[flexcoders] Module GC question

2007-04-18 Thread kyle.vanvranken
So here is the situation. I have an app that loads up a module, passes
the module a reference to a VBox residing in the app. The module then
tosses in a couple UI components into the VBox that are attached to
some processing going on in the module. Within the module there is a
timer firing off events every few seconds and I can see this with some
trace output. When I unload the module, or unload the module and clear
the Vbox children wise I still see the timer event firing my trace.

My question is this shouldn't unloading the module wipe out that
timer? If it doesn't as it would seem it is not, it would stand to
reason that GC is never going to pick it up leading to a wonderful
memory leak if load up any more of that module. If thats the case what
is the best way to free up that memory?

Thanks in Advance,

[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-19 Thread kyle.vanvranken
I found a really good series of articles further explaining my issue.
On the off chance anyone has a similar issue here they are.


Specifically the one pertaining to my issue is:

[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-19 Thread kyle.vanvranken
So it would be best to remove all listeners that you can and set every
var the module is using to null before unloading it to get that memory

That's definitely doable I'm just surprised that unloading the module
doesn't wipe out all those references. Thanks for the quick reply Alex!

[flexcoders] Multiple Modules Best Practices

2007-04-24 Thread kyle.vanvranken
So after struggling with a memory leak pertaining to the loading of
multiple modules and references hanging about after unloading said
modules I am curious how others are dealing with the situation. I know
there must be others out there loading up multiple modules in
widget-like fashion. The example that comes to mind was a Portal app
that loaded various widgets into it. Unfortunately the only examples
I've found online use very simple UI based modules. I understand that
weak references are the key I just seem to be unable to come up with a
good solution.

To those of you out there using modules that a do more than display a
UI component how are you managing the loading/unloading and
destruction of the modules loaded?

[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-25 Thread kyle.vanvranken
So I've been playing with ways trying to get the many module memory
issue cleared up and seem to be unable to get it to work in even a
very simple test case. Any chance you can tell me what I am doing
wrong here? When I force GC I can see the swf getting unloaded etc but
the memory use just keeps going up.


layout="vertical" creationComplete="init()">


package com.widget
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
import mx.modules.IModuleInfo;
import mx.modules.ModuleManager;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import mx.events.ModuleEvent;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
import mx.utils.NameUtil;

public class CustomModLoader extends EventDispatcher
private var allMods : Dictionary;

public function CustomModLoader()
allMods = new Dictionary(true);

public function loadMod(url : String, display :
DisplayObjectContainer, args : Array) : Object
//var module : IModuleInfo = 
var uniName : Object = 
allMods[uniName] = new Array();
(allMods[uniName] as Array)['info'] = 
as IModuleInfo;
//module.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modReady);
   // module.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, modError);
(allMods[uniName] as
Array)['info'].addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modReady);
(allMods[uniName] as
Array)['info'].addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, modError);

function modReady(e : ModuleEvent) : void
(allMods[uniName] as
Array)['info'].removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modReady);
(allMods[uniName] as
Array)['info'].removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, modError);
trace(uniName + " - READY");

(allMods[uniName] as Array)['mod'] = ( (allMods[uniName]
as Array)['info'] as IModuleInfo ).factory.create() as IWidgetMod;
//var widget : IWidgetMod = module.factory.create() as
( (allMods[uniName] as Array)['mod'] as IWidgetMod
).init(display, args);
uniName = null;
//widget.init(display, args);
//allMods[uniName] = {mod: widget, 
info: module};
widget = null;
module = null;
uniName = null;

function modError(e : ModuleEvent) : void
trace("error loading module " + e.module.url);
  (allMods[uniName] as
Array)['info'].removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, modReady);
  (allMods[uniName] as
Array)['info'].removeEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, modError);
  uniName = null;
   (  (allMods[uniName] as Array)['info'] as IModuleInfo ).load();
return uniName;


public function killMod(name : Object) : void
if(allMods[name] != null)
( (allMods[name] as Array)['mod'] as IWidgetMod 
( (allMods[name] as Array)['info'] as 
IModuleInfo ).release();
( (allMods[name] as Array)['info'] as 
IModuleInfo ).unload();
 (allMods[name] as Array)['mod']  = null;
(allMods[name] as Array)['info']  = null;
allMods[name] =null;
delete allMods[name];
} else
trace("NO MOD!");


[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-25 Thread kyle.vanvranken

It would seem I have the same memory problem even when using the
higher level ModuleLoader. I get the same results memory wise with my
system or the module loader. It still unloads the swf etc, but
continues to eat more and more memory.

layout="vertical" creationComplete="init()">

[flexcoders] Re: Open source Flex (incl. compiler)

2007-04-26 Thread kyle.vanvranken
To be honest I am not surprised that flex is going open source and was
just talking about this with a friend of mine a day or so ago. I
figured it was only a matter of time. Logically it makes sense and I
think it's a smart move on Adobe's part. In doing so they open up the
doors to developers from all walks to jump in and get their hands
dirty with flex and effectively ramp up development on Flex. This in
turn leads to better adoption of the platform, better components,
integration etc etc. Plus from a business standpoint they're still
making money with FDS and going to increase the demand for said
product with greater adoption of Flex.

