A note on this that I don't think was mentioned in the other posts is
if you have the newer "AC_FL_RunContent" function in your base HTML,
instead of having something like this:

You will have this (note the lack of any file extension):

So if your goal is to roll out a new version of a Flex app you could
write something like the following as the first arguments to the
AC_FL_RunContent function


This URL has more info:

The typical meta tags and no-cache headers don't see to work for these
SWF files with the combination of MSIE 7, IIS 6 and the
AC_FL_RunContent function. My guess is that it has something to do
with the object tag being written using JavaScript instead of being
present when the page is first delivered. The addition of a unique URL
variable does the trick though.

Mike Chabot

On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 11:18 AM, slangeberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Much better approach!
> Now, my question is, what do people do to prevent caching of swf files
> themselves?
> Here's the setup: I'm deploying a business app, and want all users to see
> the update to the SWF. However, I don't want to tell everyone to clear their
> cache. Should I just pass a version number to the swf request, to update to
> that point, ie - point to:
> $vers = "1.0.2";
> $path = "/flash/myMovie.swf?vers=" . $vers;
> <object file=$path>...etc.
> Is there a best practice for this kind of thing? I'm also curious how this
> will apply to Module development in Flex. How do I make sure that people
> have current modules, without blasting their cache, every time?
> Thanks,
> -Scott

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