Hello, I'm beginner. I have a problem with Flash builder (AS). This
group can help me, I think.
I was trying to create actionscript game, already had a 2 class file,
and first can call second class, it was worked.
But suddenly cannot call second class. I have any changes of two class
file, suddenly run debug, then cannot call other class.
I don't know what I must to do. Hope you guys can help me or can tell me
where can I take some help. Thanks for advance.
There is code :
import flash.display.Sprite;import flash.utils.*;import
flash.events.Event; [SWF(width = '730', height = '420', backgroundColor
= '#FFFFFF', frameRate = '30')]//worked, so I think first class is
OK,public class index extends Sprite{ private var cell_size:int = 21;
private var maptile:int = 38;        //this is tiled map named other
class. map is class object private var map:tiledmap; public function
index() {  addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); }   private
function init(e:Event = null):void { 
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);               
//tiledmap constuctor method take cellsize and maptile count  map = new
tiledmap(cell_size, maptile);                //then add map to sprite of
index class  addChild(map); }}
tiledmap class:
import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import
flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.utils.*;   public class tiledmap
extends Sprite {  public function tiledmap(cell_size:int, maptile:int) 
{   //draw some tiled map 38x38 width and height is 21.   ...  } }

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