[flexcoders] Extending ColumnSeries to force labels to always display vertically.

2009-05-11 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is it possible to create a class which extends ColumnSeries to 
force all the labels in my ColumnChart to rotate vertically?

I am unable to accomplish this...

Any thoughts or ideas??? 

Thanks everyone.

[flexcoders] Which Class should I extend???

2009-05-08 Thread sailorsea21
Hey everyone, what class should I extend to manipulate the label inside my 
ColumnSeries ???

I would like to force the labels in my ColumnSeries to always display 
vertically and if there isn't enough room inside the column to automatically 
display outside the column...

Thanks guys!


[flexcoders] Source could not be found.... when I CTRL-CLICK on a chart Class???

2009-05-08 Thread sailorsea21
Does anyone know why I get the following error when I CTRL-CLICK on a chart 

Source could not be found for mx.charts.series.ColumnSeries in 
C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\Flex Builder 

I'm using Adobe Flex Builder 3.0 (build


Thanks guys...


[flexcoders] Forcing a ColumnSeries label to always display vertically?

2009-05-07 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, how can I force a ColumnSeries label to always display vertically?



[flexcoders] Sorting columns in a Datagrid don't sort with itemRenderer...

2009-05-05 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with sorting columns in a datagrid when using 

Without the itemRenderer, everything works fine but when I use an itemRenderer, 
the column with the itemRenderer doesn't sort, it simply rotates the rows of 
that column 

dgColumn.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(Smiles);

Here's my itemRenderer file Smiles.mxml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml; 


private var smileImage:String;

private function setSmileImage():void
if(data.amount  50)
smileImage= 'smile001.png';
else if(data.amount = 50)
smileImage= 'smile002.png';


mx:Image id=image verticalCenter=0 horizontalCenter=0 


[flexcoders] Is it possible to create a 4 axis Plot Chart ???

2009-04-29 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is it possible to create a 4 Axis Plot Chart forming a + ?

Left to Center: 0 - 50
Center to Right: 50 - 100
Bottom to Center: -100 - 0
Center to Top: 0 - 100


[flexcoders] How can I pass a var to a class???

2009-04-28 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is it possible to pass a variable when I call a class???

This is what I'm doing:

bar.setStyle('itemRenderer', new ClassFactory(BarColorRenderer));

My class is 'BarColorRenderer' and I would like to also pass it a variable. Is 
it possible? 

This is my class:

public class BarColorRenderer extends mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin implements 
public function BarColorRenderer()

Thanks everyone.

[flexcoders] verticalAxisRenderers - How can I set my font size of my AxisRenderer Label ???

2009-04-27 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have a BarChart with the following AxisRenderer.
I am unable to change the fontsize of my label 
and my label does not display fully, it is shorten with '...'.


barChart.verticalAxis= axisV;
var axisVRenderer:AxisRenderer   = new AxisRenderer();
axisVRenderer.placement  = 'left';
axisVRenderer.axis   = axisV;
axisVRenderer.labelRenderer  = new 
barChart.verticalAxisRenderers   = [axisVRenderer];

My Class:
import mx.charts.AxisLabel;
import mx.controls.Label;
import mx.core.IDataRenderer;

public class InnerlabelRenderer extends Label implements IDataRenderer
private var _data:AxisLabel;
override public function get data():Object
return _data;

override public function set data(value:Object):void
if(value != null)
this.text = String(value.text); 
this._data = value as AxisLabel;

[flexcoders] VIEWSTACK question.

2009-04-23 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have a question on viewstacks.

I have my viewstack created on MXML with the main canvas also created in MXML.

something like:
mx:Viewstack id='myViewstack' creationPolicy='all' 
mx:Canvas id='mainCanvas'/

At initialize I call 'getOtherCanvases' function, which adds additional 
canvases to 'myViewstack' depending on the result I receive from my DB.

My question: When I switch viewstack Index, the content of the canvas wasn't 
previously created and all the children jitter in place the first time I load 
each index. Shouldn't the creationPolicy='all' create all the children of the 

How can I achieve this?

If I create the viewstack and main canvas in actionscript, will it solve my 

Thanks everyone. :)


[flexcoders] How can I receive the smallest value within an Array?

2009-04-16 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, if I have an array as

var boxSize:Array = new Array(25, 45, 32, 70, 50, 46, 80, 10);

Is there a function that will return me the smallest value within that array?



[flexcoders] I need to set a label...???

2009-04-15 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I need to set a label... 

The actual label is in a ArrayCollection.
I can access is like this:
and so on...

Is it possible to access the labels dynamically like this:

var labelNames:Array = new Array(label001, label002, label003);

for each(var getName:String in labelNames)
var radio00:RadioButton = new RadioButton();
radio00.label = this[parentApplication.MyLabelArray.getItemAt(0).getName;

I can't get this to work... Is there a better way to approach this?

Thanks everyone!


[flexcoders] How can I create an event that calls a function?

2009-04-14 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, 
How can I create an event that calls a function once an ArrayCollection is 

This is what I'm using at the moment but I would like to avoid setTimeout:

public function checkArrayCollection():void

setTimeout(checkArrayCollection, 200);

[flexcoders] HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE !!!

2009-04-12 Thread sailorsea21
Just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER !!! :)

[flexcoders] include .as file question.

2009-04-08 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is it possible to do something similar to this on the MXML file:

include this[parentApplication.filename + .as];

I want to dynamically include an .as file depending on what is received from 
my AMFPHP object...

If this is not possible, is there a simpler way to accomplish this?



[flexcoders] How can I have my class return an ArrayCollection?

2009-04-08 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, 
how can I have this following class return me an ArrayCollection whenever I 
call it

public class Services
public var serviceArray:ArrayCollection;
public var serviceXML:XML;

public function getServices():void
var service:HTTPService= new HTTPService();
service.url= test.php;
service.useProxy   = false;
service.method = POST;
service.resultFormat   = e4x;
service.showBusyCursor = true;
function (event:ResultEvent):void
serviceArray   = new ArrayCollection();
serviceXML = event.result as XML;
var ourxml:XML;
for each(ourxml in serviceXML.elements()) 

[flexcoders] Is it possible to include a .as file in actionscript within a function?

2009-04-07 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is it possible to include an .as file in actionscript within a 
function but not have the included .as be restricted within the function?

private function loaded():void
include axis.as;

Above, the include file will only apply to the function. How can I include a 
file to the main file or app???



[flexcoders] How can I call a function from a class?

2009-04-06 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, How can I call a function from a class?

import test.layout; 

private function callClassFunction():void

// CLASS FILE layout.as
package test
public class layout
public function traceTest():void
  trace(This is a test.);


[flexcoders] How can I add a SeriesInterpolate effect with actionscript to my PieChart?

2009-03-30 Thread sailorsea21
mx:SeriesInterpolate id=action duration=1000 minimumElementDuration=200/

var pie:PieSeries = new PieSeries();

Does anyone know why the following doesn't animate my chart? Thanks.

[flexcoders] PieChart Legend Label???

2009-03-30 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, with a ColumnChart, I can set my custom Legend name by setting the 
displayName attribute in my ColumnSeries.

How can I set a custom name to my PieChart Legend Label??


[flexcoders] horizontalAxisRenderer VS horizontalAxisRenderers?

2009-03-27 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, 
I have the following script:
var columnChart:ColumnChart = new ColumnChart();
var axisVRenderer:AxisRenderer  = new AxisRenderer();
axisVRenderer.placement = left;
axisVRenderer.axis  = int_20;
axisVRenderer.labelFunction = axisPercent;
***columnChart.verticalAxisRenderers   = axisVRenderer; 

I don't understand why it's generating the following error:

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type mx.charts:AxisRenderer to an 
unrelated type Array.

If I replace the verticalAxisRenderers by verticalAxisRenderer I receive the 
following warning:

3606: 'verticalAxisRenderer' has been deprecated.  Please use 

Should I use verticalAxisRenderer and ignore the warning?



