[flexcoders] save snap and open again in air

2009-03-06 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnds,
could we do application which allow user to draw anything and save it on his 
pc, and latter on he can re-open this in our application.
I did drag drop control application and i'm able to save all work as a snap on 
desktop, but
 don't know is it possible to reopen it again on window and user can edit it?
thx in advanced,

[flexcoders] add tooltip in Line chart

2009-02-24 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnd,
plz check theis code
?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml;
layout=vertical verticalAlign=top   horizontalAlign=center
backgroundGradientColors=0x00,0x323232] paddingTop=0

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
private var expensesAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection
( [
{ Month: Jan, Profit: 2000, Expenses: 1500, Amount:
450 },
{ Month: Feb, Profit: 1000, Expenses: 200, Amount:
600 },
{ Month: Mar, Profit: 1500, Expenses: 500, Amount:
300 },
{ Month: Apr, Profit: 1800, Expenses: 1200, Amount:
900 },
{ Month: May, Profit: 2400, Expenses: 575, Amount:
500 } ]);

mx:Panel title=LineChart Control layout=horizontal
color=0xff borderAlpha=0.15 width=600 height=240
 paddingTop=10 paddingRight=5 paddingBottom=10
paddingLeft=5 horizontalAlign=center

 mx:LineChart id=linechart color=0x323232 height=100%
showDataTips=true dataProvider={expensesAC}

mx:CategoryAxis categoryField=Month/

mx:LineSeries yField=Profit form=curve

mx:Legend dataProvider={linechart} color=0x323232/


this code is working fine, but is thr any way with i can do the 1
thing  that is
  when i rollover on any name of month(which at X axis, like Jan),
it should show tooltip, and on this tooltip i can see the profit ,
month,amount like save i can see when i rollover on that line.
thx in advanced,

[flexcoders] label rotation in chart font size issue

2009-02-24 Thread abhishekchess1
hey frnds,
could u help in solving 
1 flex chart issue,
i have 300*250 size application,
in that showing more data like 10 records at X axis, i'm using label
rotation for X axis.
I found that labels of X axis are not visible properlly, when i write
font-size:20 at stylessheet, like
@font-face {
src: local(Arial);
font-family: EmbeddedArial;

  LineChart {
font-family: EmbeddedArial;  
fontSize: 20; 

it is increasing size of both x and y axis.
could we increase the only size of y axis which is rotated?
thx in advanced,

[flexcoders] chart issue

2009-02-24 Thread abhishekchess1
hey frnds,
plz check my code , and tell me wat to change to increase font of x
axis labels , cause it it not readable

?xml version=1.0?
!-- charts/ColumnWithDropShadow.mxml --
mx:Application xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 
layout=absolute width=310 height=250
@font-face {
src: local(Arial);
font-family: EmbeddedArial;
  ColumnChart {
font-family: EmbeddedArial; 
  import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
  public var expenses:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
 {Month:Jan, Profit:2200, Expenses:1500},
 {Month:Feb, Profit:1100, Expenses:200},
 {Month:Mar, Profit:1500, Expenses:500},
 {Month:Jan2, Profit:2000, Expenses:1500},
 {Month:Feb2, Profit:1000, Expenses:200},
 {Month:Mar2, Profit:1500, Expenses:500},
 {Month:Jan3, Profit:2000, Expenses:1500},
 {Month:Feb3, Profit:1000, Expenses:200},
 {Month:Mar3, Profit:1500, Expenses:500},
 {Month:Jan4, Profit:2000, Expenses:1500} 
  mx:Panel title=ColumnChart with drop shadow example width=310
 mx:ColumnChart width=250 height=210 id=column
dataProvider={expenses} showDataTips=true
mx:AxisRenderer labelRotation=90   /



thx you in advanced,

[flexcoders] save image on desktop in air

2009-02-20 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnds,
could we save an image or all things(which  is on our application) snap 
  on desktop with allow option to users as SaveAS .
thx in advanced.

[flexcoders] Drag Drop controls query

2009-02-10 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnds,
I'm going to create a mockup creater in air,
in that i'm showing many controls(button,text,etc)  to users and allow
him to drag drop  it in main canvas, and allow him to resize and edit
title or text.
same like this url

Could u guide me how can be done it.
thx you,

[flexcoders] Re: Streaming Video to Flex

2008-12-30 Thread abhishekchess1
can it'll give good quality when we are using FMS with IP cam, and 
 which ip cam can work well with FMS for FLEX ?
thx in advanced

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, greg h flexairvideog...@... wrote:

