Subject says it all, but I have the Flash player 10 debug version
installed and when I go to debug my Flex app in Flexbuilder, it says, 

"Flexbuilder cannot locate the required version of Flash player. You
might need to install the debugger version of Flash player 9 or
re-install Flexbuilder."

Sometimes I can click "yes" to go ahead with previewing my flex app in
the browser, but if I have any debugging needs going on, like a simple
trace statement, it times out and says I need the debug version of the
player. I have installed, which is a debug version (according
to Adobe's site anyway)

Any help?  Thanks.

Jason Merrill 

Bank of  America  <<Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)>>   Global
Shared Services Solutions Development 

Monthly meetings on the Adobe Flash platform for rich media experiences
- join the Bank of America Flash Platform Community

<<attachment: ole0.bmp>>

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