What's the easiest way to make components visible/invisible in a 
VBox/HBox so that they "collapse" their real estate.  When you just set 
visible=false, the space for the component is still reserved in the 
associated VBox/HBox.  In addition, setting width=0 or height=0 
collapses the space for the component but doesn't collapse the gap 
space between components.

Is there an easy way to keep components in a VBox/HBox so they are 
still available via Actionscript but make them invisible *AND* also 
collapse their real estate (including gap space)?

A common example: I have a form that shows either a combo box *or* a 
text box depending on selections made by the user.  When the form 
changes from one to the other, I want to keep both controls but make 
one invisible (and collapse the associated space).  I can do this with 
a Canvas using absolute layout (I just make the controls overlap and 
then set one visible and the other invisible), but I'm tyring to get it 
to work in a VBox/HBox form if possible.

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