[flexcoders] How to prevent style inheritance?

2008-09-03 Thread gerhard.schlager

I've developed a component which extends Panel (e.g. class MyPanel) to
which I apply some styles. It works perfectly fine. However, when I
put another Panel inside MyPanel it inherits some of the styles of its
parent. That's quite annoying. I've uploaded a demo [1] which shows
the problem. When you click the button Change style the Panel inside
MyPanel changes its colors (headerColors) too.

Can I somehow prevent in MyPanel that its children inherit the styles
from the parent? It would be great if the children don't get notified
about changes to styleName in MyPanel at all. If that's not possible
I'd like at least to filter out some of the style changes so that the
children of MyPanel don't inherit for example the headerColors.

I'd be really grateful for some tips or code snippets. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

[1] http://mjl.at/temp/demo2/

[flexcoders] Re: Extracting DataVisualization

2008-08-29 Thread gerhard.schlager
Just start the command prompt by entering cmd in Start-Run and run
the following command to extract the source of SDK 3.1 (depending on
your Windows verson and language).

Windows XP (English):
java -jar C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
3\sdks\3.1.0\lib\DMV-source.jar C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Adobe\Flex C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex
Builder 3\sdks\3.1.0

Windows XP (German):

java -jar C:\Programme\Adobe\Flex Builder
3\sdks\3.1.0\lib\DMV-source.jar C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\All
Users\Anwendungsdaten\Adobe\Flex C:\Programme\Adobe\Flex Builder

Windows Vista:
java -jar C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder
3\sdks\3.1.0\lib\DMV-source.jar C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Flex
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.1.0

[flexcoders] Cairngorm: AnnounceFaultEvent

2008-08-09 Thread gerhard.schlager

I'm currently experimenting with the Universal Mind Cairngorm
extensions and I'm wondering where I should add an event listener for
the AnnounceFaultEvent. I'd like to have one listener for all faults
which logs the errors ... I just can't figure out where I should put
my listener. :-/

I'd be grateful for any hint. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

[flexcoders] Re: Application close event?

2008-08-09 Thread gerhard.schlager
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Guy Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone know if there is an event that can be used to trigger  
 clean-up activities when a Flex app is closed, either by the browser  
 being closed or the user navigating to a new page?

Just look at [1] and [2].

[1] http://flexblog.faratasystems.com/?p=134

[flexcoders] Re: Sub-Objects in AdvancedDataGrid?

2008-08-08 Thread gerhard.schlager
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, tudsy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I seem to recall seeing this issue discussed, but can't find it right

I had a few problems with this too [1]. There's a link to a small demo
which shows how it could work, however, there's still the problem with
the binding and automatic updates of the displayed content. I managed
to do this with lots of event listeners that dispatch the events from
sub-objects ...

In case you want to use the sort function in the grid you have to
implement a custom sortCompareFunction as well. However, there are a
few problems. Please look at my bug report (with a possible
workaround) at [2].


[1] http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/119270
[2] https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FLEXDMV-1817

[flexcoders] DataGrid - data binding when dataField is field.innerField

2008-07-15 Thread gerhard.schlager
I often have to use field.innerField as dataField in some
(Advanced)DataGrids. Therefore I've written a labelFunction as
mentioned in [1] which displays the value of such nested objects.

However, for obvious reasons the DataGrid doesn't notice changes to
innerField. I've created a small example [2] which demonstrates the
problem. When you change manufacturer in the TextInput you see the
changes immediately in the DataGrid, but when you change the driver's
name the DataGrid doesn't refresh.

You can use View source if you want. The example is quite simple.

Do you know a way to automatically update the DataGrid whenever the
bound column (eg. field.innerField) changes? Is it possible to
dispatch an event when innerField changes so that the DataGrid knows
which cell it should refresh?

[1] http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/flexcoders/message/115848
[2] http://mjl.at/temp/demo1/

[flexcoders] Universal Mind Cairngorm Extensions - Examples?

2008-06-26 Thread gerhard.schlager

Are there any examples which show how to use all those new things
found in the Universal Mind Cairngorm Extensions? I know there are
some bits and pieces in the ASDocs, however, I'm looking for a
complete sample application that uses all extensions and shows how and
when to use it.

Or are there at least some blog posts, tutorials or something like
that which show how to use those extensions?

Best regards,

[flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Model Locator

2008-04-30 Thread gerhard.schlager
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tom Chiverton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Why do you need to do so ?

I need to do this because there would be a lot of unused data in the
client's memory. When a user works for hours with the application he
will be working with a lot of data. Without freeing the memory that
wouldn't be possible. Moreover, after some time he would be working
with old and inaccurate data since the data is already loaded on the
client so it won't load the new data from the server.

[flexcoders] Re: Cairngorm Model Locator

2008-04-30 Thread gerhard.schlager
That's exactly what I was thinking about after I wrote my first
message.  I could do this in the Commands that load / unload the data.
I have to check there if the data is already loaded anyway, so that
could be the right place to track which window is using the data.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, jer_ela [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I assume that when a new window is opened you have an event that
 causes the data it needs to be loaded into the model locator.  And you
 will probably have a check to see if the data is already loaded so you
  don't load it twice.  
 Just keep track in the model of how many users there are for that
 data.  When windows close or otherwise no longer need the data have
 them send an event that causes the counter to decrement.  When it gets
 to 0 you can unload the data.

[flexcoders] Cairngorm Model Locator

2008-04-29 Thread gerhard.schlager

I'm currently creating the software design for a large application
which we are going to build using Flex 3, Cairngorm 2.2.1 and SabreAMF
(PHP). I have already created my first prove of concept, however, I
have a few issues with Cairngorm's Model Locator.

1) How can I make sure that unused data gets removed from the Model
Locator? The simple solution would be to destroy the data that a view
loaded when the view gets closed. However, we are going to use flexmdi
and it's quite possible that one or more MDI windows are using the
same data. The only solution I've come up so far is to make the Model
Locator aware of which window uses which data. Therefore it could free
the unused data when no view uses it anymore. Yet, this could be a
very error-prone solution. Moreover, I would loose the last bit of
loose coupling. So, I'm not sure if that's a good way to handle this.
Well, the Model Locator itself is often seen as an anti-pattern as
well ...

2) Should I really put everything into _one_ Model Locator? I guess
there could be quite a large number of public variables. Our
application will have up to 50 different views and about twice as many
VO ...

I'd be really grateful if somebody could enlighten my ;-) or if you
could give me some tips on how to solve those two problems.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,