[flexcoders] SeriesInterpolate in actionscript ColumnChart?

2009-03-27 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I'm trying to set a SeriesInterpolate for my ColumnSeries, this is 
my code:

var columnChart:ColumnChart = new ColumnChart();
var action:SeriesInterpolate= new SeriesInterpolate();
action.duration = 1000;
action.minimumElementDuration   = 200;
action.elementOffset= 0;
var myColumnSeries:Array= new Array();  
var col:ColumnSeries= new ColumnSeries();
col.yField  = data;
col.xField  = title;  
columnChart.series  = myColumnSeries;

If I write it out in MXML, I can get it to work, but not in actionscript. What 
am I doing wrong?


[flexcoders] HOW can I convert a string into a DataGridColumn ?

2009-03-26 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have the folowing script that adds the % symbol:

public function dataGridPercent(item:Object, column:DataGridColumn):String
var str:String = item[column.dataField];
return str + %;

This works fine but it breaks my export to excel script. I'm thinking because 
the value is now a string. How can I keep the value as a DataGridColumn but add 
the % symbol ?

The following doesn't work:

public function dataGridPercent(item:Object, 
var str:String = item[column.dataField];
return DataGridColumn(str + );



[flexcoders] How can I format the text in my custom labelFunction?

2009-03-11 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, 

how can I format the text in my custom labelFunction (bold, center, color...)

CategoryAxis: labelFunction=test_labelFunc.

private function 
var labelArray:Array = item.split('?');
return labelArray[0] + '\n' + labelArray[1] + '\n' + labelArray[2];

I would like my return text to be centered and my labelArray[0] to be bold.

Are there any tutorials?


[flexcoders] DYNAMIC actionscript child layout.

2009-02-15 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, when I create my layout with mxml components, my layout is 
dynamic. If I resize my browser window, my components are also resized.
How can I achieve this in actionscript using addChild???

var Layout:Canvas = new Canvas();

testlayout is my vbox that will be parent to the canvas.


[flexcoders] DYNAMIC LINKBUTTONS styleNames.

2009-02-13 Thread sailorsea21
I have a series of 3 linkButtons.
I am able to switch the styleName of a linkButton when I click on it 
as follows:

private var linkButton:String = 'linkButton';

private var linkButtonOff:String = 'linkButtonOff';

mx:LinkButton id=test001 label=001 styleName={linkButton} 
buttonMode=true click=setType(event)/

mx:LinkButton id=test002 label=002 styleName={linkButton} 
buttonMode=true click=setType(event)/

mx:LinkButton id=test003 label=003 styleName={linkButton} 
buttonMode=true click=setType(event)/

private function setType(result:Event):void
result.currentTarget.styleName = linkButtonOff;

How can I automatically reset all the other linkButtons styleNames 
to {linkButton} when a linkButton is clicked?

Thank you.

[flexcoders] ArrayCollection DataProvider question.

2009-02-10 Thread sailorsea21
I loaded the following xml as an ArrayCollection.  

  result id=1
  result id=1
  result id=2
  result id=2

How can I use this as a dataprovider but only using the values in 
result id=1 and not result id=2?

My arraycollection var is Arraydays.
I tried {Arraydays.(@id=='2')} but it gave me an error: Error #1123: 
Filter operator...


[flexcoders] ACCORDION - How can I switch my cursor to a pointer?

2009-02-06 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, how can I switch my cursor to a hand pointer when it goes 
over the accordion header?



[flexcoders] XML - What var type can I use for my XML nodes?

2009-02-05 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have the following:

mx:XML id=testID format=e4x source=xml/test.xml/
mx:Text text={testID.result.(@now=='today').date}/

What var type can I use for testID.result.(@now=='today') to simply 
my text string?

I would like to have the following:

public var xmlvar:String = testID.result.(@now=='today');

mx:Text text={xmlvar.date}/



[flexcoders] RERENDER - Is there a way to force a canvas to re-render/refresh?

2009-02-02 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is there a way to force a canvas to rerender/refresh?



[flexcoders] PIE - Animated pie chart still displays old data when updated???

2009-01-30 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I created an animated pie chart that is divided into 3 

mx:PieChart dataProvider= {test}
mx:PieSeries labelPosition= outside nameField=name 
mx:SeriesInterpola te/

The pie animates perfectly but when new data comes in, if the new 
data has only data for 2 out of the 3 segments, it will animate 
correctly and display the sections correctly but the old data from 
the 3rd section remains as if it's cached somehow. If I minimize IE 
and then restore it, the old data disappears as if the page 
refreshes... Is there a way to automatically refresh the page still 
animating the pie charts. If I remove the animation I do not have 
this problem.



[flexcoders] Sailorsea21 - Animated pie chart still displays old data when updated???

2009-01-29 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I created an animated pie chart that is divided into 3 

mx:PieChart dataProvider={test}
  mx:PieSeries labelPosition=outside nameField=name 

The pie animates perfectly but when new data comes in, if the new 
data has only data for 2 out of the 3 segments, it will animate 
correctly and display the sections correctly but the old data from 
the 3rd section remains as if it's cached somehow. If I minimize IE 
and then restore it, the old data disappears as if the page 
refreshes... Is there a way to automatically refresh the page still 
animating the pie charts. If I remove the animation I do not have 
this problem.



[flexcoders] How can I display the ID of my HTTPService in my FaultEvent?

2008-12-03 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, how can I display the ID of my HTTPService in my 
FaultEvent? The following script doesn't work and I can't understand 

private function get_fault(event:FaultEvent):void
mx.controls.Alert.show(event.currentTarget.id + ., 
event.fault.faultString + :); 

event.currentTarget works but I would like to display the ID.



[flexcoders] Copy multiple datagrids to the clipboard...

2008-12-03 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have a script that copies data from a datagrid to a 
clipboard and I can then paste it in Excel. How can I modify this 
script if I would like to copy data from 2 or more datagrids???

Here's the script:

mx:Button label=Copy It click=copyDataGrid(thedataGrid)/

public function copy(dg:DataGrid):void
var str:String = new String();
var rows:Number = 0;
str += dg.name;
str += \n;
for(var i:int = 0;idg.columns.length;i++)
str+= dg.columns[i].headerText + \t;
str += \n;
for(var j:int =0;jdg.dataProvider.length;j++)
for(var k:int=0; k  dg.columns.length; k++)
if(dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j) != undefined 
 dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j) != null)
if(dg.columns[k].labelFunction != undefined  
dg.columns[k].labelFunction != null)
str += \ + dg.columns
[k].labelFunction(dg.dataProvider.getItemAt(j),dg.columns[k])  + \ 
+ \t;
var data:String = new String();
if( dg.dataProvider.getItemAt
(j)[dg.columns[k].dataField] == null)
data = ;
data = 
data = data.replace(//g, );
str += \ + data + \ 
+ \t;
str += \n;

[flexcoders] Flex 3 - Export to Microsoft Excel?

2008-12-01 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is it possible to export to Excel?

If I have a chart or a datagrid, is it possible to export it to 
Microsoft Excel?



[flexcoders] Is there a way to include MXML inside another MXML like PHP include ?

2008-11-28 Thread sailorsea21
Is there a way to include MXML inside another MXML like PHP include ?


[flexcoders] Re: Is there a way to include MXML inside another MXML like PHP include ?

2008-11-28 Thread sailorsea21
How can I access values from the component?
I tried the following but it didn't work:

My component colors.mxml has the following:
mx:SolidColor id=test color=#00/

My main app has this:

... xmlns:custom=comp.* ...

but it doesn't work.

I'm trying to clean out my main MXML code in seperate files...


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, SAAGAR SHETTY 

 Yes there is.
 You can create a mxml component and use that.
 The only difference is that this mxml will not have 
mx:Application tag in it.
 Instead it will start with a container like panel or vbox etc.
 To include this in your application all you have to do is include 
its namespace and use the name of the mxml file in which you have 
created your component.
 If you are using flex builder it will take care of name space 
 Saagar Shetty
 From: sailorsea21 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, 28 November, 2008 7:56:30 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Is there a way to include MXML inside another 
MXML like PHP include ?
 Is there a way to include MXML inside another MXML like PHP 
include ?
   Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to 

[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - is there an include command in Flex that acts likes PHP include?

