -Original Message-
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com on behalf of Scott Hoff
 Sent: Tue 4/24/2007 5:28 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Inserting data from Flex: FDS vs. 
HTTPService vs. RemoteObject
 I'm clearly a beginner and I'm trying to get a grasp on the best
 ways to develop applications in flex.
 The applications that I develop mostly interface with databases. I 
 been really impressed with all of the information and examples of 
 Data Services and its advantages.  However, I understand that 
there are
 licensing issues and limits on concurrent users.
 So far I can only think of three ways that you can add content to a
 database from within a flex application:
 * Use HTTPService. I figure I can  store the information 
that I
 want to post and then submit it via  querystring to an HTTP 
 that would then insert the record and then return  an event 
 the inserting was complete.   If I knew it was complete, I 
 then call for the datasource to  be refreshed.
 * Use Remote Object: In this  scenario, I would use
 Coldfusion/Java and Remote Objects in order to do  the 
inserting.  I
 guess I would  follow the same process. After a successful 
insert, I
 would call for a new  download of all of the data and the 
 dated would be populated  throughout the datagrid.
 * Use  Flex Data Services: (I know the explanation is 
poor) I
 would post via a  proxy and upon the inserting of the 
 the flex data services  would then update the current 
 that a change had been made at  the data would then be updated 
 automatically reflected in the  applications that would be 
using the
 First of all, is this even close to a good description of the 
 one has while inserting data from a flex application?
 If I don't forsee the company that I work with being able to pay
 20,000 dollars so that we can have 300+ users concurrently using 
 data services, should I automatically decide against using flex 
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[flexcoders] Re: Help on the syntax for function set blah(param:String)

2007-04-24 Thread Scott Hoff
What is super special about the syntax that you pasted?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tjcox1969 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have read the section on functions in the Adobe Programming
 Actionscript manual, but I see no reference to this type of syntax:
 public function set statesNames(value:ListCollectionView):void {
   _statesNames = value;
 public function get statesNames():ListCollectionView {
   return _statesNames;
 Can someone point me to some documentation on this or give a brief
 explanation.  I am looking at a sample I found and it works, but I
 want to know why and when to use this type of function set blah()
 syntax over function setBlah()

[flexcoders] Re: Help on the syntax for function set blah(param:String)

2007-04-24 Thread Scott Hoff
OK, where did you see this to raise the question? Does wherever you
took the code from work?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Scott Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What is super special about the syntax that you pasted?
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tjcox1969 tjc1969@ wrote:
  I have read the section on functions in the Adobe Programming
  Actionscript manual, but I see no reference to this type of syntax:
  public function set statesNames(value:ListCollectionView):void {
  _statesNames = value;
  public function get statesNames():ListCollectionView {
  return _statesNames;
  Can someone point me to some documentation on this or give a brief
  explanation.  I am looking at a sample I found and it works, but I
  want to know why and when to use this type of function set blah()
  syntax over function setBlah()

[flexcoders] 1172: Definition mx.binding:RepeaterComponentWatcher could not be found?

2007-04-23 Thread Scott Hoff
I got this random error on my new data services project.  

The link below discusses a possible fix to this issue, but to my
knowledge I haven't changed anything.  It says the error at line 16,
but line sixteen of what? It doesn't link directly to a file that I
can view.

I also am following along with the flex 2: training from the source
and I ran into issues with one of the examples and it produces and
error that I don't recognize.  I'm not sure if the two issues are
related.  The error that shows up in the application is the following:

[MessagingError message='Invalid AMFX packet. Content must start with
an amfx node']
at mx.messaging.channels.amfx::AMFXDecoder$/::decodePacket()
at mx.messaging.channels.amfx::AMFXDecoder/decode()
at ::HTTPMessageResponder/completeHandler()
at ::ChannelRequestLoader/::callEventCallback()
at ::ChannelRequestLoader/::completeHandler()
at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
at flash.net::URLLoader/flash.net:URLLoader::onComplete()

[flexcoders] Embedding iframes within IE

2007-04-23 Thread Scott Hoff
Has anyone had to deal with the losing of session variables in
internet explorer b/c of the privacy settings? Apparently I need to
set up some sort of P3P Privacy policy and yet it doesn't seem to
work. There are suppposed to specifications on the W3C and I
downloaded a generator from IBM and pasted it into my /W3C/ folder in
my web directory. I think the whole deal is confusing!

what happens is that IE displays an eye with a forbidden circle below
it and it tells you that it has chosen to block external cookies. You
can fix it by lowering your privacy settings but this is not very
practicle b/c each user will have to fix it for each external site
that we link to.

The following page explains the issue:

There is also supposed to be a W3C page with an explanation:

So far,

I used a generator to create the following xml file and saved it as

?xml version=1.0?
POLICIES xmlns=http://www.w3.org/2002/01/P3Pv1;
!-- Generated by IBM P3P Policy Editor version Beta 1.12 built
2/27/04 1:19 PM --

!-- Expiry information for this policy --
EXPIRY max-age=86400/

!-- Description of the entity making this policy statement. --

!-- Disclosure --

!-- No dispute information --

!-- Statement for group Basic information --
EXTENSION optional=yes
name=Basic information/

!-- Consequence --
Data collected from all Web users: access logs, and search strings (if

!-- Use (purpose) --

!-- Recipients --

!-- Retention --

!-- Base dataschema elements. --
DATA ref=#dynamic.clickstream/
DATA ref=#dynamic.http/
DATA ref=#dynamic.searchtext/

!-- Statement for group Cookies --
EXTENSION optional=yes

!-- Consequence --
Cookies are used to track visitors to our site, 
so we can better understand what portions of our site best serve

!-- Use (purpose) --

!-- Recipients --

!-- Retention --

!-- Base dataschema elements. --
DATA ref=#dynamic.cookies

!-- End of policy --

I then added the following custom header to the folder that contains
the documents containing the frames:


[flexcoders] Flash Remoting / Flex / Datagrid

2007-04-20 Thread Scott Hoff
Does anyone know how I should go about detecting that a row has been
changed when a grid is editable and then pushing the change to the
server?  I'm currently searching for some sort of explanation but
haven't found anything yet.