 Even if you find an IP camera that encodes straight to FLV, Flash Player
 does not support peer-to-peer (though maybe someday it will).  SWFs
can talk
 to servers.  In the absence of a server in the architecture, I am
having a
 hard time seeing any way for SWFs to find and talk directly to the
 And yes, RTMP is the protocol of live video streaming.  (btw, all of the
 above is true for SWFs whether authored w/ Flex, Flash or any other
 authoring option.  At runtime, the constraint is Flash Player's
 Perhaps others on this list have seen a serverless live video
solution. If
 so, I certainly would like to know some details  :-)
 Might you be able to use the Flash Media Live Encoder? (aka FMLE) 
 page here:
 When using FMLE to publish, any Flex or Flash SWF can receive and
 the live stream.
 This devnet article provides a quick overview of the architecture of
a Live
 Web Broadcast using FMLE.
 I do see that you wrote I don't want to use FMS.  FMLE does
require FMS.
 If your requirement has the camera and Flex apps on the Internet,
you do not
 have to put up your own FMS, but rather could use hosting from a CDN
 partner.  CDN partners who support live streaming are listed here:
 Just curious, where you wrote I don't want to use FMS, am I
correct that
 you are planning on using an RTMP server other than FMS?  If not, if you
 find a serverless solution, please post back with details.
 One more question (and it is a bit random), does your requirement
call for
 true video w/ audio?  If not, perhaps you can use a non-RTMP server
to relay
 a series of bitmap snapshots.  The following link is a post by Thibault
 Imbert regarding capturing content into a JPEG file:
 Googling around, I found the following link for a product that
appears to
 stream a series of captures:
 *Please post back regarding whether the above answers your question,
and if
 you find it helpful :-)*
 Best regards,

[flexcoders] ip webcam with Flex

2008-12-25 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnds,
Could we use ip webcam with our Flex application?
thx in advanced

[flexcoders] Resize and Movw effect to air main native window

2008-12-09 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnds,

I have  air application, in that i have 1 canvas which contain 1
component page,
canvas has height=0 at first,
When user clicks on increase btn it should increase  to top , when
user clicks on decrease it should go again to  height=0;
both should work with effect , but it is not working,
is any idea?

thx in advanced

[flexcoders] HTML IN FLEX

2008-11-17 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnd,

i have a simple query ,
i'm storing text in string var like
var coreData:String = 'img border=0 alt= style=width: 77px;
height: 43px; src=chart.png /' +
'span style=font-weight:
bold;Hi how are you/spanspan style=font-weight: bold;' +
' Welcome herebr /br /img
border=0 alt= style=width: 76px; height: 43px; src=chart.png
/ ' +
'abhishek herebr //spanbr
/span style=font-weight: bold;br /br //span';
var s:String;
s =htmlhead/headbody;
s +=coreData;
s +=/body/html;   
myhtml.htmlText = s;

it woring correctlly in AIr application like :
mx:VBox width=100% height=100%
mx:HTML width=100% height=100% id=myhtml/

but when i used same in flex   u can see it not working same like
in air.

Flex code:
mx:VBox width=100% height=100% 
mx:TextArea id=myhtml  textAlign=center width=100%

u can run and check code in flex and air, ui'' find difference. In
AIr its showing right but not in flex.
r u have any idea  how to make work above example ?
 i come to know tht thr is problem with image displaying in textarea
in flex ,is any other way anyone know?
thx in advanced 

[flexcoders] AIR with twitter

2008-10-13 Thread abhishekchess1
hello all frnds,

i want to connect my AIR application with twitter API,
 i never used any API before,
i used
 mx:HTTPService id=httpSerSendMessage

but it give an error
[RPC Fault faultString=HTTP request error
faultCode=Server.Error.Request faultDetail=Error: [IOErrorEvent
type=ioError bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=Error
#2032: Stream Error. URL:
http://twitter.com/direct_messages/new.format; errorID=2032]. URL:

is authentication mtd is req ?
how to use authentication mthod 
http://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.format , and wat to send
in it ?

[flexcoders] drag and drop in flex

2008-10-02 Thread abhishekchess1
hello all,
could anyone tell me how can we allow users to drag controls like
datagrid , slider ,etc from 1 canvas to anather ?

[flexcoders] html in flex

2008-09-25 Thread abhishekchess1
hello frnds,
 i'm using html in flex , in my html code i'm showing first 1 image
then its details then at next line
 anather image and its details , but when i'm doing this , it shows
first image then text of its beside it and next line but beside first
img 2nd image's details also and then it showing 2nd image.
so could u tell how can i show it in proper format like in html.

my code is
  mx:VBox id=v1 width=600 height=800

  mx:TextArea htmlText=img border=0 alt= style=width:
76px; height: 91px; src=http://serverpath/files/i1.jpg; /span
style=font-weight: bold;KB br /Hi how are youbr /img
border=0 alt= style=width: 78px; height: 78px; src=http://
serverpath/files/i2.jpg / Nimo br /pls feel free to join usbr //



[flexcoders] how to catch selected item using repeater in flex 2.0

2007-10-16 Thread abhishekchess1
i'm using httpService to get rss feed and showing images in repeater
control, i want to show message with selected(Clicked) image, but 
it not showing the title of selected image while selecting image.