2008-11-28 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I would like to clean up my main mxml file since it's 
getting farely big. Is there an include command that will allow me to 
split up my MXML code in several MXML files. Something like the PHP 
INCLUDE command?


[flexcoders] How can I force the labels on my ColumSeries to remain vertical?

2008-11-26 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, How can I force the labels on my ColumSeries to always 
remain vertical? At the moment, if the labels are short enough, they 
will remain horizontal. 

This is what I have in my code:
mx:ColumnChart showLabelVertically=true ...
mx:ColumnSeries labelPosition=outside ...

This is what I have in my CSS:
@font-face {
src: local(Arial);
font-family: EmbeddedArial;
ColumnSeries {
font-family: EmbeddedArial;


[flexcoders] Sailorsea21 - Can I use a nested XML node as a dataprovider for my pie chart?

2008-11-25 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, can I use a nested XML node as a dataprovider for my 
pie chart?

I have the following XML file:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF- 8' ?
test001464 /test001
test002425 /test002
test00326 /test003
test00463 /test004
test0054573 /test005

answerYes /answer
answers90 /answers
answerNo/ answer
answers10 /answers

test001254 /test001
test002346 /test002
test00346 /test003
test00463 /test004
test005453 /test005

I would like to have a pie chart based on the subresult.


[flexcoders] Can I use a nested XML element as a dataprovider for my pie chart?

2008-11-24 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, can I use a nested XML element as a dataprovider for my 
pie chart?

I have the following XML file:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?



I would like to have a pie chart based on the subresult.


[flexcoders] Re: How can I place my labels in my column chart vertically?

2008-11-21 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I'm actually talking about the labels for my 
I got something visually working but it doesn't always display the 
correct data. The data in my Column DataTips are precise but the data 
from my ColumnSeries Labels aren't always precise

This is what I did:

On my mx:ColumnChart... I added showLabelVertically=true.
On my mx:ColumnSeries... I added labelPosition=outside 
And on my CSS file I added:

@font-face {
src: local(Arial);
font-family: EmbeddedArial;
ColumnSeries {
font-family: EmbeddedArial;

My ColumnSeries Labels are now Vertical but the data isn't always the 
right data???

I really need to solve this... Thanks :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Brendan Meutzner bmeutzner@ 
  If you're talking about the horizontalAxis labels then..
  1) Embed a font, and specify that font in your label style
  2) set rotation on horizontalAxisRenderer
  In order to rotate the labels, an embedded font must be used.
 You can also rotate text objects that are not using embedded fots 
 setting the blendMode to layer.

[flexcoders] I can't get my ColumnSeries labels to display the correct data...

2008-11-21 Thread sailorsea21
Hey everyone, I can't get my ColumnSeries labels to display the correct 

My DataTips always display the correct data but some labels in my 
ColumnSeries are (at times or always) wrong...

Can anyone help me out with this?



[flexcoders] How can I place my labels in my column chart vertically?

2008-11-20 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, how can I place my label on my column chart series 



[flexcoders] I set my column labels vertically but now my vertical axis labels disappeared?

2008-11-20 Thread sailorsea21
I was able to set my column labels vertically but now my vertical axis 
labels disappeared... How can I fix this issue?


[flexcoders] Why aren't my .as files included when I build my project?

2008-11-19 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, why are my .as files being excluded when I build my 


[flexcoders] Re: Why aren't my .as files included when I build my project?

2008-11-19 Thread sailorsea21
I'm working with Flex Buildre 3.

All my .as files are in a folder called as.

I link to them as follows:
mx:Script source=as/myfile.as/

Here is the file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
actionScriptProperties mainApplicationPath=uiscores.mxml 
compiler additionalCompilerArguments=-locale en_US 
copyDependentFiles=true enableModuleDebug=true 
generateAccessible=false htmlExpressInstall=true 
htmlGenerate=true htmlHistoryManagement=true 
htmlPlayerVersion=9.0.124 htmlPlayerVersionCheck=true 
debug outputFolderPath=bin-debug sourceFolderPath=src 
strict=true useApolloConfig=false verifyDigests=true 
libraryPath defaultLinkType=1
libraryPathEntry kind=4 path=/
libraryPathEntry kind=1 linkType=1 path=libs/
application path=uiscores.mxml/
module application=src/uiscores.mxml destPath=module_admin.swf 
optimize=true sourcePath=src/module_admin.mxml/
module application=src/uiscores.mxml 
destPath=module_refresh_rate.swf optimize=true 
module application=src/uiscores.mxml 
destPath=module_videotron_qt_res_tous.swf optimize=true 
module application=src/uiscores.mxml destPath=module_close.swf 
optimize=true sourcePath=src/module_close.mxml/
module application=src/uiscores.mxml 
destPath=module_render_print_close.swf optimize=true 

Thank you very much.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Maciek Sakrejda [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Because your project is not configured correctly.
 Hard to say more without details. Are you building with eclipse? 
Can you
 post your .actionScriptProperties file (found in the root of your
 project directory), and describe your project layout?
 Maciek Sakrejda
 Truviso, Inc.

[flexcoders] Re: Why aren't my .as files included when I build my project?

2008-11-19 Thread sailorsea21
Hi Tracy, I innitially had all my actionscript embedded in my mxml. 
I decided to clean up the file and put the actionscript in an .as 
file in a folder called as.

After I build my application, the as folder and the .as files are 
not copied in my bin-debug folder therefore when I run the app, it 
doesn't work.

I call my file with the following command: 
mx:Script source=as/myfile.as/

My myfile.as has the following structure:

// ActionScript file

import mx.controls.Alert;

private function login_FaultHandler():void
mx.controls.Alert.show(Could not connect...);

Thank you.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Exactly what do you mean by excluded?  What problem are you 
 And you understand that the Script source= syntax is an *include*
 functionality?  It essentially physically copies the code verbatim 
 the file that declares it, before compilation.  It is identical to
 putting the code in a script block.  It is not for classes.

[flexcoders] Re: Why aren't my .as files included when I build my project?

2008-11-19 Thread sailorsea21
Thanks Tracy, the problem was not my .as file... 
For some reason, ie was not showing me any errors, the app was simply 
not working so I figured that it was not loading my .as files... 
I tested in firefox and received an error. I was able to fix the bug.

Thanks for the help! :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ah, they should *not* be copied into the bin folder.
 Only files required to run the application should be in (copied 
 the bin folder.
 Included files and class files are all compiled into the resulting 
 If the app does not work it is not because of this.
 When you say it doesn't work., what do you mean?

[flexcoders] Memory Leaks... Cumulative Memory and Memory.

2008-11-19 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I think I'm having some issues with memory leaks.
The memory of my Cumulative Memory and of my Memory keep increasing.
When I unload modules, the memory doesn't drop and if I reload the 
modules, the memory keeps climbing...

When I use the import command (ie:import mx.controls.Alert;), do I need 
to unload the mx.controls.Alert when I unload my module?
If so, how do I do this?

If not, why does my memory keep climbing  when I unload a module and 
reload it? Shouldn't it drop and then climb back?



[flexcoders] How can I add a Progress bar to show the render to JPG progress?

2008-11-18 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have a button which renders my component to JPG.
How can I attach a progress bar to show the progress of the rendering?

mx:Button label=render click=renderasJPEG ()/

public function renderasJPEG( ):void
convertToImage( component001, new JPEGEncoder( 100));

private function convertToImage( object:IUICompon ent, 
encoder:IImageEncod er):void
var base64string: String = ImageSnapshot. encodeImageAsBas e64(
ImageSnapshot. captureImage( object, 72, encoder));
var variables:URLVariab les = new URLVariables( );
variables.encoded = base64string;
variables.type = jpeg;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest( script_saveasima ge.php);
request.method = POST;
request.data = variables;
navigateToURL( request, _blank);


[flexcoders] How do I add a Progress bar to show the render to JPG progress?

