I've been following the Flex/Subversion threads with interest.  I'd like 
to propose a method which keeps all project files out of subversion 
repositories without the need for manually selecting or deselecting 
files for inclusion.

Consider the scenario where you have a Subversion checked out source path:
c:\repositories\projecta\source\...all files/folders which are source 
code *.as, *.mxml

Then you have a workspace path:
c:\Flex Projects\projecta\ +bin +html-template + other stuff that is not 
Source Code

To create a new project in this structure:
1) Create a new directory under the Subversion Repository path:

2) Create a new Flex project in the workspace as normal, then:
    a) Project->properties->Flex Build Path-> Add Folder to Source Path
        This would be: c:\repositories\projectb\source\
    b) Close the Properties pane and reopen the pane after Flex finishes 
reconfiguring the project
    c) Project->properties->Flex Build Path-> set Main source folder to 
your newly imported folder and close the pane
    d) Move your "projectb.mxml" file into the newly linked source path 
and ensure that it is the default application file via
        right-click context menu & "Set as Default Application"

At this point, the project is set up.  All source files for the project 
should be located in the linked path and beyond.  There is a clear 
separation between project files, build files and source files.  
Subversion repository paths contain now project or build files and will 
not have these files magically appear.
We are converting from a single person flex team to a subversion-based 
multi-person flex team and exploring the various ways of doing team flex 
work with the least amount of pain.  I'm curious if anyone has tried 
this approach, had pitfalls with it or other commentary.  I can see 
where linked projects might get hairy as well as modules possibly.  
Someone mentioned earlier that when devs add new classes, the 
definitions or paths are stored in some project file - haven't seen that 
yet.  Most of all, realize this organizational structure has not been 
tested beyond setup and a successful compile.  By no means is it 
hardened and debugged from my point of view.


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