All the same kudos and thank you to Adobe!

- Kyle VanVranken

[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-26 Thread kyle.vanvranken
UPDATE: So it would seem the hack method of forcing garbage collection
for my test was actually causing the trouble.

try {
  new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
  new LocalConnection().connect('foo');
} catch (e:*) {}

Without that code it seems to be working nicely now. I've had a test
app running on my machine now for a bit with a timer every couple
seconds reloading the simple module and it appears to be working as
intended now. I don't really understand why forcing GC was causing it
to eat up more memory then not forcing, but I am sufficiently
satisfied that it seems to be working.

[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-27 Thread kyle.vanvranken
Think I misread your post the first time. As for being sure you can
see it unload the swf in console.

Documentation wise I've seen it a couple places. One of them being here:
It's said that you should only use it in testing.

- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-27 Thread kyle.vanvranken
Well as soon as I removed the call to force GC it started working. I
cant be sure, but logically it would make sense.

[flexcoders] Re: Module GC question

2007-04-27 Thread kyle.vanvranken
To be honest I couldn't tell you why it was causing the issue. 

As for your problem, all the documentation I have seen on using the GC
"hack" says that it is just that a hack. You're not supposed to be
able to trigger GC and as such that it should only be used as a tool
in testing. My advice would be to step back for a min and find out
what is actually causing the memory leak you're having. At best the GC
hack would be a bandaid for the real issue at hand. I realize we all
have deadlines to make, but if your memory leak is that bad it would
seem to make sense that the greater good would be served by fixing
what is causing the leak.

[flexcoders] Viewstack in a Popup

2007-04-30 Thread kyle.vanvranken
In my wandering I have seen conflicting reports on if you can use a
ViewStack/TabNav/Accordian component within a popup. The following
link's author appeared to be having an issue memory wise when they
used one of these components in a popup. 


So can you use a ViewStack in a popup without memory problems?

- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: Viewstack in a Popup

2007-05-01 Thread kyle.vanvranken
Thank you again Alex! You are always the first guy to answer.

- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: RIA: record insert best practices

2007-05-07 Thread kyle.vanvranken
+1 for the back end. 

If nothing else to further abstract your underlying data layer. It
might help to think of flex as your medium for displaying/interacting
with all that data in a useful/meaningful way. Leave things like UID
generation serverside.

[flexcoders] Re: Data Push with Remote Objects

2007-05-10 Thread kyle.vanvranken
First off let me preface this in saying I'm not a Java guy, least not
just yet. To my understanding there are a couple options you have that
may or may not work for your given situation.

1. Polling - not really much fun and pretty inefficient.
2. Setting up a version system for the data that needs to be updated.
For instance a contact list that every time it is updated increments
the last version. You send you updated contact to GDS it see's the
version you're updating isn't the current version and alerts you etc.
3. Setup your own Java messaging via whatever app server you're using.
So you update X contact it alerts the message service that anyone with
X contact should update to the new one you updated. More or less I
believe thats all FDS does. Mind you they have it all setup nice and
clean for you already. I know Red5 has a JMS system built into it that
Flex can consume, so assuming Flex can connect to any JMS it would
just be a matter of setting it up and making the appropriate
announcements across the JMS within your update service etc.

It really comes down to how "real time" you need your data to be. The
first to options would be pretty easy to implement. The 3rd, as I'm
not a Java guy once again, I'm not 100% sure about. You might try
contacting someone over at GDS as I'm sure if nothing else it would
make for an awesome feature request if they're not already working on
something like that.

Out of curiosity how are you liking GDS? Currently the project I am
working on uses AMFPHP and I was thinking of moving to FDS(big $ maybe
there) or something open source like GDS for the next version of the
project. I haven't seen too many people using GDS yet so any info on
your experiences thus far would be greatly appreciated.

- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: Flex: Modular Applications

2007-05-15 Thread kyle.vanvranken
This might help with you're listeners.


- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: Flex: Modular Applications

2007-05-16 Thread kyle.vanvranken
I have been having the same issue more or less. See here:


>From what it looks the only way to get most of it cleaned up is to
implement some sort of cleanup method on all your modules. Making
things like listeners weak should make this a little easier. I really
wish there was more documentation wise about "Best Practices" in
dealing with modules short of the simple examples loading a UI
component as a module. If that's all they're meant to do why bother. A
REAL example with a module that has things like a Remote Object in it.
Examples of how best to load it up AND properly unload/dispose of it all.

- Kyle

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Christopher Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kyle,
> Thanks a bunch this should help...
> I'm guess things like producers/responders would also need to be 
> disconnected first before garbage collection happens?
> Because when i unload a module all these things appear to continue to 
> hang around.
> -Christopher
> kyle.vanvranken wrote:
> >
> > This might help with you're listeners.
> >
> > http://www.gskinner.com/blog/archives/2006/07/as3_weakly_refe.html 
> > <http://www.gskinner.com/blog/archives/2006/07/as3_weakly_refe.html>
> >
> > - Kyle
> >
> >

[flexcoders] Re: [cairngorm-devel] Flex HotFix 2 and Cairngorm 2.2

2007-05-25 Thread kyle.vanvranken
I feel you on the hotfix installation. It would be nice if you could
just run the update from within eclipse/fb. On a more positive note
whoohoo for fixing some GC issues!

- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: [cairngorm-devel] Flex HotFix 2 and Cairngorm 2.2

2007-05-29 Thread kyle.vanvranken
It's really not that big of a deal. I mean extracting a zip is not
that hard I was just saying in an "ideal" situation using the updater
would be nice. I suppose that if I had to choose between waiting
longer for hotfixes or having to manual patch I most defiantly choose
manual patching! :)

Also any ETA on the hotfix friendly Cairngorm?

[flexcoders] Re: [cairngorm-devel] Flex HotFix 2 and Cairngorm 2.2

2007-05-30 Thread kyle.vanvranken
Thank you very much! That was quick too!

- Kyle

[flexcoders] Hotfix 2 and Modules

2007-05-30 Thread kyle.vanvranken
So after installing the most recent hotfix I am getting a new error
when trying to load a module. Maybe its me, but it was working before
the hotfix.

VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of subtopic in
at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()

Here is the code that is throwing the error:

private function makeLivePreview() : void

var module : IModuleInfo =

function modError(e : ModuleEvent) : void
trace('MOD ERROR');
function modReady(e : ModuleEvent) : void
trace('MOD READY');
function modReallyReady(e : Event) : void


- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: Hotfix 2 and Modules

2007-05-30 Thread kyle.vanvranken
So oddly enough...

var module : IModuleInfo =

that works..found out when I fat fingered it in doing some testing.

Yeah no idea here.

- Kyle

[flexcoders] Re: Hotfix 2 and Modules

2007-05-30 Thread kyle.vanvranken
Suppose I should clarify, by works I mean it will at least hit my
modError func, as it should. And yes in the 1st post I realized I had
the funcs for ready/error swapped.

Not enough coffee yet.

[flexcoders] Re: Is anyone using WebORB with a Java back end?

2007-06-04 Thread kyle.vanvranken
I haven't had much experience with WebORB, but I believe it was meant
to be used with langs other then Java. I remember reading something
about not planing to have a Java version as FDS already does that well.

One product you might want to check out as a Java alternative:


Not tons of info on it on this board, but I believe some people are
using it pretty successfully.

[flexcoders] F10 in AIR problem

2009-03-03 Thread kyle.vanvranken
Anyone here have any experience using function keys in AIR? I am having a 
problem most 
specifically with the F10 key under windows. The default behavior of said key 
being to open 
the current window's context window. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


[flexcoders] Re: F10 in AIR problem

2009-03-04 Thread kyle.vanvranken
They key handler for the F10 key is working. The problem is that immediately 
there after the focus is pulled to the windows context menu. For example you 
hit F10 which triggers some alert prompt. You try and hit enter to dismiss the 
alert but when you do so the windows context menu pops up.Hit enter again and 
focus is returned and the alert is dismissed. Basically I want to disable this 
context menu functionality.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tom Chiverton  wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 Mar 2009, kyle.vanvranken wrote:
> > behavior of said key being to open the current window's context window. Any
> > help would be greatly appreciated.
> You mean, it should but doesn't, or you've tried writing a key press event 
> handler and it isn't getting through ?
> -- 
> Tom Chiverton
> Helping to apprehensively transform eyeballs
> as part of the IT team of the year, '09 and '08
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