2008-11-17 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have a button which renders my component to JPG.
How can I attach a progress bar to show the progress of the rendering?

mx:Button label=render click=renderasJPEG()/

public function renderasJPEG():void
convertToImage(component001, new JPEGEncoder(100));

private function convertToImage(object:IUIComponent, 
var base64string:String = ImageSnapshot.encodeImageAsBase64(
ImageSnapshot.captureImage(object, 72, encoder));
var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
variables.encoded = base64string;
variables.type = jpeg;
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(script_saveasimage.php);
request.method = POST;
request.data = variables;
navigateToURL(request, _blank);


[flexcoders] How can I get my CircleItemRenderer to work with SeriesInterpolate?

2008-11-14 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, how can I get my CircleItemRenderer to work with my 
interpolate on a LineSeries??? If I remove the Interpolate, the 
ItemRenderer works fine but when I add the Interpolate, the 
itemRenderer disapears??? 

Do I need to import anything to make this work??? (import mx.charts...)

This is my script.

mx:SeriesInterpolate id=seriesInterpolate duration=1500/  
mx:ColumnSeries showDataEffect={seriesInterpolate} yField=TOTAL 
mx:LineSeries showDataEffect={seriesInterpolate} 
temRenderer=mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer yField=TOTAL2 
displayName=TOTAL (2)/   


[flexcoders] If I have 2 panels, each with their own print buttons, can I have one function?

2008-11-13 Thread sailorsea21
Hello everyone,
if I have 2 panels, each with their print buttons, can I simply have 
1 function for both buttons? This way, if I have 15 panels, I can 
only use one function for all the print buttons instead of 15...

This is my simplified script:

private function print(event:MouseEvent):void
var Printbutton:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
var printConfirmed:Boolean = Printbutton.start();   

mx:Panel id=PanelTest001
mx:Button label=print click=print(event)/

mx:Panel id=PanelTest002/
mx:Button label=print click=print(event)/

Thank you very much.

[flexcoders] Re: If I have 2 panels, each with their own print buttons, can I have one function?

2008-11-13 Thread sailorsea21
Hi Gregor, 
are there any examples? How can I go about it?

Thanks again.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel:   01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London 
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at www.inps.co.uk
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is 
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information 
in it
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented 
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] Re: If I have 2 panels, each with their own print buttons, can I have one function?

2008-11-13 Thread sailorsea21
Printbutton. addObject(event.Target. ???);
How do I target the panels?
I would like each button to target their panel using the same 


private function print(event: MouseEvent) :void
var Printbutton: FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob( );
var printConfirmed: Boolean = Printbutton. start(); 
Printbutton. addObject(event.Target. ???);
Printbutton. send();

mx:Panel id=PanelTest001 
mx:Button label=print click=print( event)/

mx:Panel id=PanelTest002 /
mx:Button label=print click=print( event)/

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The code you wrote was pretty much spot on... are there any other
 requirements you didn't mention?
 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel:   01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London 
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at www.inps.co.uk
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is 
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information 
in it
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented 
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] Re: If I have 2 panels, each with their own print buttons, can I have one function?

2008-11-13 Thread sailorsea21
This worked! Thanks again :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Something like...
 ((Its been a while since I looked at the printing stuff, but this 
 give you a head start))
 private function print(comp: UIComponent) :void
 var Printbutton: FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob( );
 var printConfirmed: Boolean = Printbutton. start(); 
 Printbutton. addObject(comp);
 Printbutton. send();
 mx:Panel id=PanelTest001 
 mx:Button label=print click=print(PanelTest001)/
 mx:Panel id=PanelTest002 /
 mx:Button label=print click=print(PanelTest002)/
 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel:   01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London 
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at www.inps.co.uk
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is 
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information 
in it
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented 
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] Why does seriesInterpolate disables my CircleItemRenderer in my LineSeries...?

2008-11-13 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have a ColumnChart with 2 ColumnSeries and 2 
My LineSeries look like this:

mx:LineSeries itemRenderer=mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer 

Everything works ok until I add an Interpolate effect to my 4 series. 
My LineSeries now look like this:

mx:SeriesInterpolate id=seriesInterpolate duration=2000/

mx:LineSeries showDataEffect={seriesInterpolate} 
itemRenderer=mx.charts.renderers.CircleItemRenderer yField=test/

Now, the interpolate effect works great on all my series BUT my 
ItemRenderers have disapeared 

Anyone has any idea why this happens???



[flexcoders] How can I directly access the yField data?

2008-11-13 Thread sailorsea21
Is there a way to simplify the script below without using the if / 
else if? 

How can I directly access the yField data?

If I type: value = event.item.yField; I get nothing insead of the 
data in my xml...

private function myDataTipFunction(event:HitData):String 
var value:String;   
if (ColumnSeries(event.element).yField == test001)
value = event.item.test001;
else if (ColumnSeries(event.element).yField == test002)
value = event.item.test002;
else if (ColumnSeries(event.element).yField == test003)
value = event.item.test003;
return value;

Thank you.


[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - showDataEffect disables my itemRenderer on my LineSeries...

2008-11-12 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, when I add a showDataEffect on my LineSeries, my 
itemRenderer on my LineSeries is no longer visible.

Here's my code:

mx:SeriesInterpolate id=seriesInterpolate duration=1000 /

mx:LineSeries showDataEffect={seriesInterpolate} 
verticalAxis={percent} id=test yField=TEST/



[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - How can I replace certain values in my array with my HTTPService?

2008-11-11 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have 2 HTTPServices that populate my array:

public var ArrayStats:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;

private var XMLStats:XML;

private function get(event:ResultEvent):void
XMLStats = event.result as XML;
for each(var ourxml:XML in XMLStats.elements() ) ArrayStats.addItem

mx:HTTPService url=test001.php useProxy=false method=POST 
id=test001 resultFormat=e4x result=get(event); test002.send()/

mx:HTTPService url=test002.php useProxy=false method=POST 
id=test002 resultFormat=e4x result=get(event)/

My array is displayed as a Column Chart.

How can I simply resend my first HTTPService and update the info that 
was previously set in the array. 

I tried an option to remove all the data in my array and resend both 
my HTTPService. It works but I would rather just update the first 

I do not want my full graph to be refreshed. I would like to have the 
columns from the 1st HTTPService updated.



[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-11 Thread sailorsea21
Thanks everyone! Works great :)
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, EddieBerman 

 Here you go...
 private function myDataTipFunction( e:HitData ):String {
 var obj:Object = e.chartItem;
 if (e.chartItem is ColumnSeriesItem) {
 ...your columnSeries code here
 } else {
 ...your lineSeries code here
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy amyblankenship@ wrote:
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, sailorsea21 sailorsea21@ 
   Hi Amy, 
   My graph is a multiple series (Column and Line).
   I successfully modified the column series datatip but my line 
   data tip is now giving me an error:
   Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
   mx.charts.series::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to 
   How can I have another function for my LineSeries data tip?
   This is my script:
   public function myDataTipFunction(e:HitData):String 
   var columnValue:String;
   var value:String;
   var yF:String = ColumnSeries(e.element).yField;
   if (yF == importations)
   columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
   e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format
   value = columnValue;
   else if (yF == finalises)
   columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
   e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.finalises);
   value = columnValue;
   return value;
  There should be a more generic type that both series types 
  from that you could use.  If not, try casting it both ways and 
  alternate paths for each.

[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, 
I have a multiple series graph: ColumnSeries and LineSeries.
How can I modify the value displayed in my ColumnSeries datatip?
The value is a numeric value like 20465. 
I would like to apply a numberFormatter to the value displayed in the 
ColumnSeries datatip without affecting the LineSeries datatip. Is 
this possible?

