
I'm trying to test a Flex application with Selenium using the set-up
described at
ontinuous-integration.html . For those not inclined to read through that
post, I'm using flash-selenium and Selenium Flex API to enable the
automated testing of the Flex application with JUnit.

The problem I'm facing is dragging and dropping an element of a list to
another component in the application. I do that with doFlexDragTo, which
seems to be the correct way to do it, but I cannot get Selenium to
recognize the element of the list I want to drag.

My list has a custom item renderer, which is nothing more than the
classic Box holding an Image and a Label. What I do to make the element
recognizable is to set a property of the renderer (let's say name or
automationName) to the text of the label and then, in the JUnit test,
use name=<label_text> as the identifier for my object. So, the call in
JUnit would be something along the lines of

flashApp.call("doFlexDragTo", "name=<label_text>", <string containing
drop coordinates>);

And nothing. Calling  getFlexVisible for the same identifier returns
false, which seems to say that the id is correct, but the object is
somehow hidden.

So, does anyone have any pointers on how can "drag that element of the
list and drop it on this component over here" can be expressed?
Specifically the "drag that element of the list" part.

Any idea is much appreciated.

Thank you!

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