[flexcoders] FLEX3 Datagrid enabling data paging

2008-01-04 Thread kamiseq
I'm looking for a ready to use component that is able to page data and
load very quickly. I 've only found
http://www.badongers.com/blog/?p=73 but it is just filling datagrid
with nulls to show scrollbar and that is strange approach for me. 

I know that lifecycle should give me such feature but it is not free.
I was looking for such a component in interent but I couldn find
nothing better.

So maybe I should write my own component and I would like make it more
1)it uses amf to comunicate with server
2)it knows about numbers of rows(lines) to display but is taking only few
3)scrollbar should be something like in picasa aplication
4)catch sroll event is catched
5)clickable header enabling sorting and filtering

nothing special but as I am totally new to action script and flex in
general, can you tell me how to draw my own scrollbar and controll it
(can i do it without drawing anything by myself, I dont have
macromedia flash studio), which component use as a base for my own
scrollable like datgri

[flexcoders] 1)detecting that model changed in custom component, 2)setting HTTP connection

2008-02-17 Thread kamiseq
hej. im developing gui based on flex3+cairngorm lib+tomcat6 as a backend.

now I have two issues
1)let say I made custom component which is extending panel (canvas
whatever), it contains [Bindable] public variable called model.
model is assigned to every textInput in that component. so when
content of the model changes then all values in TI will change as
well. I have more controls on my component.

PROBLEM now how can I figure out that model has really changed and
that I should update the view of component (switch to other state, or
tick the field in checkbox or make form disabled). user can load new
data form remote service any time filling the model and component
should know how to look with new data.

I could put new variables into my model that will do the job but this
is short term solution.

2)I want to login using https by httpservice, but then I want to use AMF.
if I download flex app using http then login want work but amf is, or
if I connect to server by https then login works but amf will not.

and here I have a problem because as Flex documentation is saying I
need add crossdomain.xml, but I cant find any good example how to
prepare the xml file and finaly where to put it to make it working and
visible to flex app.