This is my code:


import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import mx.printing.FlexPrintJob;

import mx.graphics.codec.IImageEncoder;
import mx.graphics.codec.JPEGEncoder;
import mx.graphics.ImageSnapshot;
import mx.core.IUIComponent;
import mx.formatters.NumberFormatter;
import mx.charts.chartClasses.IAxisRenderer;

public var ArrayImportationLive:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;

private var XMLImportationLive:XML;

private function get_importationLive(event:ResultEvent):void
XMLImportationLive = event.result as XML;
for each(var ourxml:XML in XMLImportationLive.elements() ) 

private function axisSymbol
return percent_value + %;

private function axisFormatThousand
return numberFormatter.format(format);


mx:NumberFormatter id=numberFormatter/
mx:LinearAxis id=int_5000 interval=5000/
mx:LinearAxis id=percent interval=10 maximum=100/

mx:HTTPService url=xml.php useProxy=false method=POST 
id=importationLive resultFormat=e4x result=get_importationLive

mx:ColumnChart id=S_Res type=overlaid dataProvider={Array} 
mx:CategoryAxis id=H_ArrayImportationLive dataProvider={Array} 
mx:AxisRenderer placement=bottom axis={H_ArrayImportationLive}/
mx:AxisRenderer placement=left axis={int_5000} 
mx:AxisRenderer placement=right axis={percent} 
mx:ColumnSeries verticalAxis={int_5000} yField=in 
mx:ColumnSeries verticalAxis={int_5000} yField=out 
mx:LineSeries verticalAxis={percent} yField=rate 
mx:LineSeries verticalAxis={percent} yField=avg 
mx:Legend dataProvider={S_Res} direction=horizontal/  

This is my XML:

?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?

Thank you


[flexcoders] sailorsea - Several buttons targeting different panels with 1 function?

2008-11-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hello everyone, 
I have several panels. They each have a print and a save button.
Is it possible to have only one function to target the panel from the 

Here's my code:

private function print(event:MouseEvent):void
var Printbutton:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
var printConfirmed:Boolean = Printbutton.start();   

private function save(event:MouseEvent):void
convertToImage(((event.target.id)+P_b), new JPEGEncoder(100));

mx:Panel id=Panel001_SP_b/
mx:Button id=Panel001_S label=print click=print(event)/
mx:Button id=Panel001_SP label=save click=save(event)/

mx:Panel id=Panel002_SP_b/
mx:Button id=Panel002_S label=print click=print(event)/
mx:Button id=Panel002_SP label=save click=save(event)/

mx:Panel id=Panel003_SP_b/
mx:Button id=Panel003_S label=print click=print(event)/
mx:Button id=Panel003_SP label=save click=save(event)/


[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - How can I modify the value in my ColumnSeries datatip.

2008-11-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hi Amy, 
My graph is a multiple series (Column and Line).
I successfully modified the column series datatip but my line series 
data tip is now giving me an error:

Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
mx.charts.series::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to 

How can I have another function for my LineSeries data tip?

This is my script:

public function myDataTipFunction(e:HitData):String 
var columnValue:String;
var value:String;
var yF:String = ColumnSeries(e.element).yField;

if (yF == importations)
columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.importations);
value = columnValue;
else if (yF == finalises)
columnValue = ColumnSeries(e.element).displayName + \n + 
e.item.period + \n + numberFormatter.format(e.item.finalises);
value = columnValue;
return value;

Thank you.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Amy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, sailorsea21 sailorsea21@ 
  Hi everyone, 
  I have a multiple series graph: ColumnSeries and LineSeries.
  How can I modify the value displayed in my ColumnSeries datatip?
  The value is a numeric value like 20465. 
  I would like to apply a numberFormatter to the value displayed in 
  ColumnSeries datatip without affecting the LineSeries datatip. Is 
  this possible?

[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - How can I add the % symbol on my vertical axis in my chart?

2008-11-07 Thread sailorsea21
Hello everyone, 
How can I add the % symbol on my vertical axis after my value?

mx:LinearAxis id=percent interval=10/
mx:LineSeries verticalAxis={percent} yField=test  



[flexcoders] ss - Is it possible to display all my series in my chart but not in my legend?

2008-11-07 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, is it possible to display all my series in my chart but 
not in my legend?


[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - How to stop a timer that is in a private function?

2008-11-06 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, I have the following timer:

private function initTimer():void {
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(3);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, updateData); 

How can I stop the following timer?
Can it be stopped using another function?



[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - How to stop a timer that is in a private function?

2008-11-06 Thread sailorsea21
Is the reference global?
My reference myTimer cannot be access from another function...
Can you clarify? Thanks.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Gregor Kiddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 The target property in the TimerEvent when it fires contains a 
 to the Timer Object that you can use to stop the Timer.
 Gregor Kiddie
 Senior Developer
 Tel:   01382 564343
 Registered address: The Bread Factory, 1a Broughton Street, London 
 Registered Number: 1788577
 Registered in the UK
 Visit our Internet Web site at www.inps.co.uk
 The information in this internet email is confidential and is 
 solely for the addressee. Access, copying or re-use of information 
in it
 by anyone else is not authorised. Any views or opinions presented 
 solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of
 INPS or any of its affiliates. If you are not the intended recipient
 please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[flexcoders] How can I stop my HTTPService?

2008-11-03 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone,

I have an HTTPService that I load in a module. When I unload the module 
the HTTPService keeps working...

This is my HTTPService:
mx:HTTPService url=test.php method=POST id=rate useProxy=false 
result=getRate(event) fault=FaultHandler() showBusyCursor=true/
I start my HTTPService with the following command:

What command can I use to kill the HTTPService when I unload my module?


[flexcoders] Re: How can I stop my HTTPService?

2008-11-03 Thread sailorsea21
It doesn't seem to work... When I try to reload my module and re-
establish my HTTPService, it never connects... ?

The cursor is always busy...


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, florian.salihovic 

 How about the cancel method of HTTPService?
 Best regards.

[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - Is it possible to use a value from a variable as a Timer value?

2008-10-27 Thread sailorsea21
Hey everyone, I have a value of 3 stored in a MySQL database.

I call this value and import it in flex via HTTPService (PHP  XML):

mx:HTTPService url=value.php method=POST id=rate 
useProxy=false result=getRate(event)/

I now have a timer:
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(3);

Can I replace the hard-coded value of 3 with the value that is 
stored in my database?

This is my script:

public var valuesMilliseconds:int;  

private function getRate(event:ResultEvent):void
valuesMilliseconds = event.result.database.row.Refresh_Rate;

I tried the following but it didn't work:

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(valuesMilliseconds);



[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - Is it possible to use a value from a variable as a Timer value?

2008-10-27 Thread sailorsea21
Got it working thanks! 

My problem was that the timer was being created before the getRate 

Thanks again :)
--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Mike Chabot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can definitely use a variable there. You might want to step
 through the code to make sure that the variable is getting populated
 with the correct value and that the timer is being created after the
 getRate function completes.
 -Mike Chabot
 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 4:11 PM, sailorsea21 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Hey everyone, I have a value of 3 stored in a MySQL database.
  I call this value and import it in flex via HTTPService (PHP  
  mx:HTTPService url=value.php method=POST id=rate
  useProxy=false result=getRate(event)/
  I now have a timer:
  var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(3);
  Can I replace the hard-coded value of 3 with the value that 
  stored in my database?
  This is my script:
  public var valuesMilliseconds:int;
  private function getRate(event:ResultEvent):void
  valuesMilliseconds = event.result.database.row.Refresh_Rate;
  I tried the following but it didn't work:
  var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(valuesMilliseconds);

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - Does anyone know why this code works with Firefox but not with IE?

2008-10-23 Thread sailorsea21
This worked! Thank you very much. :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, SAAGAR SHETTY 

 Since you are using
 private var HTTPService_ url:String = company.php? ForceIEReload 
 new Date().getTime( );
 at the start of your code, it is being initialized only once. This 
means that your string is a constant throughout the program.
 That is why IE caches the data.
 Instead try the following
 private var HTTPService_ url:String = company.php? ForceIEReload ;
 mx:HTTPService url={HTTPService_ url}
 method=POST id=data 
 resultFormat= e4x result=xmlResultHandler(event) ; 
 fault=xmlFaultHand ler(event) ;
 The text in bold is the additional code you need to add.
 Hope this helps
 Saagar Shetty.

[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - Does anyone know why this code works with Firefox but not with IE?

2008-10-22 Thread sailorsea21
Hey everyone, 
I populate my chart from a MySQL database. 
My php script retrieves the data and then converts it into XML for my 
flex chart.
I needed to have the chart refreshed every 30sec without refreshing 
the entire page. 

I got a script working perfectly for Firefox. 
Every 30sec the chart updates but in Internet explorer, it will only 
update every hour or so... 

Is there a fix or is this a know IE bug?

This is the script:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

private var myxmldata:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;

private var xmlFeed:XML;

private function xmlResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
myxmldata.removeAll() ;
xmlFeed = event.result as XML;
for each(var ourxml:XML in xmlFeed.elements() ) myxmldata.addItem

private function xmlFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
var faultMessage:String = Could not connect with XML file;
Alert.show(faultMessage, Error opening file); 

public function initTimer():void {
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(3);   
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, updateData); 

private function updateData(event:TimerEvent):void {


Thanks everyone!


[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - Does anyone know why this code works with Firefox but not with IE?

2008-10-22 Thread sailorsea21
I'm using POST and a unique string for the url. See below.

private var HTTPService_url:String = company.php?ForceIEReloadms= + 
new Date().getTime();

mx:HTTPService url={HTTPService_url} method=POST id=data 
resultFormat=e4x result=xmlResultHandler(event); 

What I noticed is that in Firefox, I see the message 
Transferring data from localhost... appearing at the bottom left in 
the status bar... I can tell that every 30sec it updates whereas in IE, 
it always displays Done???

I think IE never runs the updateData function...?

private function updateData(event:TimerEvent):void {

Or maybe it kept the data.send values in cache... 

Any ideas?

Thanks everyone.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sounds like caching to me as well.  Are you using GET or POST?  I
 use post exclusively and have no caching issues.  The unique string on
 the url is an accepted solution as well.

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-21 Thread sailorsea21
Hi Tracy, 

These are the errors I received in the debug:

 _aChildren[iIndexClicked] = errors during evaluation
 No such variable: undefined

but the _aChildren variable is set as follows:
 private var _aChildren:Array=[];
and the iIndexClicked variable is set as follows:
 var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);

The iIndexClicked always returns an id=0
even if I loaded several modules...

 flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild [no source]

Here's the full function:
 private var _aChildren:Array=[];

 private function unloadclick(event:Event):void 
 var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id); 


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try the debug approaches I suggested.

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-21 Thread sailorsea21
I got it working! Thanks Tracy.

I removed the following line:

I removed the following id:
main_vbox.id = String(NewVbox);
and assigned it to the unload button

Thanks for all your help :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 First, in unloadclick, what is the intent of this line?
 Next, why is .id always = 0? You are setting it in AddModule with 
 line below. How are you incrementing the NewVbox variable each 
 I shouwed you how to do that in an earlier post.
 main_vbox.id = String(NewVbox);
 Finally, in the error, No such variable: undefined which variable 
 not being found? Debug.

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-20 Thread sailorsea21
I'm trying to re-introduce the VBox container to wrap the module and 
the button, this way each tile will display a module and a button 
together instead of seperating the module and button in seperate 
tiles but it always gives me the child error... 

Also, is it possible to have the unload button along with other 
buttons within a Hbox inside the Vbox?
The VBox will contain my ModuleLoader and the Hbox.
The Hbox will contain my unload button along with other buttons???


import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.modules.ModuleLoader;
import mx.controls.Button;  

private var main_vbox:VBox;
private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
private var unload_button:Button;

private var _aChildren:Array=[];

private function unloadclick(event:Event):void 
var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);  

public function Add():void 
var NewModule:int = _aChildren.length;  
main_vbox = new VBox();
moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
moduleloader.url = test.swf;
_aChildren[NewModule] = main_vbox.addChild(moduleloader);
unload_button = new Button();
unload_button.label = unload;
unload_button.id = String(NewModule);
unload_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadclick);


mx:Tile id=modulestile styleName=pad8 direction=horizontal/

Thanks again.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Because you introduced the Vbox container.  Neither the button or 
 moduleloader are children of modulestile, they are children of the 
 You now need to keep references to the Vbox instead, and remove 
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of sailorsea21
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:21 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
 Thanks Paul, that fixed the error in my file but I still receive 
 error when I run my application, load modules and then try to 
 a loaded module. 
 ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a 
 child of the caller.
 at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
 at mx.core::Container/removeChild()[E:\dev\3.1.0
 at content_module_template_blank/unloadclick()
 [C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LWY\UI\UI Score\UI Score 004
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%
 , Paul Andrews paul@ wrote:
  - Original Message - 
  From: sailorsea21 sailorsea21@
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:01 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
   Here's my updated code:
   private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
   private var unload_button:Button;
   private var vbox:VBox;
   private var _aChildren:Array=[];
   private function unloadclick(event:Event):void
   var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);
   *error* modulestile.removeChild(event.target); 
   public function AddColumnGraphPanel():void
   var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length;
   vbox = new VBox();
   moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
   moduleloader.url = test.swf;
   _aChildren[iNewIndex] = vbox.addChild(moduleloader);
   unload_button = new Button();
   unload_button.id = String(iNewIndex);
   unload_button.label = unload;
   unload_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadclick);
   mx:Tile id=modulestile direction=horizontal
   I have the following error in the script:
   1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a
   possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
  Quite right too..
   Thanks again :)
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com , Tracy Spratt tspratt@ 
   That is correct, you are not storing references correctly. 
 First I

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-20 Thread sailorsea21
This is what I am now trying to accomplish...

I would like to have a VBOX container to wrap the module and the 
button. This way both items can be displayed in one tile instead of 
having them split into different tiles... 

Then I would like to have a HBOX container to wrap the unload button 
and other buttons...

The VBOX has the ModuleLoader as a child and the HBOX.
The HBOX has the unload button and other buttons as childs.
Is this possible?

Here's my code:

import mx.containers.VBox;
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.modules.ModuleLoader;
import mx.controls.Button;  

private var main_vbox:VBox;
private var buttons_hbox:HBox;
private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
private var unload_button:Button;
private var button002:Button;
private var button003:Button;   

private var _aChildren:Array=[];

private function unloadclick(event:Event):void 
var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);  

public function AddModule():void 
var NewVbox:int = _aChildren.length;

main_vbox = new VBox(); 
main_vbox.id = String(NewVbox);
_aChildren[NewVbox] = modulestile.addChild(main_vbox);

moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
moduleloader.url = test.swf;

buttons_hbox = new HBox();  

button002 = new Button();
button002.label = 002;

button003 = new Button();
button003.label = 003;

unload_button = new Button();
unload_button.label = unload;
unload_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadclick);


mx:Tile id=modulestile/ 

Thank you.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Because you introduced the Vbox container.  Neither the button or 
 moduleloader are children of modulestile, they are children of the 
 You now need to keep references to the Vbox instead, and remove 
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of sailorsea21
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:21 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
 Thanks Paul, that fixed the error in my file but I still receive 
 error when I run my application, load modules and then try to 
 a loaded module. 
 ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a 
 child of the caller.
 at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
 at mx.core::Container/removeChild()[E:\dev\3.1.0
 at content_module_template_blank/unloadclick()
 [C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LWY\UI\UI Score\UI Score 004
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%
 , Paul Andrews paul@ wrote:
  - Original Message - 
  From: sailorsea21 sailorsea21@
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:01 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
   Here's my updated code:
   private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
   private var unload_button:Button;
   private var vbox:VBox;
   private var _aChildren:Array=[];
   private function unloadclick(event:Event):void
   var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);
   *error* modulestile.removeChild(event.target); 
   public function AddColumnGraphPanel():void
   var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length;
   vbox = new VBox();
   moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
   moduleloader.url = test.swf;
   _aChildren[iNewIndex] = vbox.addChild(moduleloader);
   unload_button = new Button

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-17 Thread sailorsea21
Hi Tracy, 

I don't think I'm successfully storing the reference of the children 
into the array. 

This is what I had tried:

private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
private var button:Button;
private var _aChildren:Array;

private function click(evt:MouseEvent):void {

public function AddModule():void {
moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
moduleloader.url = test.swf;
button = new Button();
button.label = unload;
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click);
_aChildren = new Array();
_aChildren[one] = tiletest.addChild(moduleloader);

But I keep getting the ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied 
DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. error.

Thanks again.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, you did not do what I suggested.
 What do you think is in moduleloader when you click the remove 
 The last thing you put in it.
 Re-read my response.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of sailorsea21
 Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2008 4:38 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
 Hi Tracy, thank you for your quick response.
 I'm a little stuck on this one... I can't get it to work...
 I'm now able to load a module and unload it. But if I load several 
 modules, I'm only able to unload the latest one. 
 When I try unloading the other loaded modules I receive the follow 
 ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a 
 child of the caller.
 at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
 at mx.core::Container/removeChild()[E:\dev\3.1.0
 at content_module_template_blank/click()
 [C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LWY\UI\UI Score\UI Score 004
 This is my code: 
 import mx.states.RemoveChild;
 import mx.modules.ModuleLoader;
 import mx.controls.Button; 
 private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
 private var button:Button;
 public function loadmodule():void {
 moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
 moduleloader.url = test.swf;
 button = new Button();
 button.label = unload;
 button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click);
 private function click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
 mx:Tile width=100% height=100% id=tiletest/ 
 mx:LinkButton label=Load click=loadmodule() buttonMode=true/
 Thank you very much.

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-17 Thread sailorsea21
Here's my updated code:

private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
private var unload_button:Button;   
private var vbox:VBox;
private var _aChildren:Array=[]; 

private function unloadclick(event:Event):void 
var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);  
*error* modulestile.removeChild(event.target); *error*

public function AddColumnGraphPanel():void 
var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length;
vbox = new VBox();
moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
moduleloader.url = test.swf;
_aChildren[iNewIndex] = vbox.addChild(moduleloader);
unload_button = new Button();
unload_button.id = String(iNewIndex);
unload_button.label = unload;
unload_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadclick);

mx:Tile id=modulestile direction=horizontal   

I have the following error in the script:
1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a 
possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.

Thanks again :)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 That is correct, you are not storing references correctly.  First I 
 explain what is wrong with your code, but then, after seeing what 
 are trying to do, will suggest a slightly different approach.
 First, you are mixing Array, which is accessed by index 
and associative
 array, which is an Object and accessed by property name:
 private var _oChildren:Object = new Object();
 Second, you are creating a new instance of that each time you click
 addModule.  This overwrites what was in there before.  Don't do 
 Third, you need a unique name for each reference you add to the
 associative array.  Don't use one every time, that just puts a new
 reference in the one property.  You can use anything you want for 
 property name.  Pick something that is meaningful.  How will you
 identify which child you want to remove?  Is it purely numerical? 
If so
 you can use 1, 2, etc.  Usually there is some string that is 
 for this, like an id, or an image's base file name.  whatever, 
 it must uniquely identify the instance you want to later remove.
 Now, after looking at your code a bit more, and seeing that you do 
 have a clear string or id you can use for identifying the 
references, I
 am gong to suggest a different approach.
 private var _aChildren:Array= [];   //declare an 
 an Array
 public function addModule():void {
   var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length;  //this will be the next
 available index in the array
   button = new Button();
   button.id = String(iNewIndex);   //NOTE: you can NOT use this id 
as a
 reference, but you CAN access its value
   button.label = unload;
   button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickUnload);
   moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
   moduleloader.url = test.swf;
   _aChildren[iNewIndex] = tiletest.addChild(moduleloader);  //NOTE: 
 associated button id property value matches the index of the array 
 }// addModule
 private function onClickUnload (event:Event):void {
   var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);  
 }// onClickUnload
 Try this.  it is untested.
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of sailorsea21
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 11:45 AM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
 Hi Tracy, 
 I don't think I'm successfully storing the reference of the 
 into the array. 
 This is what I had tried:
 private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
 private var button:Button;
 private var _aChildren:Array;
 private function click(evt:MouseEvent):void {
 public function AddModule():void {
 moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
 moduleloader.url = test.swf;
 button = new Button();
 button.label = unload;
 button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click);
 _aChildren = new Array();
 _aChildren[one] = tiletest.addChild(moduleloader);
 But I keep getting the ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied 
 DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. error.
 Thanks again.
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%
 , Tracy Spratt tspratt@ wrote:
  Well, you did not do what I suggested.
  What do you think is in moduleloader when you

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-17 Thread sailorsea21
Thanks Paul, that fixed the error in my file but I still receive the 
error when I run my application, load modules and then try to unload 
a loaded module. 


ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a 
child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at mx.core::Container/removeChild()[E:\dev\3.1.0
at content_module_template_blank/unloadclick()
[C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LWY\UI\UI Score\UI Score 004


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Paul Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message - 
 From: sailorsea21 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:01 PM
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
  Here's my updated code:
  private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
  private var unload_button:Button;
  private var vbox:VBox;
  private var _aChildren:Array=[];
  private function unloadclick(event:Event):void
  var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);
  *error* modulestile.removeChild(event.target); 
  public function AddColumnGraphPanel():void
  var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length;
  vbox = new VBox();
  moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
  moduleloader.url = test.swf;
  _aChildren[iNewIndex] = vbox.addChild(moduleloader);
  unload_button = new Button();
  unload_button.id = String(iNewIndex);
  unload_button.label = unload;
  unload_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadclick);
  mx:Tile id=modulestile direction=horizontal
  I have the following error in the script:
  1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a
  possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
 Quite right too..
  Thanks again :)
  --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt tspratt@ 
  That is correct, you are not storing references correctly.  
First I
  explain what is wrong with your code, but then, after seeing what
  are trying to do, will suggest a slightly different approach.
  First, you are mixing Array, which is accessed by index
  and associative
  array, which is an Object and accessed by property name:
  private var _oChildren:Object = new Object();
  Second, you are creating a new instance of that each time you 
  addModule.  This overwrites what was in there before.  Don't do
  Third, you need a unique name for each reference you add to the
  associative array.  Don't use one every time, that just puts a 
  reference in the one property.  You can use anything you want 
  property name.  Pick something that is meaningful.  How will you
  identify which child you want to remove?  Is it purely numerical?
  If so
  you can use 1, 2, etc.  Usually there is some string that is
  for this, like an id, or an image's base file name.  whatever,
  it must uniquely identify the instance you want to later remove.
  Now, after looking at your code a bit more, and seeing that you 
  have a clear string or id you can use for identifying the
  references, I
  am gong to suggest a different approach.
  private var _aChildren:Array= [];   //declare an
  an Array
  public function addModule():void {
var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length;  //this will be the next
  available index in the array
button = new Button();
button.id = String(iNewIndex);   //NOTE: you can NOT use this 
  as a
  reference, but you CAN access its value
button.label = unload;
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickUnload);
moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
moduleloader.url = test.swf;
_aChildren[iNewIndex] = tiletest.addChild
(moduleloader);  //NOTE:
  associated button id property value matches the index of the 
  }// addModule
  private function onClickUnload (event:Event):void {
var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);
  }// onClickUnload
  Try this.  it is untested.
  From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of sailorsea21
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 11:45 AM
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
  Hi Tracy,
  I don't

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-17 Thread sailorsea21

Thank you very much for your help :)


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Tracy Spratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Because you introduced the Vbox container.  Neither the button or 
 moduleloader are children of modulestile, they are children of the 
 You now need to keep references to the Vbox instead, and remove 
 From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com 
 Behalf Of sailorsea21
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 3:21 PM
 To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
 Thanks Paul, that fixed the error in my file but I still receive 
 error when I run my application, load modules and then try to 
 a loaded module. 
 ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a 
 child of the caller.
 at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
 at mx.core::Container/removeChild()[E:\dev\3.1.0
 at content_module_template_blank/unloadclick()
 [C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LWY\UI\UI Score\UI Score 004
 --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%
 , Paul Andrews paul@ wrote:
  - Original Message - 
  From: sailorsea21 sailorsea21@
  To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com mailto:flexcoders%
  Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 8:01 PM
  Subject: [flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.
   Here's my updated code:
   private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
   private var unload_button:Button;
   private var vbox:VBox;
   private var _aChildren:Array=[];
   private function unloadclick(event:Event):void
   var iIndexClicked:int = parseInt(event.target.id);
   *error* modulestile.removeChild(event.target); 
   public function AddColumnGraphPanel():void
   var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length;
   vbox = new VBox();
   moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
   moduleloader.url = test.swf;
   _aChildren[iNewIndex] = vbox.addChild(moduleloader);
   unload_button = new Button();
   unload_button.id = String(iNewIndex);
   unload_button.label = unload;
   unload_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, unloadclick);
   mx:Tile id=modulestile direction=horizontal
   I have the following error in the script:
   1118: Implicit coercion of a value with static type Object to a
   possibly unrelated type flash.display:DisplayObject.
  Quite right too..
   Thanks again :)
   --- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com , Tracy Spratt tspratt@ 
   That is correct, you are not storing references correctly. 
 First I
   explain what is wrong with your code, but then, after seeing 
   are trying to do, will suggest a slightly different approach.
   First, you are mixing Array, which is accessed by index
   and associative
   array, which is an Object and accessed by property name:
   private var _oChildren:Object = new Object();
   Second, you are creating a new instance of that each time you 
   addModule. This overwrites what was in there before. Don't do
   Third, you need a unique name for each reference you add to the
   associative array. Don't use one every time, that just puts 
   reference in the one property. You can use anything you want 
   property name. Pick something that is meaningful. How will you
   identify which child you want to remove? Is it purely 
   If so
   you can use 1, 2, etc. Usually there is some string that is
   for this, like an id, or an image's base file name. whatever,
   it must uniquely identify the instance you want to later 
   Now, after looking at your code a bit more, and seeing that 
   have a clear string or id you can use for identifying the
   references, I
   am gong to suggest a different approach.
   private var _aChildren:Array= []; //declare an
   an Array
   public function addModule():void {
   var iNewIndex:int = _aChildren.length; //this will be the next
   available index in the array
   button = new Button();
   button.id = String(iNewIndex); //NOTE: you can NOT use this 
   as a
   reference, but you CAN access its value
   button.label = unload

[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - How can I add the progress loading box when I load a module?

2008-10-16 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone, how can I add the progress loading box when I load a 
module? Is it an automated thing with flex or must I code it?



[flexcoders] sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-16 Thread sailorsea21

I have a Tile in my application:

mx:Tile width=100% height=100% id=tiletest/ 

I also have a linkbutton that loads moduleloaders in mx:Tile:

mx:LinkButton label=Load click=loadmodule() buttonMode=true/

import mx.modules.ModuleLoader; 
public function loadmodule():void {
var moduleloader:ModuleLoader = new ModuleLoader();
moduleloader.url = test.swf;

I can load the module several times but my problem is: 
If I load several modules, how can I remove a specific one, let's say 
the third one that was loaded?

Do I need to add a specific remove button within the module 
application? If so, what script can I use???

Thank you.

[flexcoders] Re: sailorsea21 - RemoveChild question.

2008-10-16 Thread sailorsea21
Hi Tracy, thank you for your quick response.
I'm a little stuck on this one... I can't get it to work...

I'm now able to load a module and unload it. But if I load several 
modules, I'm only able to unload the latest one. 

When I try unloading the other loaded modules I receive the follow 

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a 
child of the caller.
 at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
 at mx.core::Container/removeChild()[E:\dev\3.1.0
 at content_module_template_blank/click()
[C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\LWY\UI\UI Score\UI Score 004

This is my code: 

import mx.states.RemoveChild;
import mx.modules.ModuleLoader;
import mx.controls.Button; 

private var moduleloader:ModuleLoader;
private var button:Button;

public function loadmodule():void {
moduleloader = new ModuleLoader();
moduleloader.url = test.swf;
button = new Button();
button.label = unload;
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click);

private function click(evt:MouseEvent):void {

mx:Tile width=100% height=100% id=tiletest/ 
mx:LinkButton label=Load click=loadmodule() buttonMode=true/

Thank you very much.


[flexcoders] Internet Explorer bug? Automatic updating of chart works in Firefox not in IE...

2008-10-15 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone.
I have a chart that is populated from a MySQL database via PHPXML.
The chart is automatically updated every 30 seconds.
This works perfectly in Firefox but in Internet Explorer it never 

Here is my script, hope this can help:

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

private var myxmldata:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;

private var xmlFeed:XML;

private function xmlResultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
myxmldata.removeAll() ;
xmlFeed = event.result as XML;
for each(var ourxml:XML in xmlFeed.elements() )  

private function xmlFaultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
var faultMessage:String = Could not connect with XML file;
Alert.show(faultMessage, Error opening file); 

public function initTimer():void {
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(3);   

private function updateData(event:TimerEvent):void {



[flexcoders] How can I create a dynamic button that adds a new panel in my mx:Tile?

2008-10-14 Thread sailorsea21
Hello everyone, 

How can I create a dynamic button that adds a new panel or canvas in my 
mx:Tile/mx:Tile everytime I click it?


[flexcoders] Flex / Data / Create Application from Database - Can this also work as a module?

2008-10-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hi, I had a question, 
When I create an application from a Database (Flex / Data / Create 
Application from Database).
Can I modify the code to convert it into a module?

I have a main application that I would like to load the Database as a 
module. I tried replacing the mx:Application Tags to mx:Module but 
didn't work... 


[flexcoders] Re: Flex / Data / Create Application from Database - Can this also work as a module?

2008-10-10 Thread sailorsea21
It worked!!! Thanks :)

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Flex Gangsta [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 You could probably just wrap all the children of the mxml file(not  
 application) in a mxml component. If I understood you correctly, 
 is the structure you wanted to achieve.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Oct 10, 2008, at 8:41 AM, sailorsea21 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Hi, I had a question,
  When I create an application from a Database (Flex / Data / Create
  Application from Database).
  Can I modify the code to convert it into a module?
  I have a main application that I would like to load the Database 
as a
  module. I tried replacing the mx:Application Tags to 
mx:Module but
  didn't work...
  Flexcoders Mailing List
  Alternative FAQ location: 
  Search Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexcoders%
  ! Groups Links

[flexcoders] Preventing Modules from being Cached???

2008-10-10 Thread sailorsea21
How can I prevent a module from being cached?


[flexcoders] Loading, unloading and then re-loading a module with a chart populated from a My

2008-10-10 Thread sailorsea21
Hi everyone,
I can find a solution to my problem...
Loading, unloading and then re-loading a module with a chart 
populated from a MySQL database gives me this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
mx.managers::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.managers.IDragManager.
at mx.managers::DragManager$/get impl()[E:\dev\3.1.0
at mx.managers::DragManager$/get isDragging()[E:\dev\3.1.0
at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/dragScroll()[E:\dev\3.1.0
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at anonymous()
at SetIntervalTimer/onTimer()
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

I load a module into my application. It works great.
I then unload my module using the following code:


If I reload the module later on, I get the error above... 

Help would be greatly appreciated!
