[flexcoders] Select Picture from DataBase

2008-12-28 Thread nash.e2008
Hi, All

I am stopped writing code because I have no idea how to
select Picture from Database and reflect to FLEX.
(I dont even know how to store picture into mySQL)

Please help me out!

[flexcoders] Automatically generating database applications

2008-09-24 Thread nash.e2008
I need a help on using Automatically generating database application.

I am using 
Flex Builder 3

and trying to generate a PHP database application.

When I create new project, I choose PHP then I dont know what is my
WEB root and Root URL

If anyone help me out.

thank you

[flexcoders] Re: Flex via php.

2008-09-03 Thread nash.e2008
Thank you for your tip.

It would help me a lot.
Ive heard about AMFPHP, but never have used it before.
I will try using AMFPHP!

[flexcoders] Flex via php.

2008-09-03 Thread nash.e2008
hi, my name is JIM, new to the FLEX.

i am wishing if some of you guys can help me out here
and plz help me out here.
i have no idea how I can solve this problem

the question is within communication from flex to php 
and i already succeed receiving value at PHP side although I can not
send value as array from php.
(Im able to get value at php side from Database)
How can I send value from php to flex?

P.S. sorry for my terrible English.

this is a source
$shop_row = $data->get_Data($shop_sql);
$return_Data[] = $genre_row;
$return_Data[] = $shop_row;
//I am thinking the error is the way to return the value
echo $return_Data[];
class getDBData{
function getDBData(){
 * receive the data, and make it array
 * received valueFSQL execute command
 * return valueFarray
 * */
function get_Data($sql){
// MySQL communicating
if (!($rs = mysql_query($sql))) {
// MySQL viewing record
$init = True;
while ($item = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
// MySQL init
if ($init) {
// MySQL counting # of records
$clct = count($item) >> 1;
// MySQL checking the name of items
for ($i = 0; $i < $clct; $i++) {
$tmp = each($item);  // dummy
$tmp = each($item);
list($mds, $dmy) = $tmp;
// MySQL command ended
$init = False;
for ($i = 0; $i < $clct; $i++) {
$array[] = $item[$i];
return $array;
source code of receiving the value
private function get_Result(event:Event):void
var loader:URLLoader = event.target as URLLoader;
var result:Array = loader.data;

//I have no idea how to receive the value here...

[flexcoders] UPDATE SQL using FLEX

2008-06-18 Thread nash.e2008
Hi All

Im havin trouble usin flex.
What Im tryin to do is just update mySql using flex.

This must be easy but not for me...
if you guys are havin time to waste for me, plz help me out here.

here is my code:


http://localhost/xampp/rh.php"; useProxy="false">




[flexcoders] Re: Combobox, not be able to update mysql on second time.

2008-06-18 Thread nash.e2008

Im sorry, somehow it works for me as well

I have no idea why it works fine now

anywayz thank you so much!

[flexcoders] Combobox, not be able to update mysql on second time.

2008-06-16 Thread nash.e2008
hi, my name is Jamie, newbie of flex.

Im trying to get data from mysql using php.
I successfully got data on combobox,
and even updated to mysql once.
but second time, i can not update.

I got a duplicate entry error
now, no idea what I can do.

I really really really need a help from anyone who knows anything to 
help me out and get me out from getting error message.

plz plz plz help me...

Im gonna post entire my code below.

thank you.



while ( $User1 = mysqli_fetch_object( $Result1 ) )
$Return .= "".$User1-
$Return .= "";

print ($Return);
mysqli_free_result( $Result1 );

print ($Return);
mysqli_free_result( $Result3 );