[flexcoders] Re: Rotating Thing, Example inside

2007-09-09 Thread tudury_david
they probably rendered a few steps of the spinning animation into
buffers. then they display the appropriate buffer based on how far
you've rotated it.  notice how when you place a window on one side of
the cube it goes wonky when you rotate it to another side.

[flexcoders] Re: build.xml/Makefile question

2007-09-07 Thread tudury_david
Thanks Matt!

My understanding was that the intermediate step happens anyway (.AS
gets turned into byte code).  I am trying to avoid it happening over
and over again unnecessarily.  I though by saving the byte code I
wouldn't have to recreate it for .AS files that hadn't changed.

I'll look into fcsh.  is there any documentation on how to run it from
a make or ant build file?

Thank you,
david tudury

[flexcoders] build.xml/Makefile question

2007-09-06 Thread tudury_david
I've written a Makefile that compcs changed packages into .SWC
files.  Then it mxmlcs all the .SWC files and Main.AS into a final
.SWF.  It runs fine but doesn't really seem to be faster than just
mxmlcing all the .AS files at the same time.

Based on my understanding of the Gary Grossman slide show: .ABC files
should be easier to build from than .SWC files.  Looking around I
found information on how I should be able to compile all my classes
down to .ABC files with asc.  I found asc.jar and wrote a wrapper
for it; unfortunately, it can't do anything without a file listing all
the interfaces.  I think the interfaces file should be called
global.as but I couldn't find it on my machine.

Is there a way to extract something like global.as from the files
that ship with flex?  Am I wasting my time (will .ABC files not offer
me any improvement)?

thank you,
